Former Penn State football star (Mike Mauti) blasts Jay Paterno

This is a personality conflict that spans more than a decade. I know the popular thing to do is support MM and piss on JP. I'll just suggest that the mud slinging does absolutely no good for PSU or any of its athletic programs.
I hope that Pat Kraft and President Bendapudi host a meeting and establish some sort of "truce" and discourage the public pissing contests that can only embarrass the brand.
This is a personality conflict that spans more than a decade. I know the popular thing to do is support MM and piss on JP. I'll just suggest that the mud slinging does absolutely no good for PSU or any of its athletic programs.
I hope that Pat Kraft and President Bendapudi host a meeting and establish some sort of "truce" and discourage the public pissing contests that can only embarrass the brand.

99.999% of the PSU community is like "thank you Mauti, please continue"

if PSU wants to stop embarrassing it's brand they can throw Jay off of the BOT
Can anyone explain the content behind this? Neither the tweets nor the article tells me anything. Maybe I'm just dim on this.
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This is a personality conflict that spans more than a decade. I know the popular thing to do is support MM and piss on JP. I'll just suggest that the mud slinging does absolutely no good for PSU or any of its athletic programs.
I hope that Pat Kraft and President Bendapudi host a meeting and establish some sort of "truce" and discourage the public pissing contests that can only embarrass the brand.
I don't think it's about "what's popular". Jay Paterno shouldn't be on the BOT yet is which tells you going against him isn't the popular decision.
MM is full of crap. Brandon Short was pushing the University to give JF even more money for whatever he wanted when the University has a negative cash flow and a huge debt. Several Trustees opposed this move and Brandon has been attacking those people ever since. Mauti should shut the heck up or run for office, but you'll notice he's just sitting in his chair complaining. Brandon should be thrown off the board for creating a toxic environment.

Mauti reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt's "Man in the Arena" excerpt from his Citzenship in a Republic speech.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Shame on the man of cultivated taste who lets refinement to develop in to fastidiousness that unfits him for doing the rough work of a work day world."
I don't think it's about "what's popular". Jay Paterno shouldn't be on the BOT yet is which tells you going against him isn't the popular decision.
Jay absolutely should be on the board. He was voted to it and will be voted to it again. Jay might be the last person on it with real integrity and a willingness to speak truth to power.
MM is full of crap. Brandon Short was pushing the University to give JF even more money for whatever he wanted when the University has a negative cash flow and a huge debt. Several Trustees opposed this move and Brandon has been attacking those people ever since.

Does the football team have a negative cash flow?

How about we eliminate depts with negative cash flows and expand depts with positive cash flows?

If the university has a negative cash flow and the football team makes tens of millions in profit then Brandon short is right!

List the depts, cash flow and results and we can then judge who is full of crap.
Does the football team have a negative cash flow?

How about we eliminate depts with negative cash flows and expand depts with positive cash flows?

If the university has a negative cash flow and the football team makes tens of millions in profit then Brandon short is right!

List the depts, cash flow and results and we can then judge who is full of crap.
this is true

totally contradictory to say that a $43 million project for a program with hugely positive cash flow cannot be financed, and then turn around and say that athletics is self funding and separate from the rest of the university funding (which PSU said for YEARS). also i didn't hear Jay complaining when they did the (probably unnecessary) stadium expansion in 2000 or 2001. in todays dollars that would have been like $200 million
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Does the football team have a negative cash flow?

How about we eliminate depts with negative cash flows and expand depts with positive cash flows?

If the university has a negative cash flow and the football team makes tens of millions in profit then Brandon short is right!

