FINALLY --- 2017-18 season has started!

Just another PSU Fan

Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2013
The season is finally underway!

Outside of the great Keystone state, there are plenty of talented kids ready to make a statement ...

My eyes are watching Alex Marinelli and Yianni Diakomihalis, a couple of young men who had outstanding prep careers.

Question of the weekend? Will HS standout Gable Stevenson win the Daktronics Open? I'll be watching ...
Next year it will be Max Murin.

Not all Young Guns wrestlers are created equal
I do like to see the PA kids do well. However, you are correct. Not all young gunners are created equal. No sense in letting anybody west of the Mississippi know that though.
Gunther over Young in SV

From a pre-match report:


After a strong freshman year, Gunther will attempt to move up a weight to 174 (Mark Lundy Photo)

3. Joey Gunther (So) vs Kaleb Young (Fr) | 174 pounds
Another lineup battle between two young expected to go down during Saturday’s finals. Looking through the results last year its a bit tough to identify a true leader.

On the one hand Kaleb Young was able to outplace Joey Gunther in the one head-to-head tournament they competed in – the Midlands. On the other hand Gunther’s redshirt freshman season was pretty successful, especially when you factor in he was able to block out all of the noise from fans and media wondering if he would lose his spot to Alex Marinelli.

Flowrestling ranks Young in their preseason top 20, so if that were to be the standard to determine a favorite you probably wouldn’t get a whole lot of argument against you.

I would say the margin between these two wrestlers probably isn’t too wide, unless one of these two have taken a big step forward this summer. If that’s the case, I’ll be proven wrong soon enough.


The Top 5 Matches We Want to See at Iowa Wrestle Offs
Posted by Ross Bartachek (@rossbchek)