Feathers is lying about Second Mile

This is where I get off the train. I don't see a pedophile ring as other do. What I see is a nationally recognized charity that was used as a conduit for political bribes or tax fraud or both. It has been established over and over again that this is the modus operandi in the State. VEB and mn78psu83 have just pointed out two articles in the Inky involving other state officials.

TSM had some very big playahs in the business world as well as the PA political scene that were connected. TSM is the nexus for those two communities to come together. They both have mutual interests and TSM was the place where deals were struck, funds were cleansed and exchanged.

IMO, that is the dirt that is being hidden at TSM.

For Chriss sake! It's starring us right in the face. Any semi-competent journalist, state or federal investigator should see it too!!

Maybe. Maybe not. But you know what, it shouldn't be our place to deny anything on their behalf. Look what they did- threw every kind of shit imaginable at PSU until they got something to stick.

I say do the same to them. Don't do their work for them. Tell everyone you know there's probably a pedophile rung operating out of TSM. Along with a money laundering ring. Throw in sex trafficking, drugs, illegal alien smuggling, and selling government secrets to the Russians, Chinese, and ISIS. Let them have to deny and fight every accusation like we've had to do the past 5 years. Sometimes the craziest, most unbelievable story turns out to be true.

BTW, I think those stories about Hafer are very small potatoes. But they were put out there so it looks like the pols and the journalists are doing something about corruption so they don't have to go after the big fish. Hafer must have reached her use by date- she's dispensable now, and more than likely even if she goes to trial, no judge is going to put a 70-something year old lady in prison. But meanwhile, the average Pennsylvanian thinks "Ooh, aah. $150,000. That's a lot of money." Not realizing that the real big deals have more commas and zeroes involved.
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Yes but I believe he also did contract/therapy work for TSM as well. He had a huge COI when you consider that. Plus he was unlicensed in 98. Yikes..

Putting 1998 aside what was Centre County CYS doing contracting an unlicensed counselor? What other cases did he work on? Did other county CYSs use him and for what purpose?
Putting 1998 aside what was Centre County CYS doing contracting an unlicensed counselor? What other cases did he work on? Did other county CYSs use him and for what purpose?

God only knows....seems quite odd that Seasock was the best the state could come up with to counter Chambers.....his unlicensed opinion being given credence over Chambers' who was licensed and knew the boy but better only looks worse when you consider that Chambers got permission from the mother of V6 to share info with her colleagues and they ALL agreed with her assessment!

So in essence Seasock's unlicensed opinion was used to trump not only Chambers' but that of all of her colleagues. Truly unreal.
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The Non-Investigation of The Second Mile
Geoffrey Moulton used the word "inexplicable" to explain the delays in getting warrants for Sandusky's home and making an arrest. However, that same word applies to the Pennsylvania State Police's (PSP) failure to interview individuals and gather evidence from The Second Mile (TSM) as a means of identifying potential victims.

Moreover, if there was an organization that should have been suspected of covering up Sandusky's crimes, TSM should have been at the top of the list. Sandusky was the organizations founder, face, and top fundraiser.

As history shows, without Sandusky, TSM could not exist.

Even if the PSP didn't understand the financial incentive for a TSM cover-up, they had plenty of leads that should have caused them to visit the charity early in the investigation. The first seven people interviewed by the PSP all mentioned Sandusky's association with TSM and his work in mentoring young men.

The PSP continued to investigate the case when it was ensconced in the grand jury.

In August 2009, F.A., a former CMHS student, testified to the grand jury about being a TSM participant and being in the car with Fisher and Sandusky. Following F.A.'s testimony, Agent Anthony Sassano drafted a list of investigative steps that excluded contacting anyone associated with the charity. In reading the email below, the incompetency of Sassano is evident -- and likely explains why he was assigned to the case.

Even if Sassano was incompetent, he was being overseen by a seasoned prosecutor, Jonelle Eshbach, who had prosecuted many sexual abuse cases. Eshbach should have been the "backstop" that made sure investigators didn't miss anything.

Instead, it appeared that Eshbach was equally avoiding investigating TSM, as this request for subpoena reveals the gymnastics that had to be undertaken to not request records from the charity, but justify a request to Penn State.

It is notable that Eshbach and the AG had "some suspicion" -- based on no evidence on the official record -- that PSU had knowledge of Sandusky's inappropriate behavior with children.

In summary, the evidence shows that if Corbett and the AG suspected a cover-up, then it failed to investigate any of the most probable suspects until 2011. Based on the official record of evidence, the Sandusky grand jury was not investigating a cover-up or coercing any witness testimony.

Second Mile Sandusky Scandal: Corbett's Grand Jury Lie, Part 3

The Evidence
The following evidence of the investigator's failure to follow leads and conduct routine investigative work was known to Moulton's team but not included in the report.

Failure to Find Victim 9
During the first twenty months of the investigation, the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) and OAG were completely reliant upon Aaron Fisher (Victim 1), Dawn Daniels, and Central Mountain High School officials to generate leads.

As the investigation languished, the AG and PSP failed to investigate the first lead about other victims ever provided by Fisher, who provided the first names of two young men who had highly unusual first names beginning with the letter "S."

Fisher provided that information at his initial interview on November 20, 2008.

It is unclear whether or not Trooper Cavanaugh included that information in his police report that eventually made its way to the OAG. However, it is obvious that Cavanaugh didn't attempt to find Victim 9, as that could have been easily accomplished by contacting The Second Mile (TSM) to find out the child's last name.

TSM wasn't contacted about the investigation until January 2011.

According to the Moulton Report, the investigation went cold in March 2010 and nothing happened until October. Typically, when an investigation goes cold, it is common practice to go back to square one and review all of the existing evidence with the hopes of uncovering something that was missed.
That didn't happen.

In fact, the investigators did not go back to Clinton County CYS until June 27, 2011.

The search warrant Sandusky's home was approved one week before the investigators visited Clinton County CYS. On June 22nd, the investigators finally searched Sandusky's home.

According to the trial testimony of AG Agent Anthony Sassano, a list of the names of participants of The Second Mile was found in Sandusky's home. Victim 9's name, his mother's first name, and his phone number was on the participant list.

Despite investigators having that considerable evidence that could have led them to Victim 9, they never followed up.

In November 2011, the assistant principal of the boy's school called the hotline after the news of the Sandusky charges hit the papers.

According to his trial testimony, Victim 9 was repeatedly abused while the investigation lagged.
Ray...given the PMA release would you be able to release the rest of Ericksons notes you received a while back?
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And Kane also...two worthless attorney generals for our state. Badly need to get a good one in November.

Neither one wants to look into Second has to wonder why and who they are both protecting.

Corbett is protecting his cut of the pie while Kane is probably protecting herself. Isn't she muzzled and castrated, which is why Castor is doing whatever he's doing?

There will never be a state employee that's "for the people" unless those people are in their inner circle.