It shows they have no morals at that network and posture for ratings. So why trust anything they say?
As for the info, it was mostly personal beliefs and much has been disputed often. Personally, Joe followed protocols and notified his superiors. Said from the first month it was the administration that screwed up. When notified by the AD they should have contacted campus security.....who should have turned it over to an agency with proper expertise in pedophelia.
And it is very strange that of all the charges that Sandusky faced he was acquitted on the charges of the night that McCreary witnessed. So what he witnessed wasn’t a crime.
As for Sandusky, I don’t know if he is guilty because the investigation and trial was a complete FUBAR. He deserves a retrial but that would be detrimental to the university to have to go through all this again. But there should be one so society can see the truth and those responsible for f’ing it up are removed from the system and proper reforms are in place to protect future innocents. If a proper trial is held and Sandusky is found guilty he should die in prison.