Don't think for a moment that the Pitt lurkers don't follow what's going on with our recruiting..


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Jan 29, 2002
.....for 2017 and 2018. If my past occasional visits to the Pitt board before I was banned are any indication, they know more of what's going on here than some of our members. In minute detail. Once we close out this class with Kaindoh, Proctor, Wade, and a couple other studs and the impact of our 2018 recruiting sinks in, they will switch from Pitt football posts to a flood of pedofile posts. Obsession and jealousy can drive a Yinzer mad.
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.....for 2017 and 2018. If my past occasional visits to the Pitt board before I was banned are any indication, they know more of what's going on here than some of our members. In minute detail. Once we close out this class with Kaindoh, Proctor, Wade, and a couple other studs and the impact of our 2018 recruiting sinks in, they will switch from Pitt football posts to a flood of pedofile posts. Obsession and jealousy can drive a Yinzer mad.

Obsessed indeed.
It won't be pretty over there.

The next 3 years will be good times when we play them. After that, I expect that they will want no part of us any longer. I predict the excuse will have something to do with JS or our "cult-like" behavior.
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"Pitt's board is full of lurkers that follow our every move. I know this from my time lurking and following their every move."
I've been banned there long ago Yinzer. Now, back to the Pitt lair to report what you find out over here.
.....for 2017 and 2018. If my past occasional visits to the Pitt board before I was banned are any indication, they know more of what's going on here than some of our members. In minute detail. Once we close out this class with Kaindoh, Proctor, Wade, and a couple other studs and the impact of our 2018 recruiting sinks in, they will switch from Pitt football posts to a flood of pedofile posts. Obsession and jealousy can drive a Yinzer mad.

We're thankfully moving out of the caring about Pitt with regards to recruiting to caring about OSU and Notre Dame again.

Pitt will always get a couple of guys, but so will western Michigan.

It's a good place to be.

Every time I want to visit the Pitt board I can't find the hotlink, then I realize I'm searching in the high school section in the upper right corner.
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I've been banned there long ago Yinzer. Now, back to the Pitt lair to report what you find out over here.
Then maybe you should move on. 3 of the last 20 threads you started are about the Pitt boards and 2 others are about Pitt. You also have multiple about Rutgers. So 20% are about Pitt and another 15% are about Rutgers.

Can't you find anything else to talk about with the amazing season PSU is having? Just a bit obsessed?
We're thankfully moving out of the caring about Pitt with regards to recruiting to caring about OSU and Notre Dame again.

Pitt will always get a couple of guys, but so will western Michigan.

It's a good place to be.

this, exactly
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"Pitt's board is full of lurkers that follow our every move. I know this from my time lurking and following their every move."

Most of us have been banned over there! In fact, I was banned over there without ever leaving any message! But we allow your sorry a$$ over here! Sounds like it is time for that to change Yinzer!
Then maybe you should move on. 3 of the last 20 threads you started are about the Pitt boards and 2 others are about Pitt. You also have multiple about Rutgers. So 20% are about Pitt and another 15% are about Rutgers.

Can't you find anything else to talk about with the amazing season PSU is having? Just a bit obsessed?

And yet you're still here posting away.... Jealousy is so unbecoming.
I have never been on the Pitt board. I tried to sign in and found that I am banned.
A preemptive strike I guess.
Why do some posters still think they can't view the Pitt board, or any other board, if they are banned?
If you are banned just log-out here and then go there. To log-out mouse over your name on the upper right dark bar. Two columns of drop-downs will appear and last choice on the right column will be "Log Out". Click that and you'll be logged off and delivered to the Rivals main page.
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Because you can't ... you have to log out or create another handle/login to view a board if you're banned.
I thought you could still view, just not post and you don't have to sign in assuming you are already a Rivals member.
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I thought you could still view, just not post and you don't have to sign in assuming you are already a Rivals member.

