Feudale Email Exposes Beemer, Others

Barry, "proof" was Kane's choice of words, not Cleland's. Cleland specifically requested for Kane to provide any materials to support her conclusion, which you quoted in your post - that's a much broader request than "proof", which she said she didn't have. I think we would all like to see whether Kane has anything to support her conclusion regarding any leaks in the Sandusky investigation - but until then, we have two options: (1) that Kane has answered definitively in the negative, or (2) that she intentionally failed to comply with the plain text of Cleland's order. And there aren't enough red herrings of what you believe Cleland should have done instead or .jpegs to come to any other conclusion.
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If there were OAG email evidence of wrong doing concerning the GJ investigation, wouldn't it have come out in the Mouton Investigation?
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If there were OAG email evidence of wrong doing concerning the GJ investigation, wouldn't it have come out in the Mouton Investigation?
I don't believe that was part of Moulton's mission - if he did uncover evidence of that, I would imagine he would turn it over to Reeder (at least if it involved leaks). But, as we've now seen via Feudale, it appears that Kane shut down Reeder's leak investigation shortly after she entered office by not responding to Reeder's requests for information and by not paying Reeder or his staff.
I don't know if you have more time these days, or just more information became freely available, but I must confess Ray: I used to think you were a joke with about as much credibility as the Sandusky apologist Ziegler.

You kept at it though these past years, and opened my eyes to how crooked Pa is.

Without a trial, and someone spilling the beans, I doubt I ever move Joe to the 0% blame bin. Thanks to you though, I now see him in the 5% to 10% range, as opposed to the 80% amount of blame that Freeh heaped on him.

So for that I say thanks. It is easier to think of someone as having made a mistake vs being a cold hearted enabler.

Now that is out of the way, I must ask......have you found evidence one way or the other on the rumored instance of pedo activity, by Jerry, in the 80s. Or is that simply an old wives tale? I doubt his grooming in 98 was the first instance. How far would you guess his activities went back?

Good luck in your efforts going forward. I do believe a pedo ring runs in this country, and Sandusky was under their protection. Perhaps if the full truth is ever known, we will find out Joe was threatened or something. If Gricar can go bye bye, anyone can. If you ever do get to the full truth, I think you will get a Madden-esqe visit.
Thanks for the kind words.

Actually, I have much less time now than before. Prior to the transplant, I was off work quite a bit and spending a lot of time at medical appointments. Now that I am "healthy," I am working full days and have much less time for this stuff. That said, developments in court cases and otherwise have revealed a lot of information that support my theories on the case.

I agree that there is a regional or even nationwide child sex trafficking operation. I would not say that, technically, it is a pedophile network because some of the individuals involved likely have sex with people of all ages/sexes.

I believe Fina's contention of a 1984 incident at PSU was fabricated in order for him to convince Judge Feudale that he needed to search for emails prior to 1997. That said, one man has come forward claiming Sandusky molested him over forty years ago. The report also says two other have claimed abuse over forty years ago.

There is almost no evidence that Sandusky has ever had sex with a woman. His wife testified they "tried" until 1969, but that means little to nothing. Sandusky's defense attorney did not open the door (ask a direct question) about any kind of sex life between her and Jerry, likely because the cross-examination would have been brutal. Former classmates from HS and college said Sandusky never dated.

I am almost positive he has been a pedophile since his teenage years.
I don't believe that was part of Moulton's mission - if he did uncover evidence of that, I would imagine he would turn it over to Reeder (at least if it involved leaks). But, as we've now seen via Feudale, it appears that Kane shut down Reeder's leak investigation shortly after she entered office by not responding to Reeder's requests for information and by not paying Reeder or his staff.

Wow. Nothing like accepting the ravings of a disgraced/fired former GJ judge as gospel. Did it ever occur to you that Feudale assigned Reeder to conduct a phony investigation about the leaks that emanated from his own grand jury?

