FC/OT: Quinn Nordin announces his official visit list!



Players committing early to schools only to announce an official visit schedule a couple months before NLOI Day is the new uncommitted players doing the hat switcheroo on TV. Here's his announcement in two parts (builds the suspense, then ends it):


I wish this kid would just announce that he's going to UM and get it over with. I'm really tired of his self-promoting BS.

I think he would if he had an actionable offer. Word is Michigan has other priorities, and he could be left out or told to gray-shirt. If I'm Franklin and one of my committed players has a social media profile where he's wearing a sweatshirt of one of my rivals, I'm certainly not a happy coach.
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Kind of humorous for a "kicker" to act as if he is this highly sought after "football player" ???? Strange kid and family.
I think he would if he had an actionable offer. Word is Michigan has other priorities, and he could be left out or told to gray-shirt. If I'm Franklin and one of my committed players has a social media profile where he's wearing a sweatshirt of one of my rivals, I'm certainly not a happy coach.

I would rather Franklin just use his time and resources on getting in on another DT, LB or OL.
I'm tired of the self promoting.
and JMO but I want Gilkin way more anyway.
Kind of humorous for a "kicker" to act as if he is this highly sought after "football player" ???? Strange kid and family.

Until they eliminate field goals, extra points, and kickoffs from the game, then the top high school kicker in the country will be a "highly sought after football player".
He's a really good kicker. Without him we'd be fine to have Blake do both K and P, with him we'd have the best specialist in the league. At this point he shouldn't be committed anywhere. His antics would force me pull his scholarship if I were head coach. Good for Franklin if he keeps him and keeps his cool with him, but if not we will be fine.
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Until they eliminate field goals, extra points, and kickoffs from the game, then the top high school kicker in the country will be a "highly sought after football player".

Meh, this isn't exactly murders row

2015 Justin Yoon ND
2014 Gary Wunderlich Ole Miss
2013 Michael Geiger Mich St
2012 Ross Martin Duke
2011 Taylor Bertolet Texas A&M
2010 Kip Smith UCLA
2009 Dustin Hopkins FSU
2008 Quinn Sharp OSU
2007 Billy Bennett BC
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Players committing early to schools only to announce an official visit schedule a couple months before NLOI Day is the new uncommitted players doing the hat switcheroo on TV. Here's his announcement in two parts (builds the suspense, then ends it):



I think this is a low class move on Nordin's part. It's OK for him to have second thoughts but it's tacky to verbal then flaunt the fact that you're still available. At this point why not keep quiet?

I think Nordin will flip to UM if they offer him a scholarship. The problem is they already have 23 commits with several other high level prospects like Hill & Gary in the mix. I doubt they'll be able to offer him a scholarship in this class.

Several posters say that Franklin should move on and use Nordin's scholarship elsewhere. But I'm not aware of any high level recruits that we are missing out on due to scholarship limitations. Franklin would find room for such a person with or without Nordin. If Nordin doesn't sign PSU will have 1 more scholarship available for 2017.
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I have a personal behavioral guideline that says I will never "boo" a college athlete for their efforts on the field play ... good or bad. Pros ... now that's a different story.

However, I might have to make an exception for this kid if he ever misses a field goal or extra point! Confidence is okay, but this kid seems to be pretty full of himself.
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If a recruit burns a bridge than so be it, but until then there is no reason to burn it for him.

As a specialist, the offers are harder to come by, so it is more understandable if the commit earlier as they have less leverage. What makes Nordin's less palatable is the fanfare that he gave with his commitment video. It is harder to walk that back than a simple commitment. Remember that a few months ago folks thought that Rashad Wheeler cost himself an opportunity at PSU because of no committing on the spot so it goes both ways. In the end, decommitt reflects on the integrity of the person backing away. I'd rather that be the commit than it be PSU.
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I'd prefer they pull their offer and let him walk on at Michigan, or whatever. At some point in time you need to make sure your self-respect is intact. This in an 18yr old kid that is trolling JF.
I think he would if he had an actionable offer. Word is Michigan has other priorities, and he could be left out or told to gray-shirt. If I'm Franklin and one of my committed players has a social media profile where he's wearing a sweatshirt of one of my rivals, I'm certainly not a happy coach.

what if Franklin just continued to offer players as if this offer did not exist?? then if we were full when he came around to sign it would be tough. I think that is the normal approach. no need to even inform the player you are doing this.
what if Franklin just continued to offer players as if this offer did not exist?? then if we were full when he came around to sign it would be tough. I think that is the normal approach. no need to even inform the player you are doing this.

