publishing of leaked classified information and comparing that to Wikileaks. A great back and fourth. Somehow, he comes down on the side of, what he called, "legitimate free press". But he couldn't define what is "legitimate" and what is just bad. At one point, his explanation sounds similar to what was said when defining porn, "I know it when I see it."
He kind of stumbles into a conclusion that Wikileaks is only there to hurt America. He also pulls in Russia, at one point, but never really ties Wikileaks to Russia in any way shape or form. Just uses the two terms in the same sentence, then also says "and others".
he also states that Huma regularly forwarded classified Clinton emails to Weiner.
He kind of stumbles into a conclusion that Wikileaks is only there to hurt America. He also pulls in Russia, at one point, but never really ties Wikileaks to Russia in any way shape or form. Just uses the two terms in the same sentence, then also says "and others".
he also states that Huma regularly forwarded classified Clinton emails to Weiner.