1/ Considerable misunderstanding on what Strzok and Page were working on when "potus wants to know everything we are doing". Evidence shows that they were working on "MYE" midyear exam, which on Sep 2 was release of July 2 Hillary interview 302
I personally take no position as to whether Potus interest in controversial text was referring to Clinton (deposition release) or Russia. However, McIntyre got more of the actual texts than anyone else I have seen and shows a good number of them. I read the WSJ article on texts and it was skimpy. Hoping a website will post all of the texts. Seems like a lot of people on both sides jumped the gun yesterday.
[xz@!! Wanted to change subject to say COULD HAVE BEEN working on Mid-Year Exam. Can't find the tool to do it.]
I personally take no position as to whether Potus interest in controversial text was referring to Clinton (deposition release) or Russia. However, McIntyre got more of the actual texts than anyone else I have seen and shows a good number of them. I read the WSJ article on texts and it was skimpy. Hoping a website will post all of the texts. Seems like a lot of people on both sides jumped the gun yesterday.
[xz@!! Wanted to change subject to say COULD HAVE BEEN working on Mid-Year Exam. Can't find the tool to do it.]
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