So what you're saying is that Nato had a TD odometer that his weight cut allowed for the season and the TD odometer hit zero right before that shot and not one of the many one hour weigh ins or tough matches Nato had during the season?
Haha, close! I'm saying that Gilman was the lone dude capable of stopping even an over-cutting NaTo's nigh-unstoppable hi-c shot. Thanks for the additions, too! Dance, who even Coach Dresser gave credit to this week for his stingy defense (MTO Inside VT Podcast) couldn't do it.
The Nico citation comes with an asterisk, cuz NaTo never shot! Against Nico, Cagey NaTo waited all dang day, never shooting; he didn't have to--he knew Nico would keep coming and would eventually shoot. And he knew that he was strong enough to counter. Which, combined with what looked like Nico's surprise that Nico had gotten as deep as he did on NaTo, he was able to do, with relative ease. Boom, done, 3-1 dub.
Against Gilman, NaTo knew Gilman wouldn't shoot and, worse, that there was a high possibility that Gilman could ride longer than NaTo could in TB's, given the result in their 1st bout in Jan 2015. So he thought he had a better chance to win by shooting. He shot, he couldn't finish. Credit Gilman, big time.
Starting my Master's degree...was wondering if I could hit you up when I need some good excuses as to why my papers are late or when I need a good fishing story cause you got some good B.S. in you my friend
Whoa, you're not stalking me, are you? I went fishing last weekend, for probably the first time in 20 years. Check out this little guy I caught--and I B.S. you not--on only my second cast:
Good luck on your Masters, homie. I hope you'll have a few spare credits to squeeze in a rhetoric class while you're at it