Do kids walk around with shovels after a good snowstorm to make money anymore?

I pay $250 an hour to have my snow shoveled. It takes all day.:)

How long does it take you to shovel it all back when she leaves?
In my neighborhood they dont. I've lived in my house since 1995 and I've seen kids out shoveling twice, but not in the last 10+ years. As mentioned above, many teenagers no longer have Summer jobs. When I was 15, I got a Summer job as a dishwasher at Dantes in the Cedar Cliff Mall. May have made $1.70? an hour. Thought it was the greatest thing. Also was a fill in paper boy for The Patriot-sad to see what they've become.
I lived in Camp Hill from 1972-77 and have some great memories of Dante's - to this day, some of the best pizza I ever had. I saw the other day that Gullifty's closed a year or two ago.
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Both of my boys shovel in the neighborhood. When it gets too heavy/deep, I assist with the snow blower. They also pull weeds, rake leaves, get the mail when people are on vacation, etc. My oldest (12) wants to start mowing lawns this year. I am apprehensive but will probably let him begin with our lawn first.

There is an older boy who began mowing lawns in our neighborhood and is now about to graduate college. So yes, it does exists in our area, but is somewhat rare.
There's a teenager in my neighborhood that uses his dads Honda power washer to do decks for $50 bucks.Smart approach with social media.
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Here in suburban Massachusetts, I see it. I still like taking care of my own property (I'll shovel when I can, and leave the snowblower in the garage) if at all possible, while I still can, so I typically tell them no thanks, but give them each some cash for the offer, because I want to encourage such practices, but, really, everyone has their snowblowers and their property is cleared shortly after a storm is finished, so I'm not sure how much of a market remains.
You give them money for not doing anything? I'll be up the next time it snows. Maybe you'll see me tomorrow.
I'm not sure I know anyone who doesn't have a snow blower these days. I think the market for kids getting business shoveling snow is far less than it used to be. Who needs a kid to shovel your driveway when you have a $500 piece of equipment in the garage that'll clear it in no time?
You give them money for not doing anything? I'll be up the next time it snows. Maybe you'll see me tomorrow.

He's trying to encourage the next generation of liberals. You should get money for nothing. The government should plow our driveways... universal snow removal is a right. But if you like your snow plow, you can keep it.
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You give them money for not doing anything? I'll be up the next time it snows. Maybe you'll see me tomorrow.

Not supposed to snow in my area, beyond a flurry. And if you're not a pre-teen/teenager from the neighborhood and you come begging for money, you'll get a snowball to the schnoz.
He's trying to encourage the next generation of liberals. You should get money for nothing. The government should plow our driveways... universal snow removal is a right. But if you like your snow plow, you can keep it.

I'm encouraging them to get out there and offer to help others, and maybe make a buck or two doing so. Don't worry ... this is an area populated with highly educated successful individuals, so most of them are moderate or liberal, and even the conservatives among us don't talk about liberals by claiming they want money for nothing, and the government should do everything ... because they are adults who have at least completed high school.
Yup. Mormon kid in my neighborhood has been doing it for years. He’s a senior now but five or six years ago he dropped off a ‘list’ of little chores he would do for a set price (clean trash cans for $1.00 for example). He’s president of his class now and dreams of going to BYU. Mormons will likely save this country I think.
My nephew was raised Mormon...super smart kid...perfect score on the math portion of the SAT. He never even considered an Ivy League school or MIT (which were viable options) and instead only applied and went to BYU. A brilliant mind wasted at a 2nd rate school just because of his religion.
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My nephew was raised Mormon...super smart kid...perfect score on the math portion of the SAT. He never even considered an Ivy League school or MIT (which were viable options) and instead only applied and went to BYU. A brilliant mind wasted at a 2nd rate school just because of his religion.

I fear that is exactly the same path my young friend is on...
I fear that is exactly the same path my young friend is on...
I don’t mean to demean BYU...considering how much $$ that religion has, im sure they have some fine programs. But when you’re blessed with a superior mind, not taking full advantage of opportunities most would only dream of having just seems like such a waste.
DingerzForDaze said:
I'm encouraging them to get out there and offer to help others, and maybe make a buck or two doing so. Don't worry ... this is an area populated with highly educated successful individuals, so most of them are moderate or liberal, and even the conservatives among us don't talk about liberals by claiming they want money for nothing, and the government should do everything ... because they are adults who have at least completed high school.

