Fox Sports president jamie horowitz is out.

Yeah that was just cover for his fire bombing of the Fox Sports payroll in a desire to follow ESPN's lead remove journalism from the network
sexual harassment? when did FOX start having a problem with that? :rolleyes:
Yeah that was just cover for his fire bombing of the Fox Sports payroll in a desire to follow ESPN's lead remove journalism from the network
Seems more likely he lost his career sponsor.

But both your and my suggestions are less likely than that they probably have the goods on him for one or more cases of sexual harassment. He looks the part in some of his pics. Not so much in the one attached to this story. But, his mouth tends toward those crooked smiles of a knucklehead like that.
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Seems more likely he lost his career sponsor.

But both your and my suggestions are less likely than that they probably have the goods on him for one or more cases of sexual harassment. He looks the part in some of his pics. Not so much in the one attached to this story. But, his mouth tends toward those crooked smiles of a knucklehead like that.

Bears a striking resemblance to Mark Zuckerberg. In Zuck's case, I thought it was gas.
Have smith, hill, or LeBastard sexually harassed anyone? If not, they should be fired just for being awful.

I'm thinking Smith and Lebetard must have pics of the ESPN president and a Donkey, there is no other explanation for Smith having a job and Lebetard and his dad having a show. They are both god awful.:rolleyes: