FC: Jones takes a shizz on the throwback unis

I won't read it, so tell me, is it that he simply doesn't like the look of the uniforms or does he feel that Penn State needs to continue to distance itself from its past?

By the way, this throwback game of sorts would be a great opportunity for the university to actually honor Joe. It won't happen, of course.

I'm one of those who won't click on a PSU-related PennLive link unless I know it is positive story of some sort. I can read all the negative stuff I want through other sources, and better written ones at that.
However, given this is negative in any way at all toward the throwbacks, Jones' schtick is beyond old by now, isn't it? First Horvath and now Jones, for over 30 years now, can think of no easier road to readers' emotions and to clicks than to write something negative about PSU football, even if they have to drag their point of view in kicking and screaming against the wave of common sense, and sometimes even against expected levels of respect for others. Growing up outside of Harrisburg, and although I still think highly of that area to this day, I'm familiar with that target audience.
So, if anyone here chooses to click and read and post their reactions and responses here, have at it. For me, simply seeing that it is a Jones article, I'll assume it is tripe at best.

(Friday morning rant..... check!)
Hate to say it. But he is right. Oh lord don't strike me down. I'm not a fan of jones. But why not just do it like 1968 or the black and pink even. I hate Pittsburgh steelers throw
Back uniform with a passion mostly because I think the steelers uniforms they do have are best in the league. But the throwback uniforms do resemble the throw back look of long ago.
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I won't read it, so tell me, is it that he simply doesn't like the look of the uniforms or does he feel that Penn State needs to continue to distance itself from its past?

By the way, this throwback game of sorts would be a great opportunity for the university to actually honor Joe. It won't happen, of course.

Nah he just reminds everyone he went to OSU (for design), that people don't like him because of how awesome he is, and the unis don't match any throwback but parts of many.

It's a relatively tame article

Jones thinks if he wasn't a top notch sports writer, he'd be working in the design department at Under Armour. He bolsters this claim by recounting his coloring skills as a child.

The delusion is deep w/ this one.

Nah he just reminds everyone he went to OSU (for design), that people don't like him because of how awesome he is, and the unis don't match any throwback but parts of many.

It's a relatively tame article


Thanks. Much appreciated.
Hate to say it. But he is right. Oh lord don't strike me down. I'm not a fan of jones. But why not just do it like 1968 or the black and pink even. I hate Pittsburgh steelers throw
Back uniform with a passion mostly because I think the steelers uniforms they do have are best in the league. But the throwback uniforms do resemble the throw back look of long ago.

I thought PSU explained the reasons for honoring more than a specific season or smaller 'era' with the 'generation' approach pretty well. Emphasizing our long-standing history of greatness / success / etc. is a good thing. I hate that they won't mention JVP and I admit the way they chose to honor the 1959 bowl win under Rip is a little bit of a stretch (why not just wait until 2019 and do big 60 year deal?), but otherwise I think I understand the approach. And having generations of past lettermen out for the coin toss is a great idea. Let's honor these guys.... and btw, they are JVP's legacy, and most PSU fans understand that.

As for the Steelers, if they would throwback to the 50s/60s uniforms rather than the hideous bumblebees, it would make much more sense to most fans. Even with the semi-odd shoulder design that a few teams have a variation of now.
Same with the Eagles, who have ugly unis imo. The 80s green unis were sharp.
I could go on, but so many design houses are waiting to talk with me, so Ta-Ta!
As I’ve written about once or twice before, my degree at Ohio State was in Industrial Design with a specialty in Visual Communications. (I know some of you wish I had pursued that discipline.) Had I not fallen in love with being a reporter during my college days, I very easily could have been one of the designers working for Nike or adidas or Under Armour right now.

Dave Jones' true alternate career...the lucrative field of emptying porta potties....

Why do people act like this is some matter of international importance? It's a uniform they will wear for one game.

And don't link to Pennlive.

Yep, a uniform that doesn't look particularly different than any of these:


....or PSU's current uniform and that is one of the things talked about by Franklin as summarized by the article on the home page of this site (i.e., PSU's uniform has been iconic and associated with the program through the decades).
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Hate to say it. But he is right. Oh lord don't strike me down. I'm not a fan of jones. But why not just do it like 1968 or the black and pink even. I hate Pittsburgh steelers throw
Back uniform with a passion mostly because I think the steelers uniforms they do have are best in the league. But the throwback uniforms do resemble the throw back look of long ago.
The uniforms have changed so little over the years (unless you go back to the 1920's) that if you just picked one year and duplicated those, they wouldn't look all that different. Even pulling in different elements from different eras, they don't look radically different. This was as different as they could get and they still look (st least from the front and back) almost the same as today's uniform.
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Franklin is the one who decided what the throwback uniform would look like. My guess is the #1 factor is how much current players and recruits would like the alternate uniform. Of course, he has to work within the framework of the iconic status of the Penn State uniform (like your USC and Alabama, in tradition). So I'm going to trust Franklin's judgment of what that target audience likes over David Jones' judgment, my judgment, or any other critic. Really that simple.