Negative ghost rider... I am banned on the Liar board (why I have no idea although I assume because of my handle) If I am logged in here and go over to the Liar board and attempt to click on Forum to enter I get an error page saying " I have been banned" for rules violations. I have to log out and go in to see, via as Agoodnap described above
Most of us have been banned over there! In fact, I was banned over there without ever leaving any message! But we allow your sorry a$$ over here! Sounds like it is time for that to change Yinzer!

Same here.
Then maybe you should move on. 3 of the last 20 threads you started are about the Pitt boards and 2 others are about Pitt. You also have multiple about Rutgers. So 20% are about Pitt and another 15% are about Rutgers.

Can't you find anything else to talk about with the amazing season PSU is having? Just a bit obsessed?

And yet, you're here.
Negative ghost rider... I am banned on the Liar board (why I have no idea although I assume because of my handle) If I am logged in here and go over to the Liar board and attempt to click on Forum to enter I get an error page saying " I have been banned" for rules violations. I have to log out and go in to see, via as Agoodnap described above

Hmmm did not know that.
I must be a good poster because none of the sites I've gone to has banned me...yet.:)
You just explained how you can, after starting off by saying you can't.

No you're missing what we are explaining. If you are logged in to your account here I cannot go view the Liar board pure plain and simple. I am banned and blocked from seeing it. The only way around that is 1 of 2 options. I can either log out and go in via the main rivals board or create a new handle (assuming they are not blocking via ip address). Most consider it a pain in the rear end to log out or login into a 2nd account to go see what lies and fabrications the 3 posters from the Liar board are spewing today.
Yup, but from a split PSU/Pitt immediate family with extended family members that are alumni and letterman from both schools and current and former faculty/staff/administration at both schools. Only time I root against PSU is against Pitt. I have no problem saying PSU is having the better season and deserve playoffs if they win this weekend. Nor do I have an issue calling out bullshit by Pitt fans on the other boards. I think some over there get as annoyed at me when I post stats and facts that disagree with their outrageous claims as people do over here (except Franklin_restores, I don't think anyone overreacts the way he does).

I also didn't my generalize an entire board based on the posts of a few crazies.

Plus your board is much more lively, especially in the afternoon when I have had a lot of free time this past week.
If you correct anyone on the Lair in defense of psu, there is no way that you will not receive an immediate lifetime ban. No way you have ever done that.
No you're missing what we are explaining. If you are logged in to your account here I cannot go view the Liar board pure plain and simple. I am banned and blocked from seeing it. The only way around that is 1 of 2 options. I can either log out and go in via the main rivals board or create a new handle (assuming they are not blocking via ip address). Most consider it a pain in the rear end to log out or login into a 2nd account to go see what lies and fabrications the 3 posters from the Liar board are spewing today.

So again you are saying you CAN view even if you are banned, correct?? Which is exactly what I posted.

Logging in or out takes about 10 seconds and a few keystrokes. If that's a pain in the rear to you then I don't know what I can say.
If you correct anyone on the Lair in defense of psu, there is no way that you will not receive an immediate lifetime ban. No way you have ever done that.
My response on a post discussing strongest overall conference and how Pitt was close to an 11 win season I pointed out how close were were to a 5 win season. I also refuted the idea that Pitt was in control the entire Pitt/PSU game.
3 potential losses. Obviously Clemson was one.

PSU was in long field goal range when they threw the interception on 2nd down with under 2 minutes. They outscored us 25-14 and out gained us 218 yards to 121 in the 2nd half. Like to admit it or not, but that game was up in the air in the final 2 minutes.
Not the strongest defense, but I think an accurate one. Can't comment on their ban policy because I'm not an admin and have only begun posting on either site this year.
Then maybe you should move on. 3 of the last 20 threads you started are about the Pitt boards and 2 others are about Pitt. You also have multiple about Rutgers. So 20% are about Pitt and another 15% are about Rutgers.

Can't you find anything else to talk about with the amazing season PSU is having? Just a bit obsessed?
Now you're analyzing the posting patterns for someone on this board? Good job, skippy. If I ever get to that point in my life I just might mail it in for old times sake.