Does the all time Steelers team beat any other NFL all-time team?

The NFL in the 70's was tiny and slow compared to today's NFL teams. The Steelers all 70's team would lose to the Browns today.

generally true of course, but an all-time Steelers team would likely include a few players who would fit well in today’s game: Joe Green for example to name one had the size, strength and athleticism to compare to today’s players.
Yes. The Steelers all-time team is loaded with Hall of Famers and near Hall of Famers.

The Cowboys all-time team would be a great one as well.
Any? Of course. But I assume you mean every.

Steelers, Cowboys, Giants, Packers, Redskins, 49ers seem like the contenders.
I think one has to evaluate a player for his time against his peers. My son's high school team's offensive line, single A, outweighed the Steelers of the '70s.
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Another thought.... are they playing by old football rules, or the new rules that protect the offensive players so much? New rules means most of Steelers D is thrown out in first half. So, going to be hard to win missing half the team. Flip side is that Bradshaw might actually not be brutalized as much?!?

Honest answer, yes. Steelers are one of the all time greats of the NFL. Loaded with talent and HoFs.