It's hard to hold Dake against Ruth. Could we look at team points scored during the Nationals to see who had the most positive impact? If not then all things being equal it seems like three titles should beat two. Also our present five champions are all on trajectory to eclipse DT and Ed Ruth (???!!!). Good Times!

It's not a matter of holding Dake against Ruth. It's simply stating the fact that Ruth did not have to deal with somebody like Dake. In Taylor's Sophomore, Junior and Senior years the only match he did not win by fall before the finals was the Semifinal match his senior year, which was a major decision.Obviously, he lost to Dake in the finals his junior year. Ed was dominant, but not that dominant. Ruth has one more championship but Taylor won two Hodge awards to zero for Ruth, and when they wrestled after college Taylor beat Ruth badly. I do understand the arguments for Ed. I just don't agree with them.