Ed Ray is back in the news

Please take this opportunity to remember that Penn State has a culture problem.
People who believe Ray, Simon, Corbutt, the OGBoT bullshit are mainly the uncouth following of the Pedsburgh Panturds, and a few other haters and morons scattered across the Country who Joe worked their teams over and called them out for cheating and a lack of ethics. Also media turds who Joe embarrassed.
Kudos to the author for pointing out:

Don't forget, Ray was the same powerful administrator who stood in judgment of Penn State as head of the NCAA Executive Committee five years ago.

That committee slapped Penn State with a four-year bowl ban and a $60 million fine for similar crimes committed by former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky. The difference being, at the time of the Penn State penalties, Sandusky had been arrested and three Penn State administrators were being investigated.

In 2015, Ray advocated for the Pac-12 banning transfers with a history of serious misconduct. Ray will now also be known as overseeing an athletic department that played a sex offender.

Feel free to consider him a hypocrite.
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"I'm assuming they'll be a post season ban, reduction in scholarships, and some stage strutting by Marky Mark Emmert and the F*cked (edited for the virgin eyes of BWI) Up Bunch over this, no? Just like Marky Mark did with Michigan State and the pedophile doctor they employed for umpteen years even after numerous female student athletes complained about him sexually assaulting them... . You people are such human excrement.

As always, best regards,"

Name redacted to protect the innocent

I have sent them numerous, thoughtful, well intentioned, and intelligent e-mails like this over the years. I actually - no joke - had Don Remy or someone from his account responding one evening. Exchanged several emails in just a few minutes. Guess I got under someone's skin.
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"Tracy was gang-raped by four men -- two of them Oregon State football players -- in an off-campus apartment in 1998. She has a meeting next week on this matter set up with Ed Ray, the Oregon State president who apologized for her assault and hired her as a consultant after Tracy's story became public."

PSU should have thought of this. We had an AAAD spot for every victim just waiting for them.
Ed Ray and Lou Anna Simon stood in judgment. Now it appears nobody to stand in judgment of them? This thing is really broken. BTW, any word on a Delany presser for all the victims at MSU?
Delany would only comment if it was us as you As for Ray as like Delany
Ed Ray and Lou Anna Simon stood in judgment. Now it appears nobody to stand in judgment of them? This thing is really broken. BTW, any word on a Delany presser for all the victims at MSU?
"The pitcher finally did the right thing but only after he was outed by a pair of dogged reporters."

Real investigative journalists? Hard to believe they still exist... but if so, perhaps they'd be also be interested in further looking into the giant shit-show that transpired at PSU the last 6 years? :rolleyes:
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Wasn't Ray the guy who admitted he never read the Freeh piece which, as we all know, was used to justify the sanctions against PSU? .
Apparently - it's contagious

Ray must have passed on the "diligent, thorough, and timely study of relevant materials" gene to both:
Eric Barron
The A9 Review Team
It's easy to be holier than though until it happens in your backyard. See pedsburgh, Michigan state and Oregon state. Did anybody else dump on penn state that hasn't had their own problems yet?
Yes, our old friend who sat in judgement of our school just a few years ago, seems to have a situation of his own at Oregon State.

The hypocrisy of the NCAA (i.e., Member University Presidents - they are the "Contoling parties" of the NCAA) knows no bounds. These University Presidents (and former University Presidents Emmert) such as Ed Ray, Lou Anna Simon, Mark Emmert, etc..., who sat in judgement of PSU, are some of biggest hypocritical scum-sucking maggots on the planet.
Wasn't Ray the guy who admitted he never read the Freeh piece which, as we all know, was used to justify the sanctions against PSU? I wonder if he and Lou Anna Simon ever get together and laugh about the frauds they both are.
He was a member of the "Freeh Stooges" Emmert, Ray & Erickson. Supercilious, sanctimonious hypocrites. Add Delaney and you have a foursome. Simon, now Ray-you can't make this sh-t up. What poetic justice!!!! Not as good as real justice but it will have to suffice.
By Danny Moran and Brad Schmidt

Two months ago, as the Oregon State University baseball team marched toward the No. 1 overall seed in the NCAA tournament, compiling one of the best records in college baseball history, a crime surfaced from a star player's past.

A Benton County sheriff's sergeant, on a sweep to track down sex offenders who let their registrations lapse, located one at Gill Coliseum, the heart of Oregon State's bucolic campus. It was Luke Heimlich, the ace left-hander who statistically is the nation's best pitcher and is among the top prospects in next week's Major League Baseball draft.

