Do you care about the Heisman?

Do you?

  • Yes

    Votes: 75 59.5%
  • No

    Votes: 51 40.5%

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2008
Do you care about the Heisman? Not just this year, but in general?
Certainly when/if it helps our program! We've been checked out because the last PSU kid even mentioned with it was Larry Johnson. Before that it was Ki-Jana and Kerry C. So we haven't really been in the discussion so naturally many in our fan base will complain that it's lost its luster.
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I do. Like it or not the award has prestige for both the player and the school that he plays for...which in turn extends to the coaches. All of this will help for future recruiting purposes both in football and oddly in academics.
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The award is a joke. Nobody cares.

Larry Johnson arguably should have won in 2002. Would the PSU program be any better today if he had won?

In 2001, Miami had one of the best teams anyone has ever seen, w/ Ken Dorsey, Clinton Portis, Jeremy Shockey, Andre Johnson, Jonathan Vilma, Ed Reed, Sean Taylor.... They gave the Heisman to Eric Crouch.
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Do you care about the Heisman? Not just this year, but in general?

Unlike many who lost interest in the award over time, I can pinpoint the year I gave up. I lost interest the year Chris Weinke won the award at age 27 or 28.

That said, it is important for the individual. For Barkley it would be excellent.

How much more money does a top ranked player get because he won the Heisman trophy? Answer: nothing, the pros don't care about trophies, only talent.

Edit: I have to type fast; otherwise I get an IE is no longer responding on BWI. Fix the F'n problem Rivals.

I would love for Saquon to win the Heisman. It would be a huge honor for him, his teammates who helped to make it possible, for his coaches, and the University,
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I don’t care about the trophy itself or the voters who “get a say”, but I would like for Sa-Sa to win because of the doors that open after winning.

How else can you explain Desmond Howard not being currently homeless?

Rashaan Salaam died at 42 in a park. According to reports, he was unable to come up with $1,100 to pay the rent and had lost his Heisman trophy.
Rashaan Salaam died at 42 in a park. According to reports, he was unable to come up with $1,100 to pay the rent and had lost his Heisman trophy.
Doors opened for Rashaan, but he apparently decided to use the proceeds thereof on certain substances that “shortened his life”.
I care because if Saquon was willing to give that high school girl his gold medal in track.........then maybe just maybe he would be willing to give ME his heisman
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The award is a joke. Nobody cares.

Dude, that is simply not true and you know it. If nobody cared, ESPN's efforts to promote it would fall flat. The Heisman race is in the news every day during football season. I very much care about it (albeit much less than the Lions' team goals), and would very much like Saquon to win it.
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I feel the same way about the Heisman as I feel about the polls. I'm pleased to see PSU getting the poll recognition, but at the same time I wish the polls would go away and a true national championship could be determined by meeting performance criteria (e.g. - win division, win CCG, win playoff games) as opposed to the opinions of coaches and/or sportswriters and semi-celebrities. In the same vein, I'm pleased to see Saquon get recognition but at the same time it's hard to put too much stock into an individual award for one person in a team sport.
I don't care about the Heisman in general, but it's a great marketing tool for a school to use.
Doors opened for Rashaan, but he apparently decided to use the proceeds thereof on certain substances that “shortened his life”.

That's not what I've heard. Lots of people came to him for money to help them start businesses, etc. He loved to help people and lost a ton of money on bad business decisions and people just flat out ripping him off. Guy was in a world of debt and couldn't see the light due to that.
When KiJana and LJ were passed over I lost interest. But Saquan has earned it on and off the field. I don't think any of the players on the ballet come close to the dynamic he has brought to the game over the past 3 years. Lamar Jackson was insane last year, not so much this year after the defenses had a year to figure him out... who has figured out Saquan? The only way to stop him is to get into the backfield and take him down as he gets the handoff. Otherwise he is gaining yds. People think I am crazy, but seriously if I were in Pittsburgh's front office I find out who gets the #1 draft choice and I offer Bell and their 2nd Round pick in this year's draft. I then draft Barkley #1 overall. He has not had the injury issues that Bell has had, and he is much more dynamic than Bell, and he'll be cheaper than Bell as well. I then use the 1st Round pick to draft a QB. They'd be setting themselves up for years to come.
Penn State has the current front runner for the Heisman Trophy, so naturally we need a thread about how no one cares about the Heisman.
