Happy 4.09 day everyone. Never forget.

Great memory-the stub for the game is worth a lot of money on Ebay.
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Who could have foreseen the sadness that would begin a mere week later? In your wildest dreams you couldn't conjure it up.
I have my 409 magnet on my car still. Those who know appreciate it. The rest think I'm a cleaning product salesman
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My daughter was in that student section. She said it was one of the most amazing things she's ever been part of.

Never forget. 4.09.
Went to the book store on College when I was back for Parents' Weekend a week ago, and bought a bunch of PSU swag, including a sticker that simply says "JVP." Looking forward to driving around the Bay Area with that on the back window of my car. I like that kind of swag simply because it is a bit more subtle. I figure that if someone knows what JVP stands for, THAT is the kind of person with whom I want to have a conversation. Also got a "Happy Valley" tee shirt. A section of the town I live in (Lafayette, CA) is actually known as Happy Valley, so I look forward to telling the curious and mistaken that there is really only one Happy Valley.
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I have JVP 409 as my license plate. Got it about 2 months after the Freeh Repor....errr.... Opinion piece.

Those who know.....know.

My wife and I still have JVP and 409 magnets on our cars, and I still have several Joe and 409 T-shirts in the regular rotation. :)
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My wife and I were at the 409 game. We sat around the 35 yard line towards the southwest corner of the stadium. So we had a great view of the doinked field goal. Seeing the students congregate behind the end zone was really cool.

I don't know if we have ticket stubs from the game. 2011 wasn't the Stone Age, and we were buying tickets online by then. We may have printed our tickets for that game.
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I have JVP 409 as my license plate. Got it about 2 months after the Freeh Repor....errr.... Opinion piece.

Those who know.....know.
So you're the one! I tried for JVP409 and it was taken. Same with 409JVP, JOEPA409, 409JOEPA, JOE409PA, etc. Finally was able to secure 409PSU. Wanna trade? :>
I changed offices at work last week. The room number
of my new office - 409.
Just a suggestion. Clean your new office and desk with the following cleaner:

I was on a local Bay Area freeway the other day, and a guy passed me on the left. I noticed that his (California) license plate said "I [heart symbol] JoePa" I caught up and almost ran into him, gesticulating my approval (thumbs up and pointing to the rear of his car). He probably thought I was certifiable.