As a teenager, Heimlich pleaded guilty to a single charge of sexually molesting a 6-year-old female family member. ...


All of these examples at Oregon State, MSU, MIchigan, Ohio State, Baylor, Okie State, etc.... where nothing whatsoever has been investigated by the various State AGs just goes to show you precisely how corrupt - specifically politically-corrupt - the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is and how that political-corruption via the GOP Hershey-to-MontCo Crime Syndicate Political Junta included the corruption of the PSU BOT.

None of this happens without the corrupt GOP Junta's lackey, Corbutt, first at the helm of the AG and then the Governor's Office. The way Aaron Fisher's investigation was run from the time it was handed over to GOP Junta's "Criminal Capo with a license to commit crime" AG, Corrupt Corbutt, on 3/3/2009 is a complete joke! Here is what Corbutt himself has to say about what allegations were handed over to him by the DPW with a request for LE prosecution in their "Indicated Report of CSA" regarding Aaron Fisher:

The Pennsylvania State Police are pursuing an investigation based upon a founded Clinton County Children and Youth Services complaint alleging sexual assault by a Centre county adult male upon a juvenile male with whom he became acquainted through his sponsorship of a· charity for disadvantaged youth. It is believed that other minor males have been similarly assaulted through this connection. The investigation concerns allegations of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, indecent assault, and corruption of minors in Clinton and Centre counties.

But Corbutt didn't lift a finger to investigate The Second Mile, or even go there to investigate for additional victims, AT ALL with any of the massive resources at his disposal as AG, including the Child Predator Unit, during the nearly two year period that elapsed between when he received the INDICATED REPORT OF CSA WITH A REQUEST TO PROSECUTE FROM THE DPW ON 3/3/2009 and Corrupt Corbutt becoming Governor in January 2011??? Did not lift a finger to investigate the "Modus Operandi" and named REGULATED AND STATE-LICENSED CHARITY accused of Charitable Fraud of the most heinous kind including the highly credible evidence of an "Indicated Report of CSA" including "Deviate Sexual Child Abuse" taking place at the Charity on a systematic basis reported by not just anyone, but by the Charity's DIRECT STATE AGENCY Childcare Licensor and Regulator (i.e., this is a report coming directly from the State of Pennsylvania to AG Corbutt)??? And Corbutt doesn't even review the records of the Charity or bother to ask a single question of the Charity despite the fact that JS was the most powerful REGULATORY-LISTED "Control Person" at The Charity at the time of this report??? Huh? WTF? And this is what Corrupt Corbutt characterizes as incredible investigative work? LMFAO at what a joke of a cesspool of scumbag, corrupt lawyers turned politicians and "public servants" Pennsylvania's Government has become.
By Danny Moran and Brad Schmidt

Two months ago, as the Oregon State University baseball team marched toward the No. 1 overall seed in the NCAA tournament, compiling one of the best records in college baseball history, a crime surfaced from a star player's past.

A Benton County sheriff's sergeant, on a sweep to track down sex offenders who let their registrations lapse, located one at Gill Coliseum, the heart of Oregon State's bucolic campus. It was Luke Heimlich, the ace left-hander who statistically is the nation's best pitcher and is among the top prospects in next week's Major League Baseball draft.

As a teenager, Heimlich pleaded guilty to a single charge of sexually molesting a 6-year-old female family member. ...


well, it is interesting that the kid was 15 at the time of the molestation. It most states, that would be considered a minor. Perhaps this is one of those crimes where being under 16 doesn't apply. In many states, you are considered a juvenile and the record is expunged.

Locally, a gal who was a 15 year old cheerleader got pregnant. She claims she didn't know, had the fetus in the basement of her home (prematurely). The fetus must have breathed, oxygen in its lungs, then died. They brought her up on murder charges, knowing it would never stick, to get around the Juvi rules. She got convicted of some degree of manslaughter and spent her 18th year in jail.
All of these examples at Oregon State, MSU, MIchigan, Ohio State, Baylor, Okie State, etc.... where nothing whatsoever has been investigated by the various State AGs just goes to show you precisely how corrupt - specifically politically-corrupt - the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is and how that political-corruption via the GOP Hershey-to-MontCo Crime Syndicate Political Junta included the corruption of the PSU BOT.

