Gambling Addiction

... finally decided to get help tonight....

I don't drink or use drugs, but I have struggled with gambling for a long time now. Started today. Lots of prayer, please hold me up in prayer brothers.

Thanks. Delco.
Will keep you in my prayers. It takes courage to make the decision to get help. I wish you all the success in beating this.
... finally decided to get help tonight....

I don't drink or use drugs, but I have struggled with gambling for a long time now. Started today. Lots of prayer, please hold me up in prayer brothers.

Thanks. Delco.
Payers for you. Good luck. The way our society currently pushes gambling is doing you no favors. But the rewards for beating it are great. Glad you reached out for help.
... finally decided to get help tonight....

I don't drink or use drugs, but I have struggled with gambling for a long time now. Started today. Lots of prayer, please hold me up in prayer brothers.

Thanks. Delco.
I will add you to my prayer list. Please keep us up to date on your progress so we can encourage you to stay the course. 1 Peter 5: 6, 7
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... finally decided to get help tonight....

I don't drink or use drugs, but I have struggled with gambling for a long time now. Started today. Lots of prayer, please hold me up in prayer brothers.

Thanks. Delco.

You were very courageous to post and share your vulnerability here with your fellow Happy Valley Insiders. May you KNOW deeply inside that your life is and will be good without it.

"Crush it", we're not LIONHEARTED for nothing...
The Lion King GIF by Walt Disney Studios
... finally decided to get help tonight....

I don't drink or use drugs, but I have struggled with gambling for a long time now. Started today. Lots of prayer, please hold me up in prayer brothers.

Thanks. Delco.
Took a lot of courage to go public with this here. Brave move. The first step……admitting to the problem…..has been taken. You have already completed the next two…..confessing to friends and getting help. Great start down a difficult path.

Always remember we are here for you. Anytime you want help, let us know.
No, the guy is getting help and getting better…..douchebag
You realize my post was aimed at the arrogant and callous poster who said this in another thread about gambling? I understand addiction working in the field for almost 30 years so I see a lot of this attitude from people who think they’re better than “those” people until it happens to them or their family. Also, thinking someone ends up in the gutter from gambling or any other addiction is callous and not true. So you were saying who was a douchebag?
... finally decided to get help tonight....

I don't drink or use drugs, but I have struggled with gambling for a long time now. Started today. Lots of prayer, please hold me up in prayer brothers.

Thanks. Delco.
1. We admitted we were powerless over .......... — that our lives had become unmanageable.
Congratulations Delco on this first step! It took great courage, humility, and guts to admit you have a problem and need help and support. Just know you are not alone. Many of us struggle with addictions, and we take it one day at a time and rely on God (our higher power) to help us through. It's not easy, but its worth it. Please know by sharing this with us, you helped me and others with your honesty. Keep up the good work and take care of yourself.
Will keep you in my prayers. It takes courage to make the decision to get help. I wish you all the success in beating this.
My pop was addicted to the horses big time.We a
... finally decided to get help tonight....

I don't drink or use drugs, but I have struggled with gambling for a long time now. Started today. Lots of prayer, please hold me up in prayer brothers.

Thanks. Delco.
Wish you all the best.My pop had a thing for the horses.We almost lost our house because of it.

If anything good came out of it we kids saw the stark reality and stayed away from it.He did get better but all finances were handled by us. He found a way to circumvent us by switching cc balances.Cc companies tried to force us to cover his debts but we were able to tell them to F off.
It’s a shame there’s so much negativity in this thread when this poor guy obviously need some support with his issue. Most people have something. Some eat too much. Some smoke. Some drink too much and are closet alcoholics. Some smoke weed and it interferes with their lives. Some are addicted to pain pills. And most do nothing about it. At least Delco is doing something about it.

Agreed...though the line between "too much" and uncontrolled (as in addiction) can be blurry.

By the way, add porn to your list as well as disordered sexual behavior, both of which often become compulsive and are potentially as destructive as the other things you mention.

In our age of excess when gratification of every desire is felt to be a right and the means to achieve this readily at hand, addiction is a common phenomenon. That's why the rates of unhappiness, depression, neurosis, and self-destructive behavior are at historic highs.
Thanks everyone for the support. So far, day 2...and I am ok. One day at a time. Some think it's a cliche but I can verify it's real. Heading to my second meeting tonight....

Thanks everyone for the support. So far, day 2...and I am ok. One day at a time. Some think it's a cliche but I can verify it's real. Heading to my second meeting tonight....
🎶When it's not always raining🎵
🎵there will be days like this🎶

... finally decided to get help tonight....

I don't drink or use drugs, but I have struggled with gambling for a long time now. Started today. Lots of prayer, please hold me up in prayer brothers.

Thanks. Delco.
This post made me think of this song apply it to you Delco I wish you well. You’re not the only one. But you need to fight. Please. 🙏


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