First set of Coaches Rankings

No, because most coaches don't actually take the time to vote in this poll. This is a task that is almost certainly designated to a graduate assistant who is given a list of eligible wrestlers, and then this person scours Intermat, Flo, etc to make a semi-educated guess on how he or she feels the coach would vote.
If what you're saying is true, that graduate assistants make the vote, then that poll is really nonsensical.
If what you're saying is true, that graduate assistants make the vote, then that poll is really nonsensical.
IDK how widespread it is in wrestling, but nobody should be surprised if it gets delegated, just a matter of how far down. Head Coaches have too many more important responsibilities.

It has been a long-running practice in football -- as in, for decades.

IIRC coaches are assigned weights to vote on, so no coach has to figure out who the 30th best guy is at 10 weights. That's a little better.

But I'll go a step further than you: IMO the coaches' poll (regardless of who fills it out) is an awful criterion for NCAA auto-qualifier allocation, at-large allocation, and seeding. Its use for the national tournament should be discontinued.
Missing from the poll due to the 8 match minimum:

Carson Kharchla Intermat #6 at 174
Andrew Alirez #2 at 141
Dylan Cedeno #20 at 141
Ryan Crookham #1 at 133
Gable Steveson #1 at 285

Only Alirez, Crookham, and Steveson have the potential to impact PSU wrestlers when/if they enter the next poll.
Meyer Shapiro would like a word...
I missed a few others, too

Extra credit if you can name them.
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Sammy Sasso dropped to 157 and is 5-2 at that weight

Kai Orine from NC State dropped to 133 and is 2-1

Richie Figueroa is 5-1.

Paniro Johnson dropped to 149 and is 6-0 at that weight.

Do I get extra credit?
There are a few more, but the one that stands out to me is Chris Cannon. Intermat has him #27 at 141, but he only has 5 matches.

He stands out because he's 1-4 with 3 bonus losses, and ranked. I'd hate to be the unranked guys at that weight.
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