A Michigan insider spoke to coaches at the ACA coaching conference recently about Michigan and Harbaugh. Found this on the Ozone....
I spoke with many coaches at the AFCA, including several Wolverine staffers and former players and coaches. I asked questions, looked, learned and listened. There was a dynamic that made me feel uneasy with respect to both the current status and future direction of the program. Actually, very uneasy. This uneasiness emanates from several factors, some of which I will touch upon, others of which I will not. Suffice to say, I was on the brink of having a Darth Vader moment, and simply turning to the dark side when it comes to the program. I am an optimist by nature, especially as a Michigan fan, but as fans we sometimes see what we want to, or hope to see. Talking to coaches and people more connected to Ann Arbor, a different reality emerges.
Suffice to say, I have spoken to people close to the program and I have been far from comforted. Here are some of the comments I CAN share (the mild ones):
“I keep telling you. Michigan is in very bad shape. There are major problems at Michigan.”
“Michigan is having a hard time attracting quality coaches. The word is out and the top guys don’t want to work for Harbaugh. His pipeline of quality coaches he has mentored has been tapped out. Lets see how he fills out the staff and then you come back and tell me that they are great hires!”
“Harbaugh does not know how to recruit. He knows how to buy players within the rules. Hired Partridge and tapped into Gary, Singleton and other NJ kids. Hired Bush and got three kids from his school. Hired Biff and got Spanellis and had the other tackle before he flipped to Stanford. Hired Bam Richards who did not bring a lot of added value (J. Woods, K. Davis), so he was let go. Hired the Polynesian guy to tap into his connections. Give him credit because he was doing it within the rules, but the rules are changing and the screws are tightening on him. Plus the word gets out on how he operates. It is just not a sustainable model for success.”
“Recruiting was a disaster this year. They had to move on to many Plan B and Plan C types. The thing is, they think they can swoop in and land anybody they want when they want. That they are so smart and Michigan is so great. Confidence here, confidence there. Then they fail. They were SURE they had Isaiah Wilson and Najee last year. They can’t sleep on kids, they need to recruit like you play, through the whistle. I fear that hubris will be their downfall……..”
“Of course, with Harbaugh comes a certain image of a jackhammer who never stops working. Work ethic? If he is putting in so many hours how does he have time to watch full seasons of programs on Netflix? Working? Such as in his weekly podcast? His astute tweets. The first few years he did a great job of making Michigan a national brand again, especially in the off-season. The problem in so doing is that eventually you have to back up the “marketing” with on-the-field performance. Winning the off-season? Not a problem when you perform during the season. Perhaps work allocation is the issue. Perhaps he should be spending more time on working on offensive schematics and putting into place a quality offensive staff.”
Of course, once things head south on the win/loss column the knives come out in full force. I have factored this in. In fact, a couple of these people were already forewarning me of problems over a year ago when we were unbeaten. I did not listen.
Now, the scary thing is that I have not even gotten into the primary reasons why I have turned to the pessimistic side in terms of the direction of the program. Those are things I don’t want to talk about. No questions on that please. I pray that I am wrong.