Hmm. Then if this was simply a "third party" informational report - why allow a nationally televised press conference?
Why not simply give the Trustees this "third party" informational report - let the Board fully read it, fully digest it & fully discuss the contents among themselves and then do a soft release of the report on the PSU Progress website?
Freeh was not acting as such a quaint, mild mannered "third party" as you put it when he decided to launch his airstrike against Penn State, 4 of her principals, the football program, the Lettermen and the Penn State community at large - by using an army of satellite trucks out on 17th street that reached up to and around onto Market Street.
We all know Louis Freeh used Twitter and the national media in that room that day to do the Trustees dirty work for them. We all know that not a single Trustee had time to even crack open that report before the damage was done.
CR66 - I've already scraped off this "pass thru" material you're selling from off my trailer floor mats and the wash stall today.
but don't take the bait.