Uh Oh. That can't be. Can't possibly be. Looks like there's clearly black privilege. Clearly. I'm feeling micro-aggressed.
Roland G. Fryer Jr. is an economics professor at Harvard. Distressed by what he was seeing in the treatment of black men like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, Fryer commissioned a study on how the role race play in the use of lethal force by police.
The study examined more than 1,000 police shootings from 10 large police departments in California, Florida and Texas.
The results? Not what Black Lives Matter would have you believe. The study found no indication of racial bias associated with incidents in which cops fired their guns.
The study concluded that police officers who had not been attacked were more likely to shoot white suspects. This goes completely against the mythology.
Roland G. Fryer Jr. is an economics professor at Harvard. Distressed by what he was seeing in the treatment of black men like Michael Brown and Freddie Gray, Fryer commissioned a study on how the role race play in the use of lethal force by police.
The study examined more than 1,000 police shootings from 10 large police departments in California, Florida and Texas.
The results? Not what Black Lives Matter would have you believe. The study found no indication of racial bias associated with incidents in which cops fired their guns.
The study concluded that police officers who had not been attacked were more likely to shoot white suspects. This goes completely against the mythology.