I am confident that SOME of us are correct.
I am confident I will eat MOST of 3 cookies from Subway tonight.
I am confident that SOME of us are correct.
does that mean I am some of correct?? all of correct? correct X2??
jeez, I thought that movie Inception messed with my perception of reality, but not like this!
Really??? What many negatives does/did Jay have???A
I also don't think it will be that "easy for Wick and team" to directly attribute his lack of market appeal directly to the CD. He has many more negatives associated with him than anything the CD may (or may not) have done.
Really??? What many negatives does/did Jay have???
Of course it is. All of us can error in life.
Sort of why building statues of people still alive is a risky endeavour.
This semantic discussion on the meaning of the word "some" again????
If I have 10 cookies, and I eat 1 cookie, I have eaten some of the cookies.
Similarly, if there were 10 Penn State football coaches, and 1 of the football coaches was directly implicated, some of the Penn State football coaches were directly implicated.
I think some of your claims above are a bit of a stretch (Tom Bradley, Larry Johnson and the unnamed-thus-far John Thomas have definitely been at equal-level jobs post-PSU), but fine, I'll play along.
just so I understand the michigan math here
if I kick michnit in the left nut, but it's his ONLY nut (hey prove to me it is not! show me some medical evidence from 7 hospitals that he does, in fact, possess BOTH testicles!!)
have I kicked him in one nut? some nut? some of his nuts?? all his nuts??![]()
You incorrectly assumed he has a nut (singular), let alone nuts (plural).
John Thomas does not have an equal job, he's not even listed on the FB site as being a S & C for FB. http://www.georgiadogs.com/sports/m-footbl/spec-rel/061210aaa.html So if you are not a S & C for FB, and you were, you have taken a step down. S & C for ex, track, aint the same as S & C for FB. I said LJ made a lateral move, and don't forget TB spent 2 yrs out of the game before a lawyer read the Freeh report twice, before he was considered, and at that time, he took a big step down ( DC to DL is a huge step down, all the other titles were noise)
Both LJ and Bradley are making considerably more money now than they were at psu. So do you want the title or the money?
That said, it will eventually turn out that coaches have documentation from university's and/or sports companies that they were turned down for a job strictly because of the NCAA sanctions. I believe one coach actually accepted a job prior to July 2012 and was then told they couldn't hire him because of the sanctions.
Paterno will win this case IMO
Oh, you're back to this again? Since you ignored my response in the other thread, please tell me who the coaches (plural, meaning more than one) were who the NCAA referred to as having ignored Sandusky. For reference, again, "some" is an indefinite pronoun and can be singular or plural, depending on what it's referring to. Therefore, since "coaches" is plural, some is also plural.
I was told there wasn't going to be math on this test.
A more appropriate analogy would be that hastily tearing down a statue of someone who hasn't been proven to do anything wrong is a risky endeavor.
The funniest part is, using the information of the investigators and prosecutors from the PA OAG who prosecuted the Indictments that Freeh and the NCAA so love to refer to, you can't even find ONE COACH on PSU's 2011 Staff, let alone "coaches". Given that NONE of them were involved, it is pretty clear that the NCAA was irresponsibly painting with a broad brush in regards to their FALSE ALLEGATION (e.g., that any member of PSU's 2011 Football Coaching Staff was involved in the Indictments made by the PA OAG relative to the SWIGJ and Indictments announced by the PA OAG in November 2011) that "some coaches" were involved in an effort to cause as much unjustified and unfair nuclear wholesale damage as possible to PSU and its Football Program.
I don't know how to divide by zero. My math education stopped at Laplace transforms.