List the depts, cash flow and results and we can then judge who is full of crap.
Actually, Short wanted the University to take on >$50 million in additional debt to pay for the upgrades. They guy is an idiot.
99.999% of the PSU community is like "thank you Mauti, please continue"

if PSU wants to stop embarrassing it's brand they can throw Jay off of the BOT
Exactly, I hope he continues. Jay is toxic and needs to be run out of town.
It isn't a popularity contest.....I'm not even conjecturing who is right (if one or the other indeed is).
Let the vitriol play out privately is all I'm saying. Like coaching, very few people who post here (and I'm including myself) have all the facts. The one fact is that this public mudslinging is bad for PSU athletics.
I guess you'll be voting for the two DEIB candidates? Yep, they'll do a great job spending more money.
let's see someone estimate the cash flow by campus. UP, medical center, and every branch campus.

then show all the administrator salaries combined

then we can talk about why they have a debt problem

it's not because James Franklin got a new weight room or whatever the f*** that was about
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Actually, Short wanted the University to take on >$50 million in additional debt to pay for the upgrades. They guy is an idiot.

$50 million in debt for a dept that MAKES money vs all the debt for depts that lose money. Let us know when you want to eliminate projects for depts, branch campuses and teams that LOSE money.
let's see someone estimate the cash flow by campus. UP, medical center, and every branch campus.

then show all the administrator salaries combined

then we can talk about why they have a debt problem

it's not because James Franklin got a new weight room or whatever the f*** that was about
It is a very complicated problem but the fact remains that we have given Franklin essentially everything he wants but he still can't beat Ohio State or Michigan, Michigan State or Iowa when they are good. That is a fact.
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It is a very complicated problem but the fact remains that we have given Franklin essentially everything he wants but he still can't beat Ohio State or Michigan, Michigan State or Iowa when they are good. That is a fact.
whether we beat those teams is another topic

his program isn't adding to the deficit

it's reducing it
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It is a very complicated problem but the fact remains that we have given Franklin essentially everything he wants but he still can't beat Ohio State or Michigan, Michigan State or Iowa when they are good. That is a fact.

What was Joes excuse for a losing record vs OSU?
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MM is full of crap. Brandon Short was pushing the University to give JF even more money for whatever he wanted when the University has a negative cash flow and a huge debt. Several Trustees opposed this move and Brandon has been attacking those people ever since. Mauti should shut the heck up or run for office, but you'll notice he's just sitting in his chair complaining. Brandon should be thrown off the board for creating a toxic environment.

Mauti reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt's "Man in the Arena" excerpt from his Citzenship in a Republic speech.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Shame on the man of cultivated taste who lets refinement to develop in to fastidiousness that unfits him for doing the rough work of a work day world."
You might not realize that Penn State football has the highest number of season ticket holders in college football, along with the 2nd highest average attendance. This puts Penn State football in the Top-5 in football revenue. Many experts do not consider our overall facilities to even be in the Top-20. You think voting to withhold investment into your only true revenue sport when your that far behind in facilities was a good decision? How many people do you think would have voted for Jay on the BOT, if they knew this would be his vote on football facilities? Jay has some ulterior motive and it's not improving the Penn State football program.
Can anyone explain the content behind this? Neither the tweets nor the article tells me anything. Maybe I'm just dim on this.
From my understanding, many PSU fans have criticized the “Success with Honor” NIL collective for not paying players enough for Shrewsberry to stay. Jay, who has ties to the SWH collective, shot back by saying SWH has raised plenty and has compensated the basketball players accordingly. Then Mauti, who is a leader of a different NIL collective, Lions Legacy Club, got pissed at Jay for that.

Seems almost Penn Staters are taking Mauti’s side. But I think they just may be taking the side of the better football player without looking at the actual issue. The university and its BOT does not fund NIL. Fans and private individuals do. If PSU fans feel we are not raising enough NIL money, then we have no one to blame but ourselves (or the policy making NIL legal in the first place)
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This is a personality conflict that spans more than a decade. I know the popular thing to do is support MM and piss on JP. I'll just suggest that the mud slinging does absolutely no good for PSU or any of its athletic programs.
I hope that Pat Kraft and President Bendapudi host a meeting and establish some sort of "truce" and discourage the public pissing contests that can only embarrass the brand.
I agree. This thing seems like a clash between the Success with Honor NIL collective (which Jay has ties to) and the Lions Legacy Club NIL collective (which Mauti is a leader of).

Bickering between our two major NIL collectives is likely going to make wealthy PSU fans less likely to donate to them.