You college coaches, I know you're watching, and you need to get your shit together and put accurate line-ups in for Wrestling Notes. You're screwing up a good game. Don't give me that crap about injuries. You know darn well that the guy in a body cast on Tuesday isn't going to be wrestling on Friday. He isn't "down in the room working out," it isn't "up to him." He's injured, and won't be wrestling. Quite screwing up our little game.
Oh, and you KYPSW players aren't off the hook here. Not putting who the match is against? Unacceptable. And, the nicknames. Oh, the nicknames. Yes, I understand they can be cute and funny - in other discussions. But, they don't compute as I'm entering picks in the spreadsheet. AB? CarStar? CStar? Yes, I know who they are. That doesn't mean it doesn't trip me up as I'm quickly entering data. And, let's not forget years past, when we had Raptor, and even UPS.
Then, let's not forget this beauty...Miller DEC Shunk, Shunk DEC Miller. How is that going to happen? They bang heads in the middle of the match, fall down simultaneously, and the match ends? I know, that's still not a DEC, but you get my point. (Sorry, CVan, couldn't resist. Oh, the nicknames.)
Am I doing this right?