FC: AG Shapiro drops most serious charges against Beta Theta Pi brothers, outlines plan

Looks like Tim Bream May have lied under oath. Wonder if he’ll be charged with perjury? The article makes it sound as if the State College PD found out that he procured a bar tender for the frat but then testified that he was unaware of alcohol being used that night.
This is kind of amazing. Was there really a bartender there? That would inject a whole new series of issues into this thing.
Looks like Tim Bream May have lied under oath. Wonder if he’ll be charged with perjury? The article makes it sound as if the State College PD found out that he procured a bar tender for the frat but then testified that he was unaware of alcohol being used that night.
I have no inside information on this particular issue, and the little that I have read here adds to the confusion. Perhaps the reference to Bream being "unaware" had to do with him being unaware that anyone other than the hired bartender would be dispensing alcohol that night. (?)

I DO know from experience with fraternities in general that hiring one or more professional bartenders is a commonly employed strategy. The idea is to take the decision about whether any particular partygoer should be served alcohol out of the hands of fraternity members and put it into the hands of a third party. The use of a professional (and in many states licensed) bartender can really help reduce the fraternity's exposure to liability for serving underage and/or obviously intoxicated people.
I have no inside information on this particular issue, and the little that I have read here adds to the confusion. Perhaps the reference to Bream being "unaware" had to do with him being unaware that anyone other than the hired bartender would be dispensing alcohol that night. (?)

I DO know from experience with fraternities in general that hiring one or more professional bartenders is a commonly employed strategy. The idea is to take the decision about whether any particular partygoer should be served alcohol out of the hands of fraternity members and put it into the hands of a third party. The use of a professional (and in many states licensed) bartender can really help reduce the fraternity's exposure to liability for serving underage and/or obviously intoxicated people.

I would like to know - if there was a bartender - whether that bartender was there when the pledges were running the gauntlet, etc. Has the bartender been interviewed as to what he/she saw?
I have no inside information on this particular issue, and the little that I have read here adds to the confusion. Perhaps the reference to Bream being "unaware" had to do with him being unaware that anyone other than the hired bartender would be dispensing alcohol that night. (?)

I DO know from experience with fraternities in general that hiring one or more professional bartenders is a commonly employed strategy. The idea is to take the decision about whether any particular partygoer should be served alcohol out of the hands of fraternity members and put it into the hands of a third party. The use of a professional (and in many states licensed) bartender can really help reduce the fraternity's exposure to liability for serving underage and/or obviously intoxicated people.

I thought that this fraternity was supposed to be dry. Wasn't that part of the agreement when it was re-colonized? Why would a dry fraternity need to hire a bartender?
Hazing has become yet another word or term that is applied in a tweet or a headline and then loses its real meaning once the masses (and in this case the crooked PA prosecutors) overplay their hand. This was a drinking accident. Investigate from there and file the appropriate misdemeanor charges.
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Hazing has become yet another word or term that is applied in a tweet or a headline and then loses its real meaning once the masses (and in this case the crooked PA prosecutors) overplay their hand. This was a drinking accident. Investigate from there and file the appropriate misdemeanor charges.
Well, I think destruction of evidence would be a good charge. That said, how to you delete surveillance using a remote? Is there actually a button for that?
How many times can they refile charges? This is the third time charges have been refiled when already dismissed by a judge?
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Hazing has become yet another word or term that is applied in a tweet or a headline and then loses its real meaning once the masses (and in this case the crooked PA prosecutors) overplay their hand. This was a drinking accident. Investigate from there and file the appropriate misdemeanor charges.

The hazing charges are not the ones that have been thrown out and refiled. Are you seriously contending that this was not a hazing incident? Don't they have text messages from BTP brothers talking about hazing?
The hazing charges are not the ones that have been thrown out and refiled. Are you seriously contending that this was not a hazing incident? Don't they have text messages from BTP brothers talking about hazing?
This is a serious question, not being coy. Am I correct in stating that some of the pledges did not partake of the drinking "games?" I have not followed this closely, but I swear I read this somewhere.
I read the same thing Marshall about the 20 minute obstacle course. Also, I read a number of those charged happened during the social afterwards. This whole ordeal baffles me as tragic for all involved