FC: Elk cam is up!

Couldn’t help but notice that the site also had a link to Chronic Wasting Disease. The apparent common denominator in all of the affected areas is the presence of captive deer farms.
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Couldn’t help but notice that the site also had a link to Chronic Wasting Disease. The apparent common denominator in all of the affected areas is the presence of captive deer farms.

If you want to learn A LOT about CWD, listen to joe Rogan’s podcast #1154. He has Bryan Richards on (CWD project manager for the USGS). VERY VERY informative.
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Couldn’t help but notice that the site also had a link to Chronic Wasting Disease. The apparent common denominator in all of the affected areas is the presence of captive deer farms.

If you're interested at all about CWD - check out the MeatEater podcast on the subject:

Regardless if you're a fan of the show or not - it sheds some light on what it actually is and if there's anything we can do about it.
If you want to learn A LOT about CWD, listen to joe Rogan’s podcast #1154. He has Bryan Richards on (CWD project manager for the USGS). VERY VERY informative.

Ha - same guy I reference from MeatEater.

Dude is crazy smart on CWD. In NC we only have EHD and haven’t seen CWD yet (operative word: YET) I’ve realized that it’s not the boogeyman. Here’s a good map to show the growth from 2000-2015. Pair that with the lethality of the disease and this is some scary sh!t.