FC: Kate Beckinsale likes getting facials...

Ranger Dan

Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Aug 31, 2003
York PA
from forskin removed from babies. Why would she publicize this, unless it’s just to get her name out there? If I wasn’t married, I might be convinced to offer her a 51 year old version.

I don't find her attractive. She's actually borderline ugly.

I saw the end of some John Legend Christmas thing on TV last night and thought the same thing about his model wife. Not only did I not think she was good looking for a model, I found her really unattractive overall. Maybe it was just a bad shot of her.
I saw the end of some John Legend Christmas thing on TV last night and thought the same thing about his model wife. Not only did I not think she was good looking for a model, I found her really unattractive overall. Maybe it was just a bad shot of her.

Yep, I was thinking the exact same thing for the couple minutes I watched. I see prettier women in the mall on any given Saturday.
I'd like to know who first came up with the idea. "I know just the thing for getting wrinkles out..."

and who exactly is the source(es) for this spa? Are they legally providing these cell samples? The whole thing is bizarre.
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Isn't this serial killer kind of sh*t?
Completely agree. Totally weird.

But it's Kate B... and they're cloned cells, not from actual babies. And I don't imagine she gets those facials while contemporaneously getting roofied and/or plied with copious amounts of alcohol (or whatever), which is the only way anyone here's getting within a dozen miles of the considerations they're currently discussing... So while completely bizarre and offensive to nearly all sensibilities (except perhaps the ordinary male libido), the facials really aren't an issue.

and PPB is still insane. She's beautiful... to look at... from afar... especially, when NOT thinking of foreskin facials.
IIRC, she’s also a fan of ‘water sports’....

She peed in the coffee thermos of a director she didn’t like. The hot/crazy ratio probably tops out with Kate.
Which dovetails nicely with Ben Affleck's picking Jennifer Garner off the Pearl Harbor cast. Many a young man has asked "seriously, why not Kate?" I believe the gentleman from the DC metro may have nailed it.

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This is a little too much like Ron whites baby duck pussy lips taco bit...Also on netflix

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