I just received this e-mail from the CEO of my college fraternity. (I hope it comes through, as stuff I receive via e-mail sometimes does not when I try to copy and paste it here.) It indicates that Harvard University is taking punitive action against any Harvard students who join fraternities, sororities or single sex social organizations. This seems like an infringement of students' First Amendment free association rights and/or a violation of Title IX.. I wonder if it will stand a court challenge.
Have any other fraternity members out there received a similar notice? I am assuming that many, if not most, National Intrafraternity Conference (NIC) fraternities have sent (or will send) a similar notice to their members. They have apparently formed a website (standuptoharvard.org) as part of their campaign.
Dear ________:
Our right to brotherhood is in jeopardy!
Today, Pi Kappa Phi stands in support of a group of sororities, fraternities and students who filed a pair of lawsuits challenging Harvard’s sanctions policy that punishes students who join off-campus, single-sex social organizations. Even though we do not have a chapter at this specific school, it is critical that we stand together to protect members’ right to shape their own leadership and social paths.
Before Harvard announced its policy, one in four undergraduates belonged to sororities, fraternities or all-women’s or all-men’s final clubs—opportunities protected by Title IX and the First Amendment. Starting this fall, members of our organizations are, in a word, blacklisted—stripped of opportunities to hold leadership roles in Harvard organizations and athletic teams and to obtain post-graduate fellowships and scholarships influenced or controlled by Harvard.
We can’t sit back and allow Harvard to set a precedent that could be followed by others. This policy blatantly infringes on the rights of Harvard students.
We need you! Share our social media posts to add your voice to the support as we #StandUpToHarvard
Learn more at standuptoharvard.org
Chief Executive Officer
Have any other fraternity members out there received a similar notice? I am assuming that many, if not most, National Intrafraternity Conference (NIC) fraternities have sent (or will send) a similar notice to their members. They have apparently formed a website (standuptoharvard.org) as part of their campaign.
Dear ________:
Our right to brotherhood is in jeopardy!
Today, Pi Kappa Phi stands in support of a group of sororities, fraternities and students who filed a pair of lawsuits challenging Harvard’s sanctions policy that punishes students who join off-campus, single-sex social organizations. Even though we do not have a chapter at this specific school, it is critical that we stand together to protect members’ right to shape their own leadership and social paths.
Before Harvard announced its policy, one in four undergraduates belonged to sororities, fraternities or all-women’s or all-men’s final clubs—opportunities protected by Title IX and the First Amendment. Starting this fall, members of our organizations are, in a word, blacklisted—stripped of opportunities to hold leadership roles in Harvard organizations and athletic teams and to obtain post-graduate fellowships and scholarships influenced or controlled by Harvard.
We can’t sit back and allow Harvard to set a precedent that could be followed by others. This policy blatantly infringes on the rights of Harvard students.
We need you! Share our social media posts to add your voice to the support as we #StandUpToHarvard
Learn more at standuptoharvard.org

Chief Executive Officer
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