None of this happens without the corrupt GOP Junta's lackey, Corbutt, first at the helm of the AG and then the Governor's Office. The way Aaron Fisher's investigation was run from the time it was handed over to GOP Junta's "Criminal Capo with a license to commit crime" AG, Corrupt Corbutt, on 3/3/2009 is a complete joke! Here is what Corbutt himself has to say about what allegations were handed over to him by the DPW with a request for LE prosecution in their "Indicated Report of CSA" regarding Aaron Fisher:

But Corbutt didn't lift a finger to investigate The Second Mile, or even go there to investigate for additional victims, AT ALL with any of the massive resources at his disposal as AG, including the Child Predator Unit, during the nearly two year period that elapsed between when he received the INDICATED REPORT OF CSA WITH A REQUEST TO PROSECUTE FROM THE DPW ON 3/3/2009 and Corrupt Corbutt becoming Governor in January 2011??? Did not lift a finger to investigate the "Modus Operandi" and named REGULATED AND STATE-LICENSED CHARITY accused of Charitable Fraud of the most heinous kind including the highly credible evidence of an "Indicated Report of CSA" including "Deviate Sexual Child Abuse" taking place at the Charity on a systematic basis reported by not just anyone, but by the Charity's DIRECT STATE AGENCY Childcare Licensor and Regulator (i.e., this is a report coming directly from the State of Pennsylvania to AG Corbutt)??? And Corbutt doesn't even review the records of the Charity or bother to ask a single question of the Charity despite the fact that JS was the most powerful REGULATORY-LISTED "Control Person" at The Charity at the time of this report??? Huh? WTF? And this is what Corrupt Corbutt characterizes as incredible investigative work? LMFAO at what a joke of a cesspool of scumbag, corrupt lawyers turned politicians and "public servants" Pennsylvania's Government has become.

BTW, in regards to this topic of corruption of the PSU BOT by the corrupt GOP Political Crime Syndicate Junta, what better evidence than this "propaganda piece" that was put out by Corbett's very own propaganda machine regarding this incident (which is replete with proven propaganda lies that all the "co-conspirators" all magically repeated depite being proven falsehoods - like the notion that nobody outside of the AG knew about V1's accusation and subsequent investigation or that Corbutt had run an extensive investigation of the DPW-Confirmed V1 CSA Complaint - in reality Corbutt never lifted a finger to investigate the DPW-INDICATED REPORT OF CSA, including "Deviate Sexual Intercourse" given to him in the first days of March 2009 contrary to lying Kevin Harley's claims!) - HIT THE LINK.

This excerpt from the attached article and the subsequent videos below the excerpt clearly demonstrate the nexus of the corrupt GOP political Junta / Crime Syndicate and the PSU BOT. Interesting that scumbag flunkie Surma was just magically hand-selected to become head of PSU's BOT and it "magically" happened within days of the Corbutt-Crafted release of the proven intentionally FRAUDULENT "33rd PA SWIGJ - Statement of Lies" and its accompanying "Malicious Prosecution" Indictments??? Yea, right....and if you believe that I've got a nice, shinny, brand spanking new bridge to sell you connecting Brooklyn and Manhattan on the cheap.....

Over the next four days, then, Mr. Corbett, a Republican, kept his public statements spare, calling on trustees to act quickly and aggressively. But privately, he worked to move the board in what he believed was the right direction. He called multiple members, including Vice Chairman John P. Surma, the chief executive of U.S. Steel, and told them that the country was watching, that a change at the top was needed and that the issue was about more than a football program, according to a person with knowledge of his efforts.

How about these doozy's from the article (yea, no "pre-planning" and "political orchestrating" here LMFAO! Pathetic.....

Mr. Corbett eventually decided to send a public signal: he formally announced he would attend the scheduled meeting of the trustees on Friday, something he had never done before.

“It was indicative of him putting a thumb on the scale,” said a person with direct knowledge of the governor’s deliberations.

Frank Noonan, the commissioner of the state police, said: “You couldn’t have kept him away from that meeting with a troop of marines. He has very strong feelings about this case.”

Amazing how tightly intertwined the people who held all the power on the PSU BOT were to Corbutt and his corrupt MontCo-to-Hershey GOP Junta, but all mere "coinky-dink" don't you know??? Corbutt didn't coordinate, plan and orchestrate this whole thing via "Abuse of Public Office and Authorities" at both the PA OAG and Governor's Office despite the fact that his own flunky Propaganda Machine says he absolutely did, LMFAO!!!
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