fc Sean Cascarano, is this a new addition to the FB staff as a GA or has this been reported


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
and just now announced?? Either way, welcome aboard!

Penn State:
Per source, Sean Cascarano, who coached the offensive line at Chowan (D-II – NC) and was a graduate assistant at Virginia prior to that, has joined the Penn State staff in a graduate assistant role
All four of last season's grad assistants have left for new jobs (it appears to be a two-year cycle) and Cascarano is the second new GA I've heard about so far.

I've heard head coaches describe the life of a GA as a close cousin to a modern version of slavery. Low pay, very long hours, zero recognition. But, if you have a deep passion to be a college football coach, this is the typical way to get your foot in the door and build some credentials and recommendations.