And you're thanked! Lots of good takes there, but #2 jumped out at me most...
I think one helpful way to evaluate any of these notions about "bringing in more ___ fans" is to do something I'm normally 100% opposed to: throw some labels on us! We're looking at four main pockets of styles/product on the wrestling mat, each with its own levels of fandom:
1. Folkstyle (College men / HS boys & girls)
2. Men's Freestyle
3. Women's Freestyle (Women in HS / College / Post-college)
4. Greco-Roman
I'm a #1 fan first. College Men's wrestling is my number one jam. Also, arguably, given attendance numbers at college nationals vs non-college Freestyle events, you could say it's widely the most popular product American Wrestling puts on the mat.
Operating forward from that assumption / assertion, if I'm an Events-maker/promoter for any of Products 2, 3 or 4, guess who I'm targeting first? Right: Men's College Wrestling fans. How can we get just a few of those 18,000 March attendees to tune in? Some of the flo bros have done a little of this during Final X promos. I found Nomad's scoring guide tweets helpful, and even just the simple college fan guide to the competing Junior wrestlers (with college commitments) was super helpful. So I think the bundling is helpful--both to me personally and, I'll suppose, to the thousands of other existing Men's College Folkstyle Wrestling fans:
- Use the college accolades and histories of bros I already know, to promote their current product of Men's Freestyle
- Use that same event to bundle/give me more matches of a product I have little to no experience with in Women's Freestyle. Personally, this works for me. My WFS fandom is growing rapidly.
I think Lindland's decision to stagger Greco's trials outside of MFS dates--to broaden the pool of possible competitors--is somewhat similar. He's asking a similar question to "how can we get more fans?" but asking it about the athletes first. I'm largely ignorant about GR, but as an existing rabid college fan, I'm a super easy and willing target. Pitch me, GR, pitch me!