Financially devastating for which "millions of Americans"? The top 1%. Wall Street would get crushed (and should), but Main Street would be better off once the dust settles.
I don't think many people realize that the American people and its government are now at cross purposes.
And yes, Keynesian economics is a fraud. It's like pushing on a string. Those in power rely on it to justify the expansion of government interference in our lives. The reality is that the entire developed world is on the brink of economic collapse due to overwhelming debt.
The top 1% are so wealthy that a slight increase in interest rates wouldn't really affect them too much on an individual scale. They could afford the increased prices. If they were raised too high, yes it would create problems for them, but they won't let that happen. On the other hand, for people who are living paycheck to paycheck, a slight interest rate increase is magnified and it would make many of them insolvent. However, the real problem lies in the fact that if interest rates were to rise, our country couldn’t afford the interest on the 17 trillion dollars we owe, which is why they can't stop printing money. Like you said, we are crippled with debt, and wall street/bankers are the ones benefiting from it because these crooks have rigged the game in their favor.
The first way that our financial system is rigged is through the Federal Reserve system. The Fed needs to appear as if they are competent and to create the illusion that the economy is “recovering.” In reality, they know we are in deep trouble if they taper, so they continue printing money and suppressing interest rates. Yes, raising interest rates would also hurt wall street which is why they aren’t going to stop what they’re doing anytime soon. Wall Street is addicted to this cheap money, and there's a ton of connections between wall street and the fed, which is the real root of the problem. They won’t let any monetary policy changes happen because they know that they’ve built a financial house of cards and they can’t let it come crashing down.
The Federal reserve isn't even federal. It's a privately owned banking cartel that was created in secrecy by bankers, and passed into law in 1913 in addition to the federal income tax, which is no coincidence. Congress reneged it's duty of coining new money to the Fed. Every dollar that the Fed creates is a debt note that our government has agreed to pay them back with interest. So for every dollar printed, we the American People, owe them a dollar and some change, which is what our income tax is used for. The scheme is that there is never enough physical money in circulation to pay back that debt! All Money = Debt. Our government has been hijacked by special interests and we are slaves to it’s perpetual debt scheme.
Unfortunately, we don't know who truly owns the Fed since they claim they can't reveal that information or else the economy will crash (which is a threat). It could even be foreign banks/companies who are influencing our monetary policy, the truth is we don’t know who is making these decisions! There are 12 regional banks that comprise the Fed. Each regional bank is privately owned, and we are not allowed to know by whom. Every regional bank president is hand picked by this shadow group of owners, and each of these 12 regional presidents compromise the board of the Fed, who then set our national monetary policy. Just by viewing who those regional presidents are, it doesn’t take long to see that there are direct conflicts of interest here. These board members are people who are directly tied to the companies/banks that receive the money that the Fed creates i.e. JP Morgan, Citi, among many others. The 2008 bailout is one example of them giving money directly to the people responsible for the financial crisis to begin with. This is no coincidence, it has been designed that way so that their fraud can continue. They create the financial crisis, are then deemed “too big to fail” by the Fed, then they give themselves huge amounts of bailout money so business can continue as usual.
Also, the Fed can manipulate markets based on it’s monetary policy decisions. Every time they announce that they are going to taper, the market immediately drops in response. Conversely, when they announce that “Quantitative Easing,” i.e. printing of money will continue, it miraculously shoots back up. An easy way for these crooks to make a killing in their phony propped up stock market.
The second way is the “fractional reserve” banking system that was installed by the Fed. This is a system where every individual bank can literally create money out of thin air. Banks are only required to keep about 1/10 of the total money deposited into it and the rest can be loaned out. So, for the sake of simplicity, lets say that Bank X has 10 dollars of cash deposited into it. By law, Bank X must keep at least 1 dollar in the bank, but the rest ($9.00) can be loaned out. So, when that $9.00 is loaned out, it gets deposited into a bank electronically, not with physical cash. That $10 still exists in bank X, but an additional $9 is created from nowhere. That bank must keep at least 1/10th of that ($0.90) in reserve, but can still loan out another $8.10 from the $9.00 deposit, and so on, and so forth. So from a $10 deposit, $90 additional dollars can be created from thin air. Now imagine this system on a scale of billions of dollars. This is a mechanism for expanding the money supply used by the Fed. The majority of money in our country is nothing but an electronic figure. About 3% of the money in circulation is physical money, and the other 97% exists electronically. There’s not enough physical money to back the real amount of debt owed. Sounds absurd, right? Welcome to the reality of our banking system.
In essence, a small group of people using a worthless fiat currency have soaked up the real wealth of the country (property, resources, etc.) so that when the crash they've been engineering does eventually happen, they are still rich and we're left with nothing. This type of banking system is being used as a giant mechanism of controlling governments all over the world, which is ultimately what it's about. The super wealthy have enough money. What they desire is POWER. It used to be armies that conquered nations, now it’s done by economics/stealth. This is the reality hidden to people by the deliberate over complication of the economic/governmental system to the point where your average Joe doesn’t understand it, nor are they even interested in understanding it, they just blindly trust the gov't. Of course, anyone who does see it for what it is gets immediately discredited as a “conspiracy theorist.” In reality, this system of banking is why the world is on the brink of financial disaster. I know it sounds insidious, because it is. Evil people still exist in the world, they've just gotten a lot smarter over the years.