The BTN cameras were in the corners of the raised platform.
Vais/CP was sitting ringside, opposite the scorer's table. The below pic doesn't give a great sense of depth, but it's where Vais/CP was.
I didn't check Vais/CP's exact location in respect to the mat, but I'm pretty sure this would be a pretty accurate description of where he was. Draw a straight line between the scorer's table and the other side of the mat, and have it be adjacent to the outside of the circle on the Ohio State side, and where it intersected with the edge of the platform, that's where Vais/CP was seated.
I didn't speak with Vais/CP after the dual, so I can only speculate. I believe he was multitasking through the dual. He set the camera up on a tripod, with a wide setting, to capture the action. Then he was providing vocal play-by-play, as well as also keying in live updates (the match details that you can see in the link I provided). I did look in Vais/CP's general direction a few times during the dual. I remember noticing that either the tripod have been removed, or it had been lowered to a super low setting.