You don't really see that too often (at least not at Penn State). I can recall less than a handful of times where our staff tried to force a recruit's hand (after the Simms debacle, Joe offered three QB's, and told them the first two to accept would get the scholarships - ended up being Wasserman and Mills; Jeff Smoker passed). Otherwise, the only time I can recall our staff initiating the parting of ways is when it comes to grades or some other off the field problem (like Hartman). If we offer without guarantees, recruits will be less likely to verbal, and thus will be less likely to help recruit, etc. Recruits can get away with this, if they're good enough, because no one will blame them for making the best decision for 'them'.
While acknowledging his skill in the national HS arena, I believe that the 'culture' he brings would be very high maintenance. It's also counter to the quiet, blue collar, get it done, ways of Penn State. I wish him well but prefer he goes elsewhere. To that end, I hope CJF and staff greatly minimize their attendance during his formal visit. Best they substitute their presence with members of the team and recruits to 'host' him and his family........and their arrogance. "Paging Mike Reid.....paging Mr. Reid."
Question, is it normal for a school to offer to pay for an Official Visit when they have not offered that recruit an offer yet and he is local enough to take unofficial visits most every weekend?
Maybe this kid knows he is playing with fire and sought out a Baylor offer as backup in case Michigan never comes through and Franklin pulls his offer?
Thanks in advance,
If he decides to take a grayshirt from Michigan, he better hope that Harbaugh is still there next January.
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I'd prefer they pull their offer and let him walk on at Michigan, or whatever. At some point in time you need to make sure your self-respect is intact. This in an 18yr old kid that is trolling JF.

I'd prefer that Franklin just keeps doing what he's doing. If the kid comes here, then great. If not, then he doesn't and we move on. I'd rather leave the door open for the #1 kicker if he's still interested in coming here, than appease the <1% of the fan base that cares about recruiting enough that they feel like we're "losing self-respect" by continuing to recruit him.
I'd prefer that Franklin just keeps doing what he's doing. If the kid comes here, then great. If not, then he doesn't and we move on. I'd rather leave the door open for the #1 kicker if he's still interested in coming here, than appease the <1% of the fan base that cares about recruiting enough that they feel like we're "losing self-respect" by continuing to recruit him.

To each his own. If you don't mind getting played by a child, that's on you.
I think our lack of a good punter has been nearly as costly as our offensive line woes, and was very happy we were getting this kid.

Having said that, I've gone from "hope he stays" to "don't let the door hit you on the way out" to "gtfo". We don't need people like this, never have.
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I don't know about anyone else, but I refuse to freak out over it: Blake Gillikin kicked 56, 55, and 51 yard field goals, kicked every kickoff out of the end zone, and was the third best high school punter in the nation last year. We'll be just fine without Nordin.

What we NEED, is either a graduate transfer offensive lineman who can START, or two more JUCO offensive linemen to come in and START.

With Gillikin here, our punting problems are over. We lost 4 games because we couldn't punt the football in the past two years. We also could not kick the ball off, deep into the end zone. We solved that problem also. We now need to solve our problems up front, and find "ready to play" guards and centers and tackles, then open up ALL FIVE JOBS at the start of spring practice.
Things that make one go "Umm"? I don't know about the intelligence of this young lad.

If you have 3 official visits, why would you go down to Waco, TX? Michigan I can understand......Penn State....great... but Baylor???

UC Santa Barbara would be getting my 3rd "Official Visit". In one single recruiting weekend, he can squeeze in....

  • Going down to the beach to learn sand volleyball with girls / co-eds in bikini's
  • Going down to the beach to learn how to surf with girls in bikini's albeit covered up with wet suits
  • Walk along State Street and eat and drink like royalty with hot California girls
  • Meander through the campus while feigning interest in what academics UCSB has to offer
  • Repeat bulleted highlights #1 --> #3 above. Is there anything else...?
    • get scholarship and periodically kick an orbital oblong ball through a pair of erect steel posts.
    • This isn't rocket science.

Where did I go so wrong in my selection of a university?
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Things that make one go "Umm"? I don't know about the intelligence of this young lad.

If you have 3 official visits, why would you go down to Waco, TX? Michigan I can understand......Penn State....great... but Baylor???

UC Santa Barbara would be getting my 3rd "Official Visit"
Friend of mine graduated from Baylor so I had a chance to spend a little time here and there visiting him. Let's just say there was an unbelievable amount of great scenery. I can think of a lot of worse places to go visit for sure.
To each his own. If you don't mind getting played by a child, that's on you.

What does Franklin gain by pulling his scholarship offer? He doesn't have to enjoy it, but if Nordin is going to part ways with PSU then let him make that decision. Recruiting is being a salesman and good salesman don't insult clients publicly because other prospective clients are watching. Nothing to be gained by pouting and taking your ball home because someone does want to play by your rules. This isn't elementary recess...moral victories over respect are meaningless
If he decides to take a grayshirt from Michigan, he better hope that Harbaugh is still there next January.
Urbans gonna get offered 12 mil if he wants it by Haslam. I expect Irsay to offer at least the same for Jim.
I'd prefer that Franklin just keeps doing what he's doing. If the kid comes here, then great. If not, then he doesn't and we move on. I'd rather leave the door open for the #1 kicker if he's still interested in coming here, than appease the <1% of the fan base that cares about recruiting enough that they feel like we're "losing self-respect" by continuing to recruit him.

To each his own. If you don't mind getting played by a child, that's on you.

What does Franklin gain by pulling his scholarship offer? He doesn't have to enjoy it, but if Nordin is going to part ways with PSU then let him make that decision. Recruiting is being a salesman and good salesman don't insult clients publicly because other prospective clients are watching. Nothing to be gained by pouting and taking your ball home because someone does want to play by your rules. This isn't elementary recess...moral victories over respect are meaningless
As much as his antics are wearing on me, I agree with Erial. Toadie your point is a good one. As we continue to target more top 100 talent each year, this will be the new normal. Sometimes comes with the talent. At some point there is a line though.
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