I like the first part about Ida Fuller. She paid in a total of $22, her first monthly check was $22.54, and her total lifetime benefits were $20,000. The SS tax rate was 1.0% back then vs. 12.4% today.
Medicare has $37 trillion of unfunded liabilities. The trustees say that the hospital insurance fund will be depleted in 2026. So what have our legislators done to deal with this? They added Part D benefits, stole $700b from the trust fund to help pay for Obamacare, substantially lowered Medicaid eligibility requirements, eliminated the donut hole, and now are promising more coverage for all including non citizens. As Yakov Smirnoff says "What a Country!".
Medicare has $37 trillion of unfunded liabilities. The trustees say that the hospital insurance fund will be depleted in 2026. So what have our legislators done to deal with this? They added Part D benefits, stole $700b from the trust fund to help pay for Obamacare, substantially lowered Medicaid eligibility requirements, eliminated the donut hole, and now are promising more coverage for all including non citizens. As Yakov Smirnoff says "What a Country!".