Epic Michigan Meltdown

Sounds like some of the stuff that was being said about Penn State during the early 2000s. Well before the Sandusky stuff.

Time will tell - I don't have a huge affinity for Michigan, but I find it hard to believe that they won't attract quality recruits. But, time will tell.
One of the problems with evaluating their recruits in this setting is the circle-jerk nature of recruiting rankings. If Iowa recruits a kid who is a 3 star, he stays a 3 star, but when he commits to ND or UM, he becomes 4 star.
I've commented on it multiple times in the recruiting thread, but Michigan under Harbaugh has the most chaotic, unorganized, lack-of-hustle recruiting effort that I've seen from a major program. There are example after example of them screwing up. It's a beautiful thing, hope it never changes. But those who want to call Harbaugh a "great coach" while running down Franklin.....the head coach of a major program, this is what is important. You are the CEO. Franklin has put together an amazing organization. They are on top of everything. The fact that Harbaugh is in charge of the offense, calls his own plays...great, wonderful. But when the rest of your organization is a sh#tshow?

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Michigan's got so much to legitimately offer, that to think they won't end up recruiting well is wishful thinking. They have a great brand, a great campus, a great location (not to far from 80% of the country), a great academic university, a great deal of money, and a conference that advertises for them every chance it gets. Michigan's recruiting is almost automatic. The fact that Harbaugh can't take full advantage of it is pretty amazing, but the next guy will. Hoke did, for the most part. Recruiting for Michigan has to be a lot easier than for most places.
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Michigan's got so much to legitimately offer, that to think they won't end up recruiting well is wishful thinking.

Their own people are saying they have major problems. "Wishful thinking" has nothing to do with it. And it's also possible for a major power to take a 20 year power nap. Look at what has happened to Nebraska. There are no guarantees in this life. If you are running a failing organization, recruits know. At Michigan, that may mean Top 30 recruiting classes instead of Top 10.
Really, Judge, how bad do you think it's going to get for them? This may be a bad cycle, for them, but with their resources it is more likely that they'll fix things, than they won't.

I don't know what that guy was talking about, insofar as the "bad things" that he wouldn't mention, but I find it hard to believe that they'd fall any further than they already have. Get worse than Maryland? Can't see it.

Maybe if the "bad things" were Sandusky level I'd change my mind, but that's not happening.
Really, Judge, how bad do you think it's going to get for them? This may be a bad cycle, for them, but with their resources it is more likely that they'll fix things, than they won't.

I don't know what that guy was talking about, insofar as the "bad things" that he wouldn't mention, but I find it hard to believe that they'd fall any further than they already have. Get worse than Maryland? Can't see it.

Maybe if the "bad things" were Sandusky level I'd change my mind, but that's not happening.

That insider has his own recruiting service, appears as a regular on the Rivals podcast, has been a Michigan fixture for decades. He was at the coaching convention and spoke with Michigan asst coaches and coaches from other programs. The overwhelming opinion is that things are not "fine". Did you read the post? Nowhere did I say that Michigan was going to sink to Pitt's or Maryland's level. Michigan expects to win conference titles, which they haven't done for 14 years. If they continue to not win conference titles while recruiting at a level below the top of the Big Ten East, that's a big deal to Michigan fans. That isn't why they are paying Harbaugh, what, $9 million a year or whatever.
Agree that they aren't getting their money's worth from Harbaugh. Also agree that what they are doing won't get them to the Big Ten championship game, other than catching lightning in a bottle every so often. If the standard is going to be winning the division every year, you are right, they have a tough road to hoe. My point was that they aren't going to disappear into the depths. They can stay where they are by just treading water, since the school auto-recruits. And they did win 10 games the last two years, before this year.

This upcoming year will be a significant barometer for them.
Michigan's got so much to legitimately offer, that to think they won't end up recruiting well is wishful thinking. They have a great brand, a great campus, a great location (not to far from 80% of the country), a great academic university, a great deal of money, and a conference that advertises for them every chance it gets. Michigan's recruiting is almost automatic. The fact that Harbaugh can't take full advantage of it is pretty amazing, but the next guy will. Hoke did, for the most part. Recruiting for Michigan has to be a lot easier than for most places.

michigan’s brand is hype on which they rarely deliver. That and hubris. leaders and best, michigan man, etc. All bullshit.

The location is O.K. in that ann arbor is a decent town. The problem is that it is in michigan with Detroit as the nearby city. ann arbor is not a destination.
How much is one YouTube click worth? I don’t think he is getting paid that much - they are begging for money to do more podcasts! And even if he makes a dime, it is the best ten cents I spent this week!! To think they thought they had a shot. And I was never so confident heading into a big game. That was 1994 level confidence.

