For those that attended Lehigh Match. Impressions of Allentown?

Parkland Fan

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2001
I am a life long Lehigh Valley guy - except for five years in Happy Valley. Allentown has undergone a tremendous revival. It was nice to see all of the Penn Staters walking around Sunday. I am curious to hear about your experiences and opinions. Town? Restaurants and bars? PPL Center?
on a related note, someone I know was looking to buy his son and daughter in law a restaurant gift certificate at one of Allentown's finest - anyone have recommendations?
This was our first time at the PPL Center and we really enjoyed it. The seats were great, even from the upper level. Access in and out of town was easy. We parked in the garage attached to the PPL center and had no trouble getting out quickly after the match.
Went to Muhlenberg in the mid-1970s and go back to the area often, including downtown. It's a major renaissance going on there. When I was in school, there wasn't a lot downtown (the main attraction for me was a place called Phantasmagoria on sixth just north of Hamilton) and it had gone downhill from there. The downtown project recently won a prestigious award.

Great to see as a Muhlenberg alum!

We street-parked on 8th Street between Hamilton and Linden with ease on Sunday and were gone in a flash. Queen City BBQ was a madhouse and had no tables, so we grabbed a quick bite at Amarilis on the corner of 8th and Linden. Total dive but good snapper in coconut sauce.
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I am a life long Lehigh Valley guy - except for five years in Happy Valley. Allentown has undergone a tremendous revival. It was nice to see all of the Penn Staters walking around Sunday. I am curious to hear about your experiences and opinions. Town? Restaurants and bars? PPL Center?
Live in Whitehall but haven't been to PPL center much. We were at the Brew Works when they opened. Good chow there and great prices on their brews. Place was mobbed with PSU fans. The PSU/Lehigh dynamic in the Arena was pretty cool.
Parked right on Hamilton between 11th and 10th, not a bad seat in PPL as I was up in 204, row 10 with two buddies. Stopped in at 99 Bottles, somebody forgot to tell them there were 9,000 people next door as there were 2 bartenders there working, long wait for beers. Overall, enjoyed the visit, then again I’m only 15 mins from PPL.
I live in Wilkes-Barre and was pleasently surprised. We went to Brew works before for a few beers, parked on the street, had some crabbt fries at C&P, thought access to the PPL was great. We tried to eat at Two Rivers in Easton ut it was a two hour wait so we drove home. All in all a great day.
I am a life long Lehigh Valley guy - except for five years in Happy Valley. Allentown has undergone a tremendous revival. It was nice to see all of the Penn Staters walking around Sunday. I am curious to hear about your experiences and opinions. Town? Restaurants and bars? PPL Center?
I live in Berks but get up to the Lehigh Valley and its incredible venues as much as possible... Coca Cola Park, Grace & Stabler, Musikfest, Velodrome, Christkindlmarkt, and now, PPL. The adrenaline in that building felt like Nationals. Proud and glad to be witness to one great day of PA wrestling.
Loved the arena. We ate at Allentown Brew Works, food was excellent. The drive from Danville? Well Route 54 to Route 901 to Route 61 to Route 78/'s a little winding shall we say!!