BTW, when Kane took office she wrote two memos assigning responsibility for the Curley/Schultz and Spanier prosecutions to Bruce Beemer. Beemer was in control of the grand jury information for those cases. As I wrote on Tuesday, he lied about the evidence in the AG's possession when it was requested by the defense teams.

As for Reeder being paid for his work, his assignment was authorized by the Dauphin County court, not the Attorney General. As such, Kane have no authority in the overseeing or providing administration (pay or other needs) for that investigation.

Feudale has provided little in the way of evidence to back up any of his allegations.
Barry, there's two options when it comes to Kane's filing with Cleland that I can see: either (1) she has no evidence of wrongdoing from Feudale, or (2) she willingly and intentionally failed to comply with Cleland's order that she provide evidence of "who, what, when and how this information was released" and will now be forced to testify under oath.

Now, you've already posted the circlejerk picture, so we can go ahead and skip that step.

1. The evidence of Feudale's wrong-doing in in the email she possessed, revealing he leaked information on the WRIT filed under seal. (BTW, we had this discussion already)

2. She complied with the order because she NEVER said Feudale leaked GJ information. It's not her fault that Cleland was too busy reading the newspaper accounts to read the actual statement Kane wrote.

3. Cleland ruled today she was truthful and that she has no evidence of THE AG STAFF or FEUDALE, leaking GRAND JURY information.

4. Kane earlier stated, in effect, she had no knowledge of the AG office leaking GJ information but that it was possible (or couldn't be ruled out).

5. As I noted when I wrote about the leaks to Ganim, AG officials Frederiksen (PR) and Eshbach were the most likely to have leaked (to Ganim).
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Kane has filed pleadings in Cleland's court stating that she has no evidence of wrongdoing by Feudale.

Kane is, at a minimum, reckless and grossly negligent.

Is Ray going to amend his post to reflect this development?

The individuals who are grossly incompetent and negligent are the reporters who don't understand the difference between Supreme Court information being leaked (as Kane PROVED) and grand jury information being leaked (which SHE NEVER alleged about Feudale).

Are you going to amend your life of stupidity as a result of your negligent post?
Feudale's email was sent to Fina's email address at the OAG after Fina had left, right? For it to be a "communication" (per the requests) it would have to have been received by Fina. If not, doesn't fall within what was requested.

To get to first base in alleging misconduct against the OAG, the defendants would have to show that Fina 1. could still access his OAG email after the email was sent and 2. In fact did access the email.

The "flynjudg" emails were received by Fina because he refers to them as a "chain" in the emails he sent to Coulombis and McCoy.

Here is what Kane said:

"The seriousness of this reckless breach of sealed Supreme Court documents, orchestrated by the presiding judge of a state investigative grand jury, with attorneys and the very reporters who have covered some of the Sandusky, Computergate, and Bonusgate cases, cannot be overstated."

Subsequently, we have all seen, publically, e-mails from Fuedale SOLICITING a placement for confidential GJ documents. Soliciting - gee, what a coincidence - PHILLY INKY reporters to abet his plans. that not solid enough evidence for you? LOL

Read it again slowly, this covers much more that the Sandusky GJ.....and does not reference any "e-mail proof" in any incident. "Prove" is something that is determined by - if a case gets that far - by a jury.

I don't know whether Kane does/doesn't have "proof" of Fuedale leaking the GJP from the Sandusky trial. Whether she does or doesn't, I don't really care much either way.....though I sure would like to know where the leaks did come from....and if she does have some information, I'd sure like to know what it is.

What we ALL KNOW is that - at the very least - there were several instances of leaks from the Sandusky GJ.
If I wanted to "source" those leaks......and I would like to see those leaks sourced....the person I would call first is this person:

"Uh.....if he really wanted to "source" ya' think maybe he might:

Call in the author of the published stories about the GJ proceedings........
Stories that were written WHILE the GJ was proceeding......
A supposedly "confidential" GJ....
and - maybe, just maybe -ask her "Who the @#$^% passed you the information?"

Now, why aren't you and the boys Pud-Pulling over that little issue?