Typical, what you think you are doing and what you are actually doing aren't the same thing. You are rewarding them for doing nothing. If you really wanted to help, you would pay them to shovel a neighbors driveway. This is where you tell us that there is no need to do that, since EVERYONE has a snowblower, and is young enough to safely operate it. Yet despite this fact, you expect us to believe that kids still come around offering to help even though there is clearly zero work to be had. [sarcasm] So we totally believe everything you say about your neighborhood.[/sarcasm] Granted, I'm sure my standards for "highly educated and successful" are much higher than yours, so you might actually believe what you are saying. But I don't doubt that people in your neighborhood act they way they do around you because you are a left wing nut-job, and they want you to stay away from their families. So they agree, smile, and politely nod to get you to go away.

Now that this conversation is done, take any of your future crap to the test board.
Everybody in my neighborhood that can't shovel themselves either has a snow blower or hires a service to do it.

I don't like painting the generation of young people with a broad brush. My daughter has always had summer jobs and even an after school job. She is lazy as hell around the house but when it comes to putting cash in her pocket, she is not afraid to work.
He's trying to encourage the next generation of liberals. You should get money for nothing. The government should plow our driveways... universal snow removal is a right. But if you like your snow plow, you can keep it.

Wow, what a bizarre and cynical take. I know plenty of people that are glass half full, but in your world the glass appears to be empty.
$30? Your good old days are pretty recent. Driveway and sidewalk for $2 or so when I was a kid.
Well...we’re talking 25-30 years ago for me. I think the going rate was $5 for a small driveway and $10 for large. 2-3 of us could easily earn $30 each for a full day.
I'm not sure I know anyone who doesn't have a snow blower these days. I think the market for kids getting business shoveling snow is far less than it used to be. Who needs a kid to shovel your driveway when you have a $500 piece of equipment in the garage that'll clear it in no time?
My agar would always $hit the pot.I had to hire a service and sell it for parts.
I'm not sure I know anyone who doesn't have a snow blower these days. I think the market for kids getting business shoveling snow is far less than it used to be. Who needs a kid to shovel your driveway when you have a $500 piece of equipment in the garage that'll clear it in no time?

That is interesting. I live in a fairly upscale neighborhood and I only know 2 people that have snow blowers. Everyone else shovels their own walk/driveway, or pays someone to do it. When I am not paying hot women in bikinis to do it, I shovel it myself. I actually enjoy it, and like the exercise. When I am done, I come inside where my wife has hot cocoa (and sometimes other benefits :)) waiting.
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That is interesting. I live in a fairly upscale neighborhood and I only know 2 people that have snow blowers. Everyone else shovels their own walk/driveway, or pays someone to do it. When I am not paying hot women in bikinis to do it, I shovel it myself. I actually enjoy it, and like the exercise. When I am done, I come inside where my wife has hot cocoa (and sometimes other benefits :)) waiting.
T.M.I. alert! ;)
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Was a great way to make money for me when i was young. Do you see it anymore?

Shoveling snow is back breaking work. Cutting grass is easier. The kid in my neighborhood makes real good coin cutting grass. He has about 10 lawns and I don't think it takes him more than about 15 minutes per lawn.
I'm not sure I know anyone who doesn't have a snow blower these days. I think the market for kids getting business shoveling snow is far less than it used to be. Who needs a kid to shovel your driveway when you have a $500 piece of equipment in the garage that'll clear it in no time?

My dad's neighbor has an ATV with a plow. He plows my dad's driveway.

SNow blowers are great if you can get them to start. The problem is they are only needed a couple times a year. It is the type of tool you only really need ONE good one and about 10 neighbors should share it.
Fair, it’s fair to say we all hope YOU don’t also wear a bikini when YOU do the shoveling!

Some guys just lose it when hot chocolate AND marshmallows are involved.
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Typical, what you think you are doing and what you are actually doing aren't the same thing. You are rewarding them for doing nothing. If you really wanted to help, you would pay them to shovel a neighbors driveway. This is where you tell us that there is no need to do that, since EVERYONE has a snowblower, and is young enough to safely operate it. Yet despite this fact, you expect us to believe that kids still come around offering to help even though there is clearly zero work to be had. [sarcasm] So we totally believe everything you say about your neighborhood.[/sarcasm] Granted, I'm sure my standards for "highly educated and successful" are much higher than yours, so you might actually believe what you are saying. But I don't doubt that people in your neighborhood act they way they do around you because you are a left wing nut-job, and they want you to stay away from their families. So they agree, smile, and politely nod to get you to go away.

Now that this conversation is done, take any of your future crap to the test board.

1. You're not making any sense. You're just ranting and raving. I know the boys and the family, and they're all hard-working, upstanding members of the community, and they came outside during a rager to help neighbors and make a few bucks, so I rewarded them for their initiative, even if I wanted to finish it off on my own. I'm sure they'll be diligent doctors or research scientists like their parents, if they choose to follow in their footsteps ... and the $10 I gave them won't sway them into a life of lethargy. Yes, everyone has a snowblower, and, yes, if someone's snowblower isn't working, or they're laid up for some reason (or out of town), we help each other out. Is that really an unbelievable statement in today's world? Do you have a different experience where you live? You just seem to be flipping out for no reason.

