" She was last seen near her Park LaBrea area apartment on the Friday evening of October 7, 1949.
Over that weekend, a Griffith Park Ranger found a purse near the entrance to Ferndell. Inside was Spangler's ID, and also a cryptic note addressed to someone named Kirk.
"Kirk: Can't wait any longer," it began. "Going to see Dr. Scott. It will work best this way while mother is away."
Perhaps it was written in a hurry. It was not signed.
"Well, The supposition was that she was pregnant by this Kirk and that she was going to have an abortion," said Hamilton. One acquaintance said Spangler was coming to the end of the first trimester.
The most famous Kirk then in Hollywood was the actor Kirk Douglas, who had just finished
filming, "Young Man with a Horn," in which Spangler had a small role.