Geez Penguins

Mister Magoo

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2001
If you're not gonna try any harder than that, you should have let the Bruins get in the playoffs
Bruins are where they belong. Watching.

And the Pens will be joining them shortly.
It has nothing to do with effort. It's now a matter of a depleted roster from the Penguin teams of 2007-2013. The 3rd and 4th lines won't scare anyone and the defense has been decimated with loss of free agents, Letang out for the playoffs, along with Matta and Ehrhoff.

This post was edited on 4/16 8:12 PM by GulfCoastLion

This post was edited on 4/16 8:14 PM by GulfCoastLion
Ha. Can't argue with that.

Lose to Florida and you don't deserve to get in. What did you think of Subban's slash on Stone? Can't believe he didn't get a few games for that.
Cyndi Crysby with the major much so that it breaks the

rangers stick and then they go on to score shortly thereafter. I'll raise a glass the night Buttman's team is eliminated.

Like the B1G, most of these contests are determined by the zebras.

This post was edited on 4/16 8:27 PM by Peetz Pool Boy
Didn't see it. Who's your pick for a breakout "star" in the B/W

game? I guess I won't be going. Don't like to miss it but my wife and I have been run down with all that we've had going on lately and we are going out to Dayton for my youngest's graduation in 2 weeks so she just wants to stay home...Latest weather forecast is for a nice day.

I'm thinking McSorley shows something. And I'm thinking Scott at RB shows some talent. Would be nice to see some DL kids shine, like White and Brown as we need to develop some playmakers there going forward. I was looking forward to seeing Thompkins, but he has been hurt somewhat so we may not even see him.
Thompkins And Curtis Cothran

Up. He spoke highly of Torrence Brown too.Scott didn't get a glowing report from Franklin. And, J. Thomas is dinged
Got better as game went along but that first one stung and forced them to run around for a period. I'm sure they'd want about 10 more of those minutes back the way they started to play.

Can't argue with Fleury's game at all. Even with the juicy rebound on that first one, Martin should have that man tied up.

Series aren't won or lost in the first game. Pens duct taped D held its own and role players were exactly what you'd want. They simply need 87 and 71 to put the puck on net more and it wouldn't hurt to draw more penalties (I've reffed every level of hockey from mites through juniors and still couldn't tell you what the hell the NHL defines as interference or roughing except that even their own refs probably couldn't tell you anymore).

This post was edited on 4/16 10:06 PM by VaNtyLion
The first goal is a microcosm of the season. Rebound kicked out to the slot and no one picks up the Ranger in the middle. Give aways in own zone, breakdowns defensively, lead to goals. Effort is there, but discipline is not.
Dumb post, even for you. Pens were undisciplined but 6 minors to 1? Yeah,

the zebra really have it out for NYR
Pens are reduced to putting all of their effort into trying to slow down the Rangers and hope they can be opportunistic and win a close game. Besides depth of talent which favors the Rangers, the huge difference between the teams is the word team. Rangers all play for each other and have a great mix of players. Pens not at all. They are waiting for the hammer to drop, again this summer. The captain is no captain and never was. Great players do not always make great captains. Pierre was driving me nuts foaming out of the mouth over Fleury all night because his all time favorite player in the world was being shut down. He didn't mention the winning goalie all night! Rangers sweep and Pens get blown up this summer.
Scott's CJF review may have more to do with assighments than ability

as a RB. Well find out tomorrow if he gets some carries and running room.....
71 was dominant in zone, especially in the third. Just couldn't get to the net.

This team just has too many bottom 6 (or even three) forwards. They lack a Neal/Nash/Hossa/Ovechkin type. They probably don't have a top 30 winger.
The mediocrity of the wings is an issue but they do have guys that give space to 87 and 71. Hornqvist has been an excellent pickup. Peron is just in a slump....talent is not his issue. Fixing that becomes mental

Comeau and Winnik are stopgaps that can prove beneficial in a 7 game series while playing up. In the end though, this scoring has been a problem for Sid/Geno going back a few years now.

The Rangers are great at getting in shooting lanes but this just gets worse when the Pens overpass the puck waiting for a better gap to open. They need to just plant someone in front and release the puck quicker before the D can get set. Lots of quick wrist shots and crashing the net.