“Penn State wins Tackle Hunger Challenge against Ohio State”
See the link below. From the article:
“UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — More than 10,000 Penn State alumni and friends rallied together last week to beat Ohio State in the Tackle Hunger Giving Challenge — and to raise $213,830 for students facing food insecurity.
“I’m thrilled that we won the challenge,” said Jenny Daigle Benoit, executive director of annual giving at Penn State. “It’s a demonstration of Penn Staters’ passion and pride, but most importantly, it’s a chance to support students facing personal obstacles.”
The Tackle Hunger Giving Challenge ran from midnight on Nov. 17 through 11:59 pm on Nov. 23, and put Penn State and Ohio State in a head-to-head competition to raise money for each school’s respective campus food pantries and food insecurity programs, which support students who lack access to a nutritious and affordable diet. Penn State won the challenge by capturing the greatest number of $5 gifts.”
I realize football is more important than hunger, but it’s something. Anyway, maybe Franklin can learn from this.