What, too complicated?So, Cassar is going to "add more muscle" while Steveson.... is only adding "maturity and whatever". LMFAO you PUTZ!
Your contention that freshmen improve the most between first and second years, which is a generally accepted perception and can be described as a maturity of the freshman, seems reasonable.
Your conclusion that Stevenson will, due to this wrestling maturity, surpass Cassar requires an assumption that relative to Stevenson's progression Cassar's is more stationary.
I pointed out that Cassar's stated plan is to add muscle, mass and strength. Using his usual weight of 225 to 230 from this year and picturing Cassar with an additional 20 to 25 pounds of additional weight next year that is added via good nutrition and power lifting strength training it is easy (at least for most) to understand Cassar's development curve will not be a relative flat line, but steeper than the usual upper classman.
When you are done laughing your ass off, know I do apologize. I believe understanding the point requires an elementary level of knowledge and I did not initially believe I was talking over your head, but as you pointed out I was. So I am sorry.