Exactly. That's his whole angle. He doesn't actually think what he's saying. He says outrageous things, gets old people to share it on the internet (and then others post his other videos) and it snowballs. That's why you have that guy making millions of dollars a year on youtube going to Mt Fuji and filming people who committed suicide. You have to be outrageous to get clicks, then it goes viral and you make your money. It's all fake. It might be "entertaining" but it's not real.
Their recruiting class this year is pretty bad considering it's Michigan. NutBall did bring in few really really good classes but don't seem to be paying off yet and I hope they never do.
Don't know why NutBall doesn't do a Franklin and go get a proven O cordinator.
I so wanted to listen to all of that but after the first 3 minutes I realized that I couldn't because that guy is what I despise about most Michigan fans.
Arrogant douchery at its finest. How he's made it this far without getting his ass beat is amazing.
I actually listened to the whole thing while multitasking. What delight to see/hope UM fans are in such despair. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer group.
Really, Judge, how bad do you think it's going to get for them? This may be a bad cycle, for them, but with their resources it is more likely that they'll fix things, than they won't.

I don't know what that guy was talking about, insofar as the "bad things" that he wouldn't mention, but I find it hard to believe that they'd fall any further than they already have. Get worse than Maryland? Can't see it.

Maybe if the "bad things" were Sandusky level I'd change my mind, but that's not happening.
It is not a "down cycle" now. It is a down cycle since the advent of RichRod, through Hoke, and the failure of one of their alltimers to produce squat in terms of changing the Hoke legacy. That is a decade of weakness and no sign of a change in sight.

The fact is that Harbaugh was a great player but is a terrible coach. 43 different formations in the 1st half vs. Sparty. THREE points. The fact is that an NFL star is often at a disadvantage when he becomes a coach after a 14 year career. He was playing for the colts and other teams while CJF was paying his dues.

Can you name any great NFL QBs who were also great coaches? I am having trouble thinking of one.
If Hairbag goes 8-4 again, I think he is gone, much as it pains me to say so. :(
I am shocked he convinced someone to have a kid with him.
I'm shocked he has a podcast. He is such a tool. Maybe one of the worst show/podcast hosts I have ever seen. I showed this guy to a guy I work with and he couldn't get over how bad it sucked.
I'm shocked he has a podcast. He is such a tool. Maybe one of the worst show/podcast hosts I have ever seen. I showed this guy to a guy I work with and he couldn't get over how bad it sucked.
I am no techie, but what does it take to have a podcast? Can't you pretty much fire it up from your mom's basement?
I meant as a destination, that it's within reasonable distance for a lot of the country, in that parents can come and see their kids play. They are located well, just like ND is.
Good grief, UM is just about the northernmost power program there is. Only 45 mins from the scenic ruins of Detroit. They are not "well located" by any stretch of the imagination. And you have an interesting definition of "reasonable distance".
I meant as a destination, that it's within reasonable distance for a lot of the country, in that parents can come and see their kids play. They are located well, just like ND is.
Good grief, UM is just about the northernmost power program there is. Only 45 mins from the scenic ruins of Detroit. They are not "well located" by any stretch of the imagination. And you have an interesting definition of "reasonable distance".

UM does have some great things to offer. Location ain't one of them.
Good grief, UM is just about the northernmost power program there is. Only 45 mins from the scenic ruins of Detroit. They are not "well located" by any stretch of the imagination. And you have an interesting definition of "reasonable distance".

UM does have some great things to offer. Location ain't one of them.

Actually, being in the middle of the country has its advantages. At any rate, historically they can pull from everywhere. Being close to Detroit makes little difference in all of this, other than having a huge airport only 45 minutes away. Which, by the way, is an advantage we do not possess. One of the things that came up in the Fields discussions was how unpleasant it is to get into State College by plane. AA doesn't have that issue.
Actually, being in the middle of the country has its advantages. At any rate, historically they can pull from everywhere. Being close to Detroit makes little difference in all of this, other than having a huge airport only 45 minutes away. Which, by the way, is an advantage we do not possess. One of the things that came up in the Fields discussions was how unpleasant it is to get into State College by plane. AA doesn't have that issue.
Kansas City is in the middle of the country, not AA. Fair point regarding the airport, however I never claimed State College was ideally located either.
A Michigan insider spoke to coaches at the ACA coaching conference recently about Michigan and Harbaugh. Found this on the Ozone....

I spoke with many coaches at the AFCA, including several Wolverine staffers and former players and coaches. I asked questions, looked, learned and listened. There was a dynamic that made me feel uneasy with respect to both the current status and future direction of the program. Actually, very uneasy. This uneasiness emanates from several factors, some of which I will touch upon, others of which I will not. Suffice to say, I was on the brink of having a Darth Vader moment, and simply turning to the dark side when it comes to the program. I am an optimist by nature, especially as a Michigan fan, but as fans we sometimes see what we want to, or hope to see. Talking to coaches and people more connected to Ann Arbor, a different reality emerges.