Are you truly that stupid? Maybe I am just not accustomed to spending time around such intellectual midgets.....and perhaps I have failed to recognize you for being just so inteeleckshoelie stunted as to be incapable of any form of logical thought.
If so......I suppose one cannot blame a fish for being unable to climb a tree......mea culpa.

But either that concept is just too @$%f@#^& complex for your pea brain....or your confliction is so severe that you force yourself to spew the garbage over and over. (probably both, actually)

Now.....have fun.

I DO have a problem spinning gears with circle-jerking idiots like you boys from the TOS Salami Pounder Club.


Ganim told Cleland during the Sandusky trial she wouldn't give up her sources.

I'm not saying you're wrong about Cleland's intent. I'm just pointing out that it's not cut and dry. He could've been looking for any information to point the defense in the right direction. I admit that's very unlikely.
The individuals who are grossly incompetent and negligent are the reporters who don't understand the difference between Supreme Court information being leaked (as Kane PROVED) and grand jury information being leaked (which SHE NEVER alleged about Feudale).

Are you going to amend your life of stupidity as a result of your negligent post?
Shorter Ray Blehar: Everybody's stupid except me.
Ganim told Cleland during the Sandusky trial she wouldn't give up her sources.

I'm not saying you're wrong about Cleland's intent. I'm just pointing out that it's not cut and dry. He could've been looking for any information to point the defense in the right direction. I admit that's very unlikely.

Every reporter says they "won't give up their sources".......until they realize they could be the most "principled journalist" behind bars. :)

Somehow, I don't see Sara as being that "principled"....
Every reporter says they "won't give up their sources".......until they realize they could be the most "principled journalist" behind bars. :)

Somehow, I don't see Sara as being that "principled"....
That's a fair point. Hopefully we'll find out.

Again, very unlikely that happens.
Much could be gleaned from just speaking to those who testified at the GJ proceedings.

There were quite a few people who had knowledge of the Sandusky investigation prior to Ganim's article. This includes more than ten who testified in front of the grand jury and would have been free to disclose their testimony and knowledge of the grand jury investigation to anyone. Those include:

In mid 2009:
Victim 1
Steven Turchetta
Joe Miller

In late 2010:
Mike McQueary

In early 2011:
Joe Paterno
Tim Curley
Gary Schultz
Katherine Genovese
Centre County CYS director
Ronald Schreffler
Former Centre County ADA in 1998, Karen Arnold
John McQueary
Jonathan Dranov

None of the above witnesses were prevented from disclosing their testimony or knowledge of the grand jury investigation. Anyone they might've spoken to would have had indirect knowledge of the grand jury investigation. Anyone that police had interviewed would have had knowledge of some sort of investigation.

There were rumors about the investigation among the CMHS football parents. These rumors would have started after Sandusky was banned from helping the football team in fall 2009. The parents allegedly knew accusations were made by Victim 1. A likely source of the rumor was the football coach Steven Turchetta who had testified to the GJ. (It might have slipped out innocently enough to his quarterback on the team, who's last name was also Turchetta.)

Police had also interviewed four CMHS students besides Victim 1 about Sandusky in January 2009.

There are reports (from a Towny) that Joe Miller told Paul Suhey about the investigation as early as 2009.

Matt Sandusky was interviewed by police in October 2009.

Lisa Powers testified at the July 2013 hearing for CSS that Jan Murphy, a Patriot News reporter, emailed Spanier in September 2010 asking if he was aware of a criminal investigation involving Sandusky.

The Moulton report indicates a Centre Daily Times reporter was seeking comment from Victim 1 on November 2, 2010.

Stacy Parks Miller received an anonymous tip about the Sandusky investigation and that McQueary might have knowledge on November 3, 2010. She forwarded the tip to Rossman.

Ganim has reported she was in contact with Victim 6 and/or his mother in January 2011. Her report referenced identifying other potential victims from Sandusky's book, Touched. Victim 7 was among those identified, and he had been interviewed by police in early February 2011, where he identified among other potential victims, Victims 4 and 5, also from pictures in Touched.

