Do you care about the Heisman? Not just this year, but in general?
Who gives a crap what the pros think about the Heisman?How much more money does a top ranked player get because he won the Heisman trophy? Answer: nothing, the pros don't car about trophies, only talent.
I don’t care about the trophy itself or the voters who “get a say”, but I would like for Sa-Sa to win because of the doors that open after winning.
How else can you explain Desmond Howard not being currently homeless?
Doors opened for Rashaan, but he apparently decided to use the proceeds thereof on certain substances that “shortened his life”.Rashaan Salaam died at 42 in a park. According to reports, he was unable to come up with $1,100 to pay the rent and had lost his Heisman trophy.
I do...because I care about saquon. He is such a good kid....he deserves the world.
The award is a joke. Nobody cares.
Yes I care for Saquon who deserves it both as an athlete and as a person. I also care as it will be a recruiting tool, and finally it would signify that PSU is no longer the national pariah that it was.
Doors opened for Rashaan, but he apparently decided to use the proceeds thereof on certain substances that “shortened his life”.