Reminds me of the people who want to complain about the music that they play during warmups. It isn't all about you.
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Yep, a uniform that doesn't look particularly different than any of these:


....or PSU's current uniform and that is one of the things talked about by Franklin as summarized by the article on the home page of this site (i.e., PSU's uniform has been iconic and associated with the program through the decades).

That was a poster at one point, right? I love that compilation.

I think Ryan mentioned that this throwback is the first step to some other changes to come. My assumption is that they felt they needed to 'drip' these on us to gauge our reactions before doing anything else. Good marketing.

I expect the permanent changes will be subtle (e.g. my hope for a chipmunk logo on the hip, or the stripe on the pants) at least initially, and maybe take hold over time. Still nothing that strays too far from the traditional ranch. But then, once a year, we do a real alternate uni... blue helmet, blue pants type of thing. If we do anything too crazy, I'd like to see us do it for the spring game.
Anyway, that's what I took from Ryan's brief comment yesterday. I could be wrong. It would be the first time this hour, but it could be.
Jones is paid to offer opinions. He's not paid to be a fan of Penn State. To be a "homer" for Dear Ole State would be professionally irresponsible. Sometimes I agree with him, sometimes I don't, and sometimes I think he gets a little too clever in his prose. Nevertheless, I don't think he deserves the torrent of criticism he gets here. His work is usually worth reading, even when I don't agree. The fact that he's a tOSU grad accounts for nothing when evaluating his work.

I get his point about the "Generation of Greatness" throwback uniforms, but I don't think it's all that important. I do think the 1968 uniforms would be great, with the lighter blue jerseys and the wide pant stripe. Maybe next year.

Jones is right, the point of this exercise is to sell merchandise and I suspect that effort this fall will be successful. And I'll offer kudos to the ICA marketing team for trying something new and trying to find a middle path through the minefield. Because I don't know how you can honor generations of greatness and not cite JoePa in some significant way. But that's the delicate and perhaps unwinnable task Barbour and team confront for the foreseeable future.
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Jones is paid to offer opinions. He's not paid to be a fan of Penn State. To be a "homer" for Dear Ole State would be professionally irresponsible. The fact that he's a tOSU grad accounts for nothing when evaluating his work.

Jones is a self-professed fan of Ohio State. Why is it not "professionally irresponsible" that he is a homer for Ohio State while covering, hyper-critically, Penn State?

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Jones did make one point that I too wondered about - the white shoes? What era do they represent? I recall us wearing white shoes for one game, Alabama in the 78 Sugar Bowl (which Jones said as well). Does anyone know, did Penn State wear white shoes at some point in time? Just my .02 but I think PSU is guilty of trying a bit too hard to be clever here. As others have pointed out, these really are not throw back unis. Had they wanted a true throw back there are some very nice options IMO.
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I actually rather liked his idea on picking a "historical" team - do the throwback unis to that particular year, bring out the roster, and rotate each year. This could be an easy way to honor Joe/history, placate the traditionalists, get the players/recruits excited about unis, all the while easing into the modernization of the program.
The uniforms have changed so little over the years (unless you go back to the 1920's) that if you just picked one year and duplicated those, they wouldn't look all that different. Even pulling in different elements from different eras, they don't look radically different. This was as different as they could get and they still look (st least from the front and back) almost the same as today's uniform.

Yea, that's precisely what Franklin said in his statement as summarized in this article from BWI's Homepage:

“I think it's something that, those two things really shows and reinforces all the tremendous history and tradition that we have here, and our uniform is as iconic as it is and how it has not changed much over time,”

It is why the entire event is being called "Generations of Greatness" - it is a celebration of the iconic uniform which has changed very little through the years as evidenced by the fact it doesn't look dramatically different than the current uniform or any of the uniforms worn under Coach Higgins (1930 - 1949 and the real innovator of the iconic design that has become associated with PSU), Rip Engle, Joe Paterno, etc...all the way to today with uniforms worn under Coach Franklin. The iconic nature of the uniform and it's association with the Program's rich tradition is precisely what is being celebrated here - a point that Jones completely misses despite acknowledging that the "throwback uniform" is barely distinguishable from the current one (or any of its predecessors for the prior 9 decades).
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Smails, please point to where Jones "self-professed" his homerism for tOSU. If anything, I think he has a distaste for the way tOSU has approached big time college football. And I sense he'd like to openly root for perennial underdog Penn State Basketball, but mostly resists the temptation.
Yea, that's precisely what Franklin said in his statement as summarized in this article from BWI's Homepage:

It is why the entire event is being called "Generations of Greatness" - it is a celebration of the iconic uniform which has changed very little through the years as evidenced by the fact it doesn't look dramatically different than the current uniform or any of the uniforms worn under Coach Higgins (1930 - 1949 and the real innovator of the iconic design that has become associated with PSU), Rip Engle, Joe Paterno, etc...all the way to today with uniforms worn under Coach Franklin. The iconic nature of the uniform and it's association with the Program's rich tradition is precisely what is being celebrated here - a point that Jones completely misses despite acknowledging that the "throwback uniform" is barely distinguishable from the current one (or any of its predecessors for the prior 9 decades).
Yes but I think the point is/was the throw back should be quite distinguishable from current uniform. If you look at the photo in Pennlive of Ted Kwalick from 1968-69, that uniform would never be "indistinguishable" from the 2017 unis. While it is true PSU unis have not changed dramatically in the past 50 years, they have changed in ways that are noticeable.
Smails, please point to where Jones "self-professed" his homerism for tOSU. If anything, I think he has a distaste for the way tOSU has approached big time college football. And I sense he'd like to openly root for perennial underdog Penn State Basketball, but mostly resists the temptation.

