Football rule question

PSU Lion 2000

Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2002
On a kickoff, could the ball be placed 5-10 yards behind the line of scrimmmage? This would allow the kicker to kick with a full leg and encourage a return instead of a touchback. What would constitute offside for the other 10 players - crossing the l.o.s. before the ball passes or before it is kicked?
On a kickoff, could the ball be placed 5-10 yards behind the line of scrimmmage? This would allow the kicker to kick with a full leg and encourage a return instead of a touchback. What would constitute offside for the other 10 players - crossing the l.o.s. before the ball passes or before it is kicked?

Not without a bunch of rule changes. In this vein, it would be easier to move the kickoff back.

Some teams already have their kickers try not to put the ball in the end zone.