They had to shoot it down, because it conflicted with the Robles only won because he had 1 leg theory.Which to their credit was quickly shot down.
They had to shoot it down, because it conflicted with the Robles only won because he had 1 leg theory.Which to their credit was quickly shot down.
Jason Nolf agrees………Winning the Hodge isn't just about how good you are, but also what other wrestlers are competing for the Hodge. The Hodge winners the years Ed won NCAA titles were some all-time greats--4x winner Dake and David Taylor. You could make a case for Ed's Sr year (over Taylor), but Ed did have a loss to Gabe Dean that year, which probably put him out of the running that year. Bad luck for Ed who he had to compete against for the Hodge. His career would certainly have merited a Hodge!
And we are the fortunate fans that can say their teammate kept him from winning the Hodge.Jason Nolf agrees………
I meant to put that in my post--glad you mentioned it!Jason Nolf agrees………
I agree and Ruth walking away from wrestling to do MMA has also contributed to the out of sight out of mind whereas guys like Taylor and Zain continued to wrestle free style in the limelight so to speakRespectfully disagree. I think he's been considered by many around here to be in the Top 5 of All time PSU greats. I, for one, would definitely agree. He's awesome. Maybe the lack of responses in this thread is because we're not surprised, and because he's just another in a very recent group of our guys to get picked up to go coach somewhere else, which is an awesome feat. Congrats to him and wish him the best.
Sam Stoll?Which to their credit was quickly shot down.
Funny story why Ruth came to Penn State ... and why he stayed:
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Highlights and clips from The Bader
Cmon Bader! I agree. Ed is still the manMan, usually love Bader but he dropped the ball so much there. A Goldmine of answers from Ed there. Must watch video lol.
Ed should be a great coach. Yes he was strong and his arms were long. But his technique was flawless.