Suffice to say, I have spoken to people close to the program and I have been far from comforted. Here are some of the comments I CAN share (the mild ones):

“I keep telling you. Michigan is in very bad shape. There are major problems at Michigan.”

“Michigan is having a hard time attracting quality coaches. The word is out and the top guys don’t want to work for Harbaugh. His pipeline of quality coaches he has mentored has been tapped out. Lets see how he fills out the staff and then you come back and tell me that they are great hires!”

“Harbaugh does not know how to recruit. He knows how to buy players within the rules. Hired Partridge and tapped into Gary, Singleton and other NJ kids. Hired Bush and got three kids from his school. Hired Biff and got Spanellis and had the other tackle before he flipped to Stanford. Hired Bam Richards who did not bring a lot of added value (J. Woods, K. Davis), so he was let go. Hired the Polynesian guy to tap into his connections. Give him credit because he was doing it within the rules, but the rules are changing and the screws are tightening on him. Plus the word gets out on how he operates. It is just not a sustainable model for success.”

“Recruiting was a disaster this year. They had to move on to many Plan B and Plan C types. The thing is, they think they can swoop in and land anybody they want when they want. That they are so smart and Michigan is so great. Confidence here, confidence there. Then they fail. They were SURE they had Isaiah Wilson and Najee last year. They can’t sleep on kids, they need to recruit like you play, through the whistle. I fear that hubris will be their downfall……..”

“Of course, with Harbaugh comes a certain image of a jackhammer who never stops working. Work ethic? If he is putting in so many hours how does he have time to watch full seasons of programs on Netflix? Working? Such as in his weekly podcast? His astute tweets. The first few years he did a great job of making Michigan a national brand again, especially in the off-season. The problem in so doing is that eventually you have to back up the “marketing” with on-the-field performance. Winning the off-season? Not a problem when you perform during the season. Perhaps work allocation is the issue. Perhaps he should be spending more time on working on offensive schematics and putting into place a quality offensive staff.”

Of course, once things head south on the win/loss column the knives come out in full force. I have factored this in. In fact, a couple of these people were already forewarning me of problems over a year ago when we were unbeaten. I did not listen.

Now, the scary thing is that I have not even gotten into the primary reasons why I have turned to the pessimistic side in terms of the direction of the program. Those are things I don’t want to talk about. No questions on that please. I pray that I am wrong.
Looks like we're about to see why Harbaugh's always pushed out the door. Too bad that his "lifetime contract" was just a rumor.
Hahaha. That idiot said “the only reasoning I’m not Bari krishning right now .....”.

Hahaha. I’m pretty sure he meant to say “Hari Kari”.
I meant as a destination, that it's within reasonable distance for a lot of the country, in that parents can come and see their kids play. They are located well, just like ND is.
Very few people seem know this, but Penn State has better access to "human capital" than any other major university in America (almost 1/3 of the US population is within a 6-hour drive of State College). Didn't know this until Joe Paterno rattled off a whole list of Penn State's natural recruiting advantages at an alumni event in Chicago.

Very few people seem know this, but Penn State has better access to "human capital" than any other major university in America (almost 1/3 of the US population is within a 6-hour drive of State College). Didn't know this until Joe Paterno rattled off a whole list of Penn State's competitive advantages at an alumni event in Chicago.


I would venture to say the b1g needs Penn State. They hate us, but they need us.
I laughed near the end when he said, "The only reason that I'm not Hari Krishaing right now is because of Harbaugh's re'sume'". I believe that the word he was going for was the word Harakiri, the Japanese word for committing suicide.

Don't jump to conclusions. Maybe michigan football makes this guy want to shave his head, give up all his worldly possessions, and dance around in his pajamas at the airport.

It's either that or plunge a ceremonial blade into his guts and disembowel himself. Either one is cool.
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How much is one YouTube click worth? I don’t think he is getting paid that much - they are begging for money to do more podcasts! And even if he makes a dime, it is the best ten cents I spent this week!! To think they thought they had a shot. And I was never so confident heading into a big game. That was 1994 level confidence.

Depends on a few things but one click is basically worthless unless you are a youtube red subscriber then your clicks are worth just above nothing. I upload some videos for a hobby of mine. One video that is about 30 seconds long has 10,000 views and ad rev off of it is just over $6. Another video with 2,000 views but a 5:00 run time has made a whopping $3.50. Overall 52,000 views has been worth $42.11.
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Leave it to a Michigan podcaster to say "I don't want to hear anymore talk... I am done with all of that... all I care about is what happens on Saturday.... I dont care about ranking or recruiting...". On. A. Podcast.
Very few people seem know this, but Penn State has better access to "human capital" than any other major university in America (almost 1/3 of the US population is within a 6-hour drive of State College). Didn't know this until Joe Paterno rattled off a whole list of Penn State's natural recruiting advantages at an alumni event in Chicago.

This is an impressive stat. Thanks for sharing. Never would have guessed, but it makes sense.
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