I don't have the time to do a google deep dive to find the quote. He wrote in one of his columns that he is still a fan of Ohio State. Completely crazy, I know, being a grad of the school.
Jones did make one point that I too wondered about - the white shoes? What era do they represent? I recall us wearing white shoes for one game, Alabama in the 78 Sugar Bowl (which Jones said as well). Does anyone know, did Penn State wear white shoes at some point in time? Just my .02 but I think PSU is guilty of trying a bit too hard to be clever here. As others have pointed out, these really are not throw back unis. Had they wanted a true throw back there are some very nice options IMO.

Strange how both you and Jones believe that you define what the intent of that special event gameday uniform is....because nowhere to Franklin or PSU say the intent was to recreate a "true throw back" uniform. Quite to the contrary, the special event for the game was titled: "Generations of Greatness" and here is what Coach Franklin had to say about the event:

Attached to Penn State’s Big Ten home opener against Indiana on September 30, titled the “Generations of Greatness” game, the NIttany Lions will be sporting a uniform that is at once the same iconic look, steeped in history, with slight tweaks.

“I think it's something that, those two things really shows and reinforces all the tremendous history and tradition that we have here, and our uniform is as iconic as it is and how it has not changed much over time,” Franklin told reporters at a Beaver Stadium press conference Thursday afternoon. “There has been some subtle things and we can honor those things and kind of tell this unbelievable story that we have here at Penn State of our history. And what better way to do it than with this uniform?”

The entire purpose of the event is to celebrate PSU iconic uniform design and rich history THROUGH TIME - not celebrate one specific design in a specific year!
Yes but I think the point is/was the throw back should be quite distinguishable from current uniform. If you look at the photo in Pennlive of Ted Kwalick from 1968-69, that uniform would never be "indistinguishable" from the 2017 unis. While it is true PSU unis have not changed dramatically in the past 50 years, they have changed in ways that are noticeable.

Laughable bull$hit and factually INCORRECT that you and Jones determine the intent of "special event"! Coach Franklin is the conceptual designer of the event INCLUDING THE INTENT as evidenced by these excerpts:

The idea was one James Franklin held, as he recalls it, from his arrival as Penn State’s new head coach in January 2014.

Attached to Penn State’s Big Ten home opener against Indiana on September 30, titled the “Generations of Greatness” game, the NIttany Lions will be sporting a uniform that is at once the same iconic look, steeped in history, with slight tweaks.

“I think it's something that, those two things really shows and reinforces all the tremendous history and tradition that we have here, and our uniform is as iconic as it is and how it has not changed much over time,” Franklin told reporters at a Beaver Stadium press conference Thursday afternoon. “There has been some subtle things and we can honor those things and kind of tell this unbelievable story that we have here at Penn State of our history. And what better way to do it than with this uniform?”

Specific to the uniform itself, the differences are a collage of elements that have been implemented into Penn State’s uniforms throughout the years.

Clearly, both you and Douche-bag Davey Jones are FACTUALLY WRONG about the intent of the design and celebration was to celebrate and recreate a specific design year rather than the overall iconic design over the past almost 90 years! But I see you, like Jones himself, doesn't bother letting minor little things like FACTS get in the way of his gratuitous, self-serving, proclamation made-up bull$hit facts and spew....
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Smails, please point to where Jones "self-professed" his homerism for tOSU. If anything, I think he has a distaste for the way tOSU has approached big time college football. And I sense he'd like to openly root for perennial underdog Penn State Basketball, but mostly resists the temptation.

Not sure how he feels about tOSU now, I know he hated Jim Tressel.
My sense is that he's the guy that hates pretty much everything and likes being the contrarian.
Plus Jones hated Joe for not kissing his or Horvath's ass. and for making him look like a fool in the Rashard Casey incident. Something else Jones wasn't man enough to admit he was wrong about to Joe or Casey. Bottom line Jones is slug who thinks he's a better writer than he actually is. For years he used to get his "inside info" from this board. As trump would say he's "fake news".
Jones is actually fairly realistic and even handed with his basketball writing. The football writing, however... Someone once suggested that since he doesn't see the basketball team as a threat in the conference, he can "afford" to be honest. I don't know about that. I suspect the football coaches maybe have been as nice to him. Or, he just knows his niche is the anti-Penn State/football crowd, and writes to that audience.

I don't expect reporters to be homers, but I do expect them to be more balanced when the situation calls for it. Something he seems to have trouble doing.
Jones is a POS who you can see though in 5 seconds - always have something negative to say about PSU to generate clicks and sell ads. He brings little to nothing to the table as far as true insights into anything and that is why he has never moved beyond the rag he currently works for.
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