FSU seems to be focusing on several other coaches


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2010
Franklin is on a long list of candidates. Search firm has recommended Taggart. look at the Nole nation noise. i see nothing on any crawls on ESPN either.

PSU does need to make sure a coach buyout = what the coach would be paid if they were terminated. IF a coach could quit at their own convenience, then the contract does not even qualify as a contract (normal question to L1 contract students). if there is no consideration then there is no contract.
Franklin is on a long list of candidates. Search firm has recommended Taggart. look at the Nole nation noise. i see nothing on any crawls on ESPN either.

PSU does need to make sure a coach buyout = what the coach would be paid if they were terminated. IF a coach could quit at their own convenience, then the contract does not even qualify as a contract (normal question to L1 contract students). if there is no consideration then there is no contract.
What does this 2nd paragraph even mean? First, it’s 1L. Second a “peppercorn” can be consideration. Third, there are plenty of contracts where you can walk away at your convenience - you quit and forego the rest of your salary, etc. You’re thinking of indentured servitude.
No he doesn't. If he held a press conference every time someone mentioned him on the internet as being sought after it would get pretty comical.

You're obviously unaware of blion's earlier post.
Franklin is on a long list of candidates. Search firm has recommended Taggart. look at the Nole nation noise. i see nothing on any crawls on ESPN either.

PSU does need to make sure a coach buyout = what the coach would be paid if they were terminated. IF a coach could quit at their own convenience, then the contract does not even qualify as a contract (normal question to L1 contract students). if there is no consideration then there is no contract.

Now just how the fvck is PSU supposed to do that, Kemosabe? As for the rest of that paragraph....Tom Mix wept.
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There is no smoke. The smoke is some idiots posting that there is smoke, and that is it.

So stupid
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Good Lord, leave James and his foreseeable future alone, worry about yours. I probably won't be around, but many on here should start practicing the positions of "duck and cover".

Astronomers have calculated the Apophis asteroid will speed past Earth on April 13, 2029, at just 18,600 miles away – a hair’s width in astronomical terms. To put that into perspective, the moon is 238,900 miles away.

Due to the close proximity in which the giant space rock will pass, scientists believe the near-miss will alter the asteroid’s orbit, which could lead it to collide with Earth in the future.