All of these examples at Oregon State, MSU, MIchigan, Ohio State, Baylor, Okie State, etc.... where nothing whatsoever has been investigated by the various State AGs just goes to show you precisely how corrupt - specifically politically-corrupt - the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is and how that political-corruption via the GOP Hershey-to-MontCo Crime Syndicate Political Junta included the corruption of the PSU BOT.
None of this happens without the corrupt GOP Junta's lackey, Corbutt, first at the helm of the AG and then the Governor's Office. The way Aaron Fisher's investigation was run from the time it was handed over to GOP Junta's "Criminal Capo with a license to commit crime" AG, Corrupt Corbutt, on 3/3/2009 is a complete joke! Here is what Corbutt himself has to say about what allegations were handed over to him by the DPW with a request for LE prosecution in their "Indicated Report of CSA" regarding Aaron Fisher:
But Corbutt didn't lift a finger to investigate The Second Mile, or even go there to investigate for additional victims, AT ALL with any of the massive resources at his disposal as AG, including the Child Predator Unit, during the nearly two year period that elapsed between when he received the INDICATED REPORT OF CSA WITH A REQUEST TO PROSECUTE FROM THE DPW ON 3/3/2009 and Corrupt Corbutt becoming Governor in January 2011??? Did not lift a finger to investigate the "Modus Operandi" and named REGULATED AND STATE-LICENSED CHARITY accused of Charitable Fraud of the most heinous kind including the highly credible evidence of an "Indicated Report of CSA" including "Deviate Sexual Child Abuse" taking place at the Charity on a systematic basis reported by not just anyone, but by the Charity's DIRECT STATE AGENCY Childcare Licensor and Regulator (i.e., this is a report coming directly from the State of Pennsylvania to AG Corbutt)??? And Corbutt doesn't even review the records of the Charity or bother to ask a single question of the Charity despite the fact that JS was the most powerful REGULATORY-LISTED "Control Person" at The Charity at the time of this report??? Huh? WTF? And this is what Corrupt Corbutt characterizes as incredible investigative work? LMFAO at what a joke of a cesspool of scumbag, corrupt lawyers turned politicians and "public servants" Pennsylvania's Government has become.