I wouldn't put much stock in his NJ kids transfer home rationale, he doesn't even know that the real name is Taylor Ham!
I would have found his Suriano write-up unobjectionable if he had omitted that one paragraph.
But he just couldn't help himself, had to fall back to his habit of substituting personal experience, no matter if relevant or obsolete, for real data ... or at least not cross checking vs. other anecdotal info.
For every NJ wrestler who left Foley's Virginia team to go home -- however long ago, and how many could that have possibly been? four? -- there are multiple Molinaros, Burroughses, Greens, McKennas, McFaddens, Caldwells, Moccos, Reys, etc., who did not.
Not to mention a few Lawsons who transferred out of NJ.
But don't believe me, instead ask one very basic question: if there are so many transfers back to NJ, then where are their AAs, champs, banners, and rings?