GOT Episode 7 (spoilers): Return of the...


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2014
Hound. And the Hound learns that nice guys do finish last, or at least get hung. But he does have an axe and can swing it. Guess Arya will have to kill him herself. Oh wait, if she doesn't die first. And did she stab herself? Maybe she needs to kill the girl. She doesn't seem the brightest. And where did she get the coins?

Good Lords or is it bad Lords, either way a Snow and Bolton do not a Stark make. Who did Sansa write the letter to for help? Littlefinger? Brienne? If not, Jon will make do with what he's got, which isn't much, but he does have a giant and a Red Wtich, er Priestess. Didn't work out so well last time.

Cersei and Jaime take a verbal drumming, while Margaery has a plan. I don't know what the plan is so someone needs to enlighten me. Theon has found himself? Maybe, but you can't find a girl with an ass like that on the Iron Islands. Nothing like a little girl on girl action before sailing to Dany. Where was Dany? And Ramsay? And Tyrion? Show is just not the same without them. So, a lot happened without much happening in a longer than previous episodes. This one was seemed rather weak, but setting the usual crazy episode 9.

My favorite line from Sansa: (paraphrase) So, now Davos is your trusted adviser because he secured 62 men and the whole bunch of Davos's poor history with Stannis. If Jon can't get er done, Sansa can, maybe?
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Could Sana be writing to the Queen of Thorns. The Tyrells have an army that isn't busy at the moment.

Great seeing the Hound back. And Braun.

Arya will be nursed by her new actress friend.
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Could Sana be writing to the Queen of Thorns. The Tyrells have an army that isn't busy at the moment.

Great seeing the Hound back. And Braun.

Arya will be nursed by her new actress friend.
Forgot about Braun. He didn't seem like his witty self in this episode. And the Sand Snakes are still MIA. Perhaps they are with Gendry.
"How many men did it take to cut you down"
"Just one"
"He must have been a real monster"

Also, Margery and the high sparrow talked about line of succession, I still think this is going to come up, with Cersei and Jaime set up to inherit the iron throne.
I'm thinking Sansa is reaching out to Littlefinger. At least that was my first thought. Glad to see the Hound back. Been thinking he was going to reappear at some point. Why would Arya just walk the streets in broad day light? Shouldn't she be hiding out somewhere?
Could Sana be writing to the Queen of Thorns. The Tyrells have an army that isn't busy at the moment.

Great seeing the Hound back. And Braun.

Arya will be nursed by her new actress friend.
Good guess on Sansa writing to Olenna for help. But it could also be Littlefinger. Also a good guess on Arya turning to her new actress friend for help. She didn't save the woman for nothing.

And isn't it "Bron," rather than "Braun?" Not certain, though.
Also, Margery and the high sparrow talked about line of succession, I still think this is going to come up, with Cersei and Jaime set up to inherit the iron throne.
I'm not buying, even for one second, that Margery swallowed that religious coolaid. I think she is plotting to take down the High Sparrow in a big way. And perhaps Tommen as well. She is not about to further legitimize him by giving him an heir.
I'm not buying, even for one second, that Margery swallowed that religious coolaid. I think she is plotting to take down the High Sparrow in a big way. And perhaps Tommen as well. She is not about to further legitimize him by giving him an heir.

I agree. She is definitely playing the High Sparrow, but is he playing her too? He always seems to come out on top. I'm sure it will end soon enough.
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IMO it was a 'set up' episode, laying the groundwork for what we will see in the next few episodes of season 6. But even for a 'set up' episode, I feel it was very weak.
1. The scenes with Ian McShane seem like they fell right out of an episode of LOST. Even the scenery looked like LOST. A group of mysterious outsiders who simply wanted to start a peaceful commune....

2. The dialogue between Jamie Lannister and Bronn used to be witty banter. But their dialogue last night seemed forced and contrived.

3. And Arya walking around the city in broad daylight was too idiotic to believe. She just spent the past few months being trained by the faceless assassins, she knows they have the ability to appear as anyone else, she knows they are killers, and she knows that little bitch has it out for her.... So what does she do? She takes a sight seeing stroll around the city, and lets her guard down to a mysterious old lady who appears from no where and approaches her.

I get set up episodes. I get that a series has to take a few episodes to lay the ground work for future episodes. Not all episodes can be action packed and full of stuff like "Hardhome" and "Hold the door". But even for a set up episode that was very weak.
IMO it was a 'set up' episode, laying the groundwork for what we will see in the next few episodes of season 6. But even for a 'set up' episode, I feel it was very weak.

3. And Arya walking around the city in broad daylight was too idiotic to believe. She just spent the past few months being trained by the faceless assassins, she knows they have the ability to appear as anyone else, she knows they are killers, and she knows that little bitch has it out for her.... So what does she do? She takes a sight seeing stroll around the city, and lets her guard down to a mysterious old lady who appears from no where and approaches her.

