FC: Beta Theta Pi asks court to hold Stacy Parks Miller in contempt

Funny how it worked out. She milks the case for publicity like she's getting ready to run for governor or something -- and then loses her hometown primary 70-30.

That is some kind of disconnect with the voters. They had her figured out better than she had them figured out.
The local FOP Lodge did not endorse her for reelection. Writing on the wall.
Funny how it worked out. She milks the case for publicity like she's getting ready to run for governor or something -- and then loses her hometown primary 70-30.

That is some kind of disconnect with the voters. They had her figured out better than she had them figured out.

Layers don't get it. People want justice, they don't care about following the law or gaining convictions. They are tired of the grandstanding for ideology and political office. Can any of them just be honest?
I know it's the system in the U.S., but elected DAs are a really stupid idea. They should be civil servants appointed by county commissioners or maybe the governor -- prosecutorial equivalent of a county manager. Civil service protections from political firings. And like managers, they should move around so they don't get too politically entrenched in any one place. It would be much healthier and we'd see cases handled based on the law instead of the potential impact on re-election.

Philly's got a real mess. First Seth Williams, soliciting bribes and all. And now some dude who has zero experience in criminal law gets the job because George Soros bought it for him with TV commercials. I doubt that will end well.

This whole deal with billionaires buying DAs, buying state legislatures and governors and congressmen -- this is the end of American democracy that we are witnessing.
I know it's the system in the U.S., but elected DAs are a really stupid idea. They should be civil servants appointed by county commissioners or maybe the governor -- prosecutorial equivalent of a county manager. Civil service protections from political firings. And like managers, they should move around so they don't get too politically entrenched in any one place. It would be much healthier and we'd see cases handled based on the law instead of the potential impact on re-election.

Philly's got a real mess. First Seth Williams, soliciting bribes and all. And now some dude who has zero experience in criminal law gets the job because George Soros bought it for him with TV commercials. I doubt that will end well.

This whole deal with billionaires buying DAs, buying state legislatures and governors and congressmen -- this is the end of American democracy that we are witnessing.

.....or major newspapers by which they can preach their message. See WashPost.
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Do you think, if she had won the primary, they would have asked to hold her in contempt? That is not a sarcastic question. I'm interested in other opinions.
Yes. Absolutely. She lost the primary. She's still the DA and this is just a legal maneuver that any good defense attorney would carry out.
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I know it's the system in the U.S., but elected DAs are a really stupid idea. They should be civil servants appointed by county commissioners or maybe the governor -- prosecutorial equivalent of a county manager. Civil service protections from political firings. And like managers, they should move around so they don't get too politically entrenched in any one place. It would be much healthier and we'd see cases handled based on the law instead of the potential impact on re-election.

Philly's got a real mess. First Seth Williams, soliciting bribes and all. And now some dude who has zero experience in criminal law gets the job because George Soros bought it for him with TV commercials. I doubt that will end well.

This whole deal with billionaires buying DAs, buying state legislatures and governors and congressmen -- this is the end of American democracy that we are witnessing.

Yeah it's not new.

And the Koch Brothers say hello.
I know it's the system in the U.S., but elected DAs are a really stupid idea. They should be civil servants appointed by county commissioners or maybe the governor -- prosecutorial equivalent of a county manager. Civil service protections from political firings. And like managers, they should move around so they don't get too politically entrenched in any one place. It would be much healthier and we'd see cases handled based on the law instead of the potential impact on re-election.

Philly's got a real mess. First Seth Williams, soliciting bribes and all. And now some dude who has zero experience in criminal law gets the job because George Soros bought it for him with TV commercials. I doubt that will end well.

This whole deal with billionaires buying DAs, buying state legislatures and governors and congressmen -- this is the end of American democracy that we are witnessing.

How about billionaires buying DAs, the OAG, State Legislatures, Governors and Congressmen....and then having servile, bought-and-owned political lackeys appoint them to the Board of the State's Flagship Land-Grant University with a $5 billion annual budget for the purpose of raping and pillaging the institution (i.e., the taxpayers as The University is Publicly-Owned by Charter and Creation under PA Law enacted by the PA Legislature) via "Boardroom takeover" which blatantly violates the Charter, PA Law and their Legal Fiduciary Obligations to The University?
Soros just bought the Philly DA - at his victory rally they chanted F the police. He jas said he will never go after capital punishment - I wonder if it hits his family he would think the same - this guy makes Lenin look like Reagan. The current Mayor is no prize either. The way to fight crime is to not arrest anyone - seems like a solid plan.
Soros just bought the Philly DA - at his victory rally they chanted F the police. He jas said he will never go after capital punishment - I wonder if it hits his family he would think the same - this guy makes Lenin look like Reagan. The current Mayor is no prize either. The way to fight crime is to not arrest anyone - seems like a solid plan.

Note to Beta or anyone with a surveillance system. Don't keep a single copy of your video.
I know it's the system in the U.S., but elected DAs are a really stupid idea. They should be civil servants appointed by county commissioners or maybe the governor -- prosecutorial equivalent of a county manager. Civil service protections from political firings. And like managers, they should move around so they don't get too politically entrenched in any one place. It would be much healthier and we'd see cases handled based on the law instead of the potential impact on re-election.

Philly's got a real mess. First Seth Williams, soliciting bribes and all. And now some dude who has zero experience in criminal law gets the job because George Soros bought it for him with TV commercials. I doubt that will end well.

This whole deal with billionaires buying DAs, buying state legislatures and governors and congressmen -- this is the end of American democracy that we are witnessing.
Well, aren't appointees beholden to the politicians who appoint them? And, aren't their continuing appointments dependent upon the reelection of the politicians who appoint them?
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.....or major newspapers by which they can preach their message. See WashPost.

That's not new. Google William Randolph Hearst or Rupert Murdoch.

What's new is some dude who owns a chain of dollar stores just writing $50 million in checks and -- snap your finger -- he controls the North Carolina state legislature. That's new.

Not that you couldn't buy legislators in the old days, but it took years and effort to build the relationships -- a bottle of scotch at Xmas, flowers to the wife, a trip to Aruba, women delivered to hotel rooms, a lot of wining and dining, help the guy get his kid into college etc.

Now, you write a bunch of checks and brute-force it and you can actually be the Supreme Leader of a lot of states. You don't have to buy an island these days, you can buy a state! That is new. That is what Citizens United did to the thing formerly known as American democracy.
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I know it's the system in the U.S., but elected DAs are a really stupid idea. They should be civil servants appointed by county commissioners or maybe the governor -- prosecutorial equivalent of a county manager. Civil service protections from political firings. And like managers, they should move around so they don't get too politically entrenched in any one place. It would be much healthier and we'd see cases handled based on the law instead of the potential impact on re-election.

Philly's got a real mess. First Seth Williams, soliciting bribes and all. And now some dude who has zero experience in criminal law gets the job because George Soros bought it for him with TV commercials. I doubt that will end well.

This whole deal with billionaires buying DAs, buying state legislatures and governors and congressmen -- this is the end of American democracy that we are witnessing.

Not everywhere. In NJ, the country prosecutors (same thing as a DA, just different terminology) are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the State Legislature. They serve a term of five years. Some times it turns out well, other times not.
Soros just bought the Philly DA - at his victory rally they chanted F the police. He jas said he will never go after capital punishment - I wonder if it hits his family he would think the same - this guy makes Lenin look like Reagan. The current Mayor is no prize either. The way to fight crime is to not arrest anyone - seems like a solid plan.
The libtard mind is very dangerous