Ganim's article also cited the mother of B.K., the other boy interviewed by police in 1998, as a source.

Lisa Powers also testified that Al Horvath mentioned Tom Harmon had a reporter camped out his residence in February 2011 and was asking questions about an investigation of Sandusky.

Police interviewed various Penn State football coaches and athletic staff in mid February 2011.

Matt Sandusky's ex-wife was interviewed by police in March 2011, ten days before Ganim's article.

Here are supporting timeline events from the Moulton report:
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There were quite a few people who had knowledge of the Sandusky investigation prior to Ganim's article. This includes more than ten who testified in front of the grand jury and would have been free to disclose their testimony and knowledge of the grand jury investigation to anyone. Those include:

In mid 2009:
Victim 1
Steven Turchetta
Joe Miller

In late 2010:
Mike McQueary

In early 2011:
Joe Paterno
Tim Curley
Gary Schultz
Katherine Genovese
Centre County CYS director
Ronald Schreffler
Former Centre County ADA in 1998, Karen Arnold
John McQueary
Jonathan Dranov

None of the above witnesses were prevented from disclosing their testimony or knowledge of the grand jury investigation. Anyone they might've spoken to would have had indirect knowledge of the grand jury investigation. Anyone that police had interviewed would have had knowledge of some sort of investigation.

There were rumors about the investigation among the CMHS football parents. These rumors would have started after Sandusky was banned from helping the football team in fall 2009. The parents allegedly knew accusations were made by Victim 1. A likely source of the rumor was the football coach Steven Turchetta who had testified to the GJ. (It might have slipped out innocently enough to his quarterback on the team, who's last name was also Turchetta.)

Police had also interviewed four CMHS students besides Victim 1 about Sandusky in January 2009.

There are reports (from a Towny) that Joe Miller told Paul Suhey about the investigation as early as 2009.

Matt Sandusky was interviewed by police in October 2009.

Lisa Powers testified at the July 2013 hearing for CSS that Jan Murphy, a Patriot News reporter, emailed Spanier in September 2010 asking if he was aware of a criminal investigation involving Sandusky.

The Moulton report indicates a Centre Daily Times reporter was seeking comment from Victim 1 on November 2, 2010.

Stacy Parks Miller received an anonymous tip about the Sandusky investigation and that McQueary might have knowledge on November 3, 2011. She forwarded the tip to Rossman.

Ganim has reported she was in contact with Victim 6 and/or his mother in January 2011. Her report referenced identifying other potential victims from Sandusky's book, Touched. Victim 7 was among those identified, and he had been interviewed by police in early February 2011, where he identified among other potential victims, Victims 4 and 5, also from pictures in Touched.

Ganim's article also cited the mother of B.K., the other boy interviewed by police in 1998, as a source.

Lisa Powers also testified that Al Horvath mentioned Tom Harmon had a reporter camped out his residence in February 2011 and was asking questions about an investigation of Sandusky.

Police interviewed various Penn State football coaches and athletic staff in mid February 2011.

Matt Sandusky's ex-wife was interviewed by police in March 2011, ten days before Ganim's article.

Here are supporting timeline events from the Moulton report:

Wow great summary Jimmy, thanks for posting.

One correction though, SPM received the anonymous tip on 11/10 not 11/11.
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The Moulton report indicates a Centre Daily Times reporter was seeking comment from Victim 1 on November 2, 2010.

There's a similar convo going on on TOS in which I made a point that I think is appropriate to bring up here. Per Aaron Fisher's book, Sarah Ganim turned up unannounced on Dawn Daniel's doorstep about a month (IIRC) before the article was published asking for Aaron by name and asking for comment. It's not clear that this is the same incident as the one quoted above concerning Moulton's report; but regardless, the obvious question is that of all the people you named....and including all the people you did not name as well....just who was in a position to both know that Ganim was researching an article on the investigation and was also able to give her Aaron Fisher's name and home address. That ought to narrow things down a bit. I think we can rule out JoePa.