...fastest and they "gotchya"?


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2019
Last August, approaching the I90, Niagra toll booths from the North, 88 in a 55! Long sweeping curve and there he sits! He pulls out from the medium, follows me thru the tolls then puts the lights on. Wife asks me how fast I was going, I state 88! He asks, "Do I know why I stopped you?" "Yes sir, speeding!" "Yes, 88 he states!" Then he asks me, "When were you in the CAV (Purple Heart plate)?" "Most of all 70!" "Drive safe and have a good evening!" I've told my wife that I suspect perhaps a father or uncle was too, just by how "CAV" rolled out so easily. Of course, I could see he was an Italian, so perhaps he just viewed me as a goombah too!
My father in law has had similar experiences out of respect for his being a Viet nam vet. He wasn’t in the 1st air Cav, he was an advisor to SVN Rangers.
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Wow! What was his military background?
He was ROTC in college, guns ho leader type, captain of football team in HS and college, etc., First assignment after Ranger School was Germany (Bavaria, near Czech border I think) sent to VN as an advisor. Basically he and an NCO attached to a SVN Ranger unit (said he ate nothing but rice and fish heads for a year). Assignment after VN was XO of the Ranger School. He got out when he talked to the pentagon and they said that his tour in VN didn’t count as a leadership position and he’d have to go back. His first child was 1 year old at the time and that was it. He Was recently honored by being inducted into the ROTC HOF where he went to college.
Solid respect for him! I was drafted so never really had a choice, other than radical. The worse part for me was putting my parents thru it and watching comrades perish. My parentsdid pray 24/7 though. Some lead still in me (Shakey's Hill, Cambodia, May 70') and malaria X2, but I'm here!
My father in law had to fly home to accompany his best friend‘s corpse and turn it over to his friends widow. All the while hearing baby killer and all that crap. He said it was the most painful thing he ever did.

thanks for your service.
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............ Assignment after VN was XO of the Ranger School.

That sounds like a big job. Speaks highly of your dad. Was the Army Ranger program already fully established then or was it in the development stage?
Solid respect for him! I was drafted so never really had a choice, other than radical. The worse part for me was putting my parents thru it and watching comrades perish. My parentsdid pray 24/7 though. Some lead still in me (Shakey's Hill, Cambodia, May 70') and malaria X2, but I'm here!
Thank you for your service! My brother was drafted (rec'd #13 in 1st lottery in Dec 1969) and served in VN.
I pulled a Draymond and robbed myself and my town by kicking him in the chest- I should have just sent a Splash bruddahs flyin ovah his head.
He was ROTC in college, guns ho leader type, captain of football team in HS and college, etc., First assignment after Ranger School was Germany (Bavaria, near Czech border I think) sent to VN as an advisor. Basically he and an NCO attached to a SVN Ranger unit (said he ate nothing but rice and fish heads for a year). Assignment after VN was XO of the Ranger School. He got out when he talked to the pentagon and they said that his tour in VN didn’t count as a leadership position and he’d have to go back. His first child was 1 year old at the time and that was it. He Was recently honored by being inducted into the ROTC HOF where he went to college.
Outstanding Sir.