FDA wants opioid painkiller pulled off market...............

I hardly any see anybody on this anymore, anyhow. Good riddance.

Although, upon reflection I don't deal much with outpatients who have bad chronic terminal cancer pain. Maybe it's good for that population.
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One...just one of several sources. Let's see what happens to the rest of them. Of course they could solve this by bringing back the Cox-2 inhibitors that didn't show a significant increase in cardiac events. Confusing position the FDA has had on the opioids.
This is long overdue....for the past few years Opana was greatly overprescribed and abused in TN for sure.
For people with pain from terminal cancer, Cox-2 inhibitors are no better than sprinkling with holy water. And those people are dying anyhow. You can't eliminate the availability of these drugs entirely and leave that population to suffer without relief. Anybody who has watched someone with terminal cancer suffer knows what I mean.

There are no easy answers. The state can do all kinds of rapid-fire things to make access more restrictive, but if they do it in a stupid fashion (and they usually do) it will do as much harm as good. That said, I don't know what the right way is.