I get set up episodes. I get that a series has to take a few episodes to lay the ground work for future episodes. Not all episodes can be action packed and full of stuff like "Hardhome" and "Hold the door". But even for a set up episode that was very weak.

I disagree that it was weak, but that's just a personal feeling that's not worth debating.

I agree with the Arya portion - her actions don't make sense at all. One theory that I like is that it wasn't actually Arya. There are some logisitical issues with this - how did either Arya or the Faceless Men (perhaps testing the Waif) use Arya's face when she's alive? But if it's truly Arya - after showing her clearly understanding that she needs to be on alert by grabbing her sword and keeping it with her - just walking around the city sightseeing and talking to strangers....well that's just bad writing.
The Waif was told to not let her suffer. Me thinks the Waif is in for some trouble.
Yes, it was a setup episode but I thought the dialogues were great. Dialogue as much as action and surprise twists are what set this show apart from others. Ian McShane's dialogues, Margeary, Olenna with Cersei, Lyanna Mormont, Lord Glover.

I loved the cold opening before the credits feeling very un-GOT with happy music and smiling faces. It fit perfectly in that moment. And in GOT, you know happiness doesn't last..

I like the challenges that the Stark group are receiving. All points are very valid. He's a Snow and She's a Bolton. How many men have these houses lost in the past two wars, specifically the last one with Rob selfishly breaking his vow and marrying a commoner instead of a Frey? Sana's belief that everyone will rally to the name alone was optimistic at best and it's good for her to see that more effort and maneuvering is required. I think her letter is to Littlefinger.
Yes, it was a setup episode but I thought the dialogues were great. Dialogue as much as action and surprise twists are what set this show apart from others. Ian McShane's dialogues, Margeary, Olenna with Cersei, Lyanna Mormont, Lord Glover.

I loved the cold opening before the credits feeling very un-GOT with happy music and smiling faces. It fit perfectly in that moment. And in GOT, you know happiness doesn't last..

I like the challenges that the Stark group are receiving. All points are very valid. He's a Snow and She's a Bolton. How many men have these houses lost in the past two wars, specifically the last one with Rob selfishly breaking his vow and marrying a commoner instead of a Frey? Sana's belief that everyone will rally to the name alone was optimistic at best and it's good for her to see that more effort and maneuvering is required. I think her letter is to Littlefinger.

I agree. After the blistering pace of the first four episodes I like that we've returned to more deliberate and measured episodes which focus more on dialogue and setting our players up for bigger sequences to come.

Hope to comment more but for now can we just let Lyanna Mormont rule Westeros? She was such an unexpected treat!! Also, where is Melisandre? She left with Jon but I haven't seen her in any of his meetings. Is she with Brienne?
Could Sana be writing to the Queen of Thorns. The Tyrells have an army that isn't busy at the moment.

Good guess on Sansa writing to Olenna for help.
The Reach isn't going to help the North. Almost assuredly she wrote to Littlefinger, although, a character we haven't seen yet, Wyman Manderly (White Harbor) would be another guess if there was going to be one, but probably Littlefinger.
Also, where is Melisandre? She left with Jon but I haven't seen her in any of his meetings. Is she with Brienne?

Pure speculation, but I'm assuming she's with Jon and we'll see confrontation next week. The minute Davos mentioned that this is where Stannis chose to camp, made me wonder if Davos would find Shireen's sacrificial pyre (and perhaps the carved stag he gave her) and fireworks would go off.
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The Reach isn't going to help the North. Almost assuredly she wrote to Littlefinger, although, a character we haven't seen yet, Wyman Manderly (White Harbor) would be another guess if there was going to be one, but probably Littlefinger.

Didn't Sansa mention a raven had already been sent to the Manderlay's? That would lead me to believe she was writing to Littlefinger, though the emphasis on her direwolf seal sort of makes me think the letter is to someone who will notice the significance of it - or it was simply put there for effect.
The Reach isn't going to help the North. Almost assuredly she wrote to Littlefinger, although, a character we haven't seen yet, Wyman Manderly (White Harbor) would be another guess if there was going to be one, but probably Littlefinger.

This is a good reminder. Just because you may see every region in an episode doesn't mean A) they are easily accessible and B) they care about the other region in any way. More than anything, they value self-preservation. Also, it drives home how large the north is.
IMO it was a 'set up' episode, laying the groundwork for what we will see in the next few episodes of season 6. But even for a 'set up' episode, I feel it was very weak.
1. The scenes with Ian McShane seem like they fell right out of an episode of LOST. Even the scenery looked like LOST. A group of mysterious outsiders who simply wanted to start a peaceful commune....

2. The dialogue between Jamie Lannister and Bronn used to be witty banter. But their dialogue last night seemed forced and contrived.

