One other storyline everyone seems to be forgetting in this thread is the Brienne - Jamie Lannister reunion. How it immediately affects Blackfish vs. Lannister/Frey, and then how it affects Blackfish moving to help Sansa/Jon Snow.
Looking at the preview clip for episode 8, it is obvious Brienne finds Jamie and they talk. There are shots of Brienne and Jamie talking in the midst of Lannister's army. We know these two are friends/allies, and we know Jamie likes Brienne in a very respectful way.....
My prediction is that Brienne convinces Jamie to let her talk to Blackfish, because if she can talk to Blackfish she can find a way out if this siege with no one having to die. She'll tell Jamie that if she can talk to Blackfish, she can maybe convince him that his more important battle is to leave the castle, and take his army to help Sansa/Jon Snow.
I'm almost certain this part will happen. Jamie will let Brienne talk with Blackfish. The next part is unpredictable. When Brienne talks with Blackfish, will she be able to convince him to take his army to help Sansa & Jon? Hearing the plan, and hearing Sansa is alive and her whereabouts are known, will Jamie be cool with just turning the other cheek? Remember, Cersie still has it in to kill Sansa because she thinks Sansa was complicit with killing Joffrie. Jamie seemed like he was cool with just letting Sansa go free, but he also is loyal to Cersie. Assuming Jamie is cool with Brienne providing the out, so that none of his men have to die and/or take part in a long & ugly siege, and that Blackfish agrees to leave with Brienne, then what does Jamie do with his army?? It seems very anti-climactic for Jamie to just get on his horse and take his army back to Kings Landing.
Looking at the preview clip for episode 8, it is obvious Brienne finds Jamie and they talk. There are shots of Brienne and Jamie talking in the midst of Lannister's army. We know these two are friends/allies, and we know Jamie likes Brienne in a very respectful way.....
My prediction is that Brienne convinces Jamie to let her talk to Blackfish, because if she can talk to Blackfish she can find a way out if this siege with no one having to die. She'll tell Jamie that if she can talk to Blackfish, she can maybe convince him that his more important battle is to leave the castle, and take his army to help Sansa/Jon Snow.
I'm almost certain this part will happen. Jamie will let Brienne talk with Blackfish. The next part is unpredictable. When Brienne talks with Blackfish, will she be able to convince him to take his army to help Sansa & Jon? Hearing the plan, and hearing Sansa is alive and her whereabouts are known, will Jamie be cool with just turning the other cheek? Remember, Cersie still has it in to kill Sansa because she thinks Sansa was complicit with killing Joffrie. Jamie seemed like he was cool with just letting Sansa go free, but he also is loyal to Cersie. Assuming Jamie is cool with Brienne providing the out, so that none of his men have to die and/or take part in a long & ugly siege, and that Blackfish agrees to leave with Brienne, then what does Jamie do with his army?? It seems very anti-climactic for Jamie to just get on his horse and take his army back to Kings Landing.