"Florida officials are investigating why panthers are seen stumbling and falling down"

Google "Nile monitors in Florida." It's ridiculous what they have down there.
I agree, Monitors are nasty and destructive reptiles. I’ve never understood the point to owning a large snake, lizard, rodents or exotic birds. My friends mom had this gigantic red parrot, I think a Macaw. The dam thing had claws like an Eagle, screamed non-stop and in my opinion smelled.
You’re 100% correct. Irresponsible pet owners released their Pythons in the Everglades which has devastated the entire ecosystem. It’s gotten so bad that the Florida fish and wildlife commission hires experienced teams of personnel to go into the Everglades, track and kill as many pythons as possible. No limits, 365 days per year and no permits necessary. Choice of weapon is a machete. I could be wrong but firearms are not allowed.
They should allow guns on full auto because current eradication methods are not working. Pay a reward per python and wipe those ****ers out
They should allow guns on full auto because current eradication methods are not working. Pay a reward per python and wipe those ****ers out
They can use guns. Even the most successful hunts don't sniff the reproduction rate though. The only thing that can help is sub-freezing temperatures in Miami which doesn't happen.
"(CNN) -- There have been two confirmed cases of neurological damage in a panther and bobcat in Florida as of this month, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC).

They might have neurological damage, but I bet they are panthers with high character. Character always beats the everglades.

The population of Florida Panthers is now over 200.. It was less than 30 back in the 1970s so the recovery has been slow but ongoing and until recently it looked like they would be a viable population. The current problem, whatever it is, plus competition from pythons has put that viability in jeopardy.

So you are saying it's potentially due to free beverages?

The population of Florida Panthers is now over 200.. It was less than 30 back in the 1970s so the recovery has been slow but ongoing and until recently it looked like they would be a viable population. The current problem, whatever it is, plus competition from pythons has put that viability in jeopardy.

So it exactly mirrors Pitt football attendance?