2. I simply contributed to this thread in a positive manner. You came in here ranting about liberals, turning it into test-board'esque discussion for absolutely no reason. I'm a moderate, and one of the more conservative folks in the neighborhood.
That is interesting. I live in a fairly upscale neighborhood and I only know 2 people that have snow blowers. Everyone else shovels their own walk/driveway, or pays someone to do it. When I am not paying hot women in bikinis to do it, I shovel it myself. I actually enjoy it, and like the exercise. When I am done, I come inside where my wife has hot cocoa (and sometimes other benefits :)) waiting.

Do you live in an area where heavy snow is frequent? Are there large driveways? In MA we obviously get a good deal of snow, and the driveways in our neighborhood can almost all fit 6 cars easily, but no one has a huge winding driveway that might be too time-consuming to manage with a snowblower (necessitating a plow). When we first moved here, and had really little guys, we used a plow service, and they ripped up our yard pretty good, and sometimes didn't get to us in a timely fashion, so we just got a snowblower, like everyone else. But I still like to shovel when I can, for the workout, and to have the kids come out and contribute a little so they feel involved.
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Do you live in an area where heavy snow is frequent? Are there large driveways? In MA we obviously get a good deal of snow, and the driveways in our neighborhood can almost all fit 6 cars easily, but no one has a huge winding driveway that might be too time-consuming to manage with a snowblower (necessitating a plow). When we first moved here, and had really little guys, we used a plow service, and they ripped up our yard pretty good, and sometimes didn't get to us in a timely fashion, so we just got a snowblower, like everyone else. But I still like to shovel when I can, for the workout, and to have the kids come out and contribute a little so they feel involved.

I live in a Pittsburgh suburb. We get our share of snow but rarely in amounts over 3-4 inches. The area is fairly level. My driveway will accommodate 6 cars but rarely sees more than 2. I seldom shovel the whole driveway, just the sidewalks. For a few inches of snow, I just drive right through it from the garage to the road and let the damn stuff melt off on its own. Our roads are incredibly well maintained.
I have no problem with snowblowers and, since they contribute to global warming, they help reduce future snowfall amounts making my shoveling easier.;)
I used to do my neighbors with our small tractor growing up. A little shoveling for cleanup. I wasn't allowed to take money though. Many of our neighbors didnt have much money. So Dad paid me.

When I bought my house, I did my elderly neighbors driveway as much as I could. If I didn't she would try to herself at 90 years old. Or her daughter/son in law would do it. I never took money but I got paid in homemade baked goods and soup. She passed away a couple years ago. Her daughter runs a small bakery in her mom's house. I still do the driveway and she pays me in cookies.
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My kid has a travel trailer, snow plow and snow blower......shovels, salt distributor. Yeah, he drives around and makes money. $30 a driveway + sidewalk, takes him about 20 minutes. Made $600 on the last storm. Obviously it's my stuff, but since he made it a business I deduct the equipment on my taxes. Works out pretty nice.
I grew up in Maine, and I had regular customers every winter for years- made good money, too- but earned every nickel. Big storms I'd be out for 10-12 hours.
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Speaking of bizarre takes...

Wow, what a bizarre and cynical take. I know plenty of people that are glass half full, but in your world the glass appears to be empty.

I can only assume you replied to the wrong post. No worries... it happens.
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1. You're not making any sense. You're just ranting and raving. I know the boys and the family, and they're all hard-working, upstanding members of the community, and they came outside during a rager to help neighbors and make a few bucks, so I rewarded them for their initiative, even if I wanted to finish it off on my own. I'm sure they'll be diligent doctors or research scientists like their parents, if they choose to follow in their footsteps ... and the $10 I gave them won't sway them into a life of lethargy. Yes, everyone has a snowblower, and, yes, if someone's snowblower isn't working, or they're laid up for some reason (or out of town), we help each other out. Is that really an unbelievable statement in today's world? Do you have a different experience where you live? You just seem to be flipping out for no reason.

2. I simply contributed to this thread in a positive manner. You came in here ranting about liberals, turning it into test-board'esque discussion for absolutely no reason. I'm a moderate, and one of the more conservative folks in the neighborhood.

I guess trying to change change the subject and hurl insults is easier than actually responding to my post? So in return I stopped reading after the second sentence. I suggest you calm down and try again... Maybe on the test board?
Most people around here have snow blowers, but there is still the occasional young person looking for a few bucks shoveling snow. Sadly there is also the poor adult or druggie looking for the same work.