3. And Arya walking around the city in broad daylight was too idiotic to believe. She just spent the past few months being trained by the faceless assassins, she knows they have the ability to appear as anyone else, she knows they are killers, and she knows that little bitch has it out for her.... So what does she do? She takes a sight seeing stroll around the city, and lets her guard down to a mysterious old lady who appears from no where and approaches her.

I get set up episodes. I get that a series has to take a few episodes to lay the ground work for future episodes. Not all episodes can be action packed and full of stuff like "Hardhome" and "Hold the door". But even for a set up episode that was very weak.
Good grief......some folks just can't be entertained.
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I agree. After the blistering pace of the first four episodes I like that we've returned to more deliberate and measured episodes which focus more on dialogue and setting our players up for bigger sequences to come.

Hope to comment more but for now can we just let Lyanna Mormont rule Westeros? She was such an unexpected treat!! Also, where is Melisandre? She left with Jon but I haven't seen her in any of his meetings. Is she with Brienne?
Lyanna? Was that the 10 year old? If so, she's a badass. That was hilarious.
Bringing the dead and apparent dead back into a storyline based on some outlandish or improbable occurrence is a cheap literary trick. What's next? Maybe Ned Stark will miraculously grow another head and rejoin the living. Its one thing to develop a clever plot based on probabilities, quite another to pull crap out of thin air and then say "what a genius am I."
Bringing the dead and apparent dead back into a storyline based on some outlandish or improbable occurrence is a cheap literary trick. What's next? Maybe Ned Stark will miraculously grow another head and rejoin the living. Its one thing to develop a clever plot based on probabilities, quite another to pull crap out of thin air and then say "what a genius am I."

Except in the ASOIAF/GOT universe, it is well established that there are 3 ways that dead isn't dead (i.e. not an outlandish/improbable occurrence):

1) Resurrection by the God of Light (this has happened multiple times, including to a major character in the books which didn't happen in the show)

2) Reanimation by "science" e.g. what Clyburn did to the Mountain

3) Undead/White Walkers/Whatever ColdHans is, which is apparently related to the natural magic of the children of the forest.

Your argument is like saying ghosts aren't real so Shakespeare was a hack for using them in MacBeth.
Good grief......some folks just can't be entertained.

If we can be critical of athletes. And we can be critical of Politicians. And we can be critical of reporters. And we can be critical of Police Officers. ...Then why can't we be critical of a TV show??? If you were geared up to watch the Supoer Bowl, or the BCS MNC Game, and the game turned out to be a real boring mistake filled game. Would you say "Well, I was entertained".
Ya seems pretty obvious Sansa is writing Littlefinger, atleast I think. My guess they will march to Winterfell with the men they have and will be badly out numbered, on the collapse of defeat the Knights of the Vale will swoop in and clean house. I'm not sure if Littlefinger will try to kill Jon and Sansa and claim north for himself or broker a alliance with them. My money is on him taking north for himself, if it goes this way.
I don't see the point in bringing The Hound back, unless he's mixed in with other storylines in the future. Just to much other things going on to introduce another story line. He's a well liked character so I'm sure people are happy but it takes time away from other storylines that are already to short as it is.
Did anyone else think the Arya scene seem very strange leading up to the stabbing? Why would she stroll around the city unarmed so confidently after betraying the deadliest assassins in world? She even knew she was marked for death. Her manners seemed very odd and how does she get two full bags of coin. Did she steal it?
Did anyone else think the Arya scene seem very strange leading up to the stabbing? Why would she stroll around the city unarmed so confidently after betraying the deadliest assassins in world? She even knew she was marked for death. Her manners seemed very odd and how does she get two full bags of coin. Did she steal it?

Ah.....maybe because its a TV show and not reality?
Did anyone else think the Arya scene seem very strange leading up to the stabbing? Why would she stroll around the city unarmed so confidently after betraying the deadliest assassins in world? She even knew she was marked for death. Her manners seemed very odd and how does she get two full bags of coin. Did she steal it?

My guess is that was not Arya.
Did anyone else think the Arya scene seem very strange leading up to the stabbing? Why would she stroll around the city unarmed so confidently after betraying the deadliest assassins in world? She even knew she was marked for death. Her manners seemed very odd and how does she get two full bags of coin. Did she steal it?
I think she got caught looking at Bravos for one last time and let down her guard. She was transfixed on the view, probably thinking that this would be last time so goodbye Bravos.
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Writing to Little Finger is so obvious. I think it must be somebody else. Sansa was chubby with the Queen of Thorns at Kings Landing and the Tyrells sort of owe her for warning them about Joffrey's proclivities.
  1. The Arya scene will turn out to be a dream.

Or it wasn't Ayra. It was jaquin with Ayras face. It may have been a test for the waif. Clearly she wanted Ayra to "suffer" even though it went against her instructions from jaquin. Just a guess.
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