Has anyone tried the high alkaline/low acid diet of Tom Braqdy?

The Spin Meister

Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Nov 27, 2012
An altered state
He credits this diet for his ability to stay healthy and for his longevity. Some of it seems good but some is a bit out there, IMO.

No tomatoes or peppers? Ugghhhhh!!!

The quarterback eats 80 percent vegetables and whole grains, and 20 percent fish and lean meats, such as certain cuts of steak and duck. He doesn’t touch sugar, white flour or nightshade fruits and vegetables, which include tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, potatoes and certain berries. Fat comes from extra virgin olive oil on raw foods, and coconut oil on cooked foods.
This is a highly recommended diet for those who are battling cancer. The general idea is that cancer feeds on acid and can be starved off if it is greatly reduced or limited. There is also a direct correlation between high acid and sugar intake and many aliments, including obesity, high BP, diabetes and several cancers.

IMO, it's easy for someone like Tom Brady to follow such a regimented diet because he can pay someone to do the shopping, cook the meals, etc. In other words, he doesn't have to think much about it. The average Joe would fail because learning a new habit is difficult, and it's nearly impossible to stay away from every bad thing. Oh, by the way, that includes alcohol!
He credits this diet for his ability to stay healthy and for his longevity. Some of it seems good but some is a bit out there, IMO.

No tomatoes or peppers? Ugghhhhh!!!

The quarterback eats 80 percent vegetables and whole grains, and 20 percent fish and lean meats, such as certain cuts of steak and duck. He doesn’t touch sugar, white flour or nightshade fruits and vegetables, which include tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, potatoes and certain berries. Fat comes from extra virgin olive oil on raw foods, and coconut oil on cooked foods.
Much more prone to believing his career has lasted longer, due to his great offensive lines.
He credits this diet for his ability to stay healthy and for his longevity. Some of it seems good but some is a bit out there, IMO.

No tomatoes or peppers? Ugghhhhh!!!

The quarterback eats 80 percent vegetables and whole grains, and 20 percent fish and lean meats, such as certain cuts of steak and duck. He doesn’t touch sugar, white flour or nightshade fruits and vegetables, which include tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, potatoes and certain berries. Fat comes from extra virgin olive oil on raw foods, and coconut oil on cooked foods.

Ir sounds like his prostate will be the size of a deflated football by the time he hits his mid 50s.
This is a highly recommended diet for those who are battling cancer. The general idea is that cancer feeds on acid and can be starved off if it is greatly reduced or limited. There is also a direct correlation between high acid and sugar intake and many aliments, including obesity, high BP, diabetes and several cancers.

IMO, it's easy for someone like Tom Brady to follow such a regimented diet because he can pay someone to do the shopping, cook the meals, etc. In other words, he doesn't have to think much about it. The average Joe would fail because learning a new habit is difficult, and it's nearly impossible to stay away from every bad thing. Oh, by the way, that includes alcohol!
I had heard that about cancer before. Never heard that this was good for everyone.

Certainly easier when you have people do all the prep work for ya. Makes it much harder to cheat too.

I have made some major changes in the past year and it seems to have helped. Cut out all dairy and most grains...very little wheat at all. Eat a lot of fruit and veggies and an assortment of nuts every day. Lost some weight and generally feel better.
The quarterback eats 80 percent vegetables and whole grains, and 20 percent fish and lean meats, such as certain cuts of steak and duck.

Aside from the beak and webbed-feet, what part of a duck is "lean". I've always found duck to be so "oily" that it affected the taste.....kind of like dark turkey meat.
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The average Joe would fail because learning a new habit is difficult, and it's nearly impossible to stay away from every bad thing. Oh, by the way, that includes alcohol!

Not to mention that these special diets typically exclude some of the more economical grocery items, which makes the groceries cost more. So, at least at first, you are hungry, grumpy, broke, sober, and can't seek out any of your go to comfort foods. I don't think I could do this without someone preparing every meal for me and an armed guard to keep me honest.
Want to blow your mind? Google what the Dutch eat. Lots of milk, yogurt, cheese, bread, and they're the tallest people in the world and have no problem with obesity. Donut sprinkles on bread is a popular child's breakfast. Mediterranean diet? Can you imagine people in the Mediterranean not eating tomatoes? They eat lots of legumes too, another food group that a lot of people think is just as bad as the nightshades.

I think Tom Brady has been so healthy because he has good genes first and foremost, is rich and so like others have said can afford personal chefs to prepare healthy meals, and because he exercises a lot. Many people simply don't move enough. They're too sedentary.

That's my two cents. FWIW.
Life is certainly hard enough without eating crap like Kale. I'll leave that to others.

And not to pick on someone here, but I am totally opposed to any guy saying "veggies". Drives me nuts
Base a diet on macronutrient proportions and calories, not this acid / akalinity stuff.
He credits this diet for his ability to stay healthy and for his longevity. Some of it seems good but some is a bit out there, IMO.

No tomatoes or peppers? Ugghhhhh!!!

The quarterback eats 80 percent vegetables and whole grains, and 20 percent fish and lean meats, such as certain cuts of steak and duck. He doesn’t touch sugar, white flour or nightshade fruits and vegetables, which include tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, potatoes and certain berries. Fat comes from extra virgin olive oil on raw foods, and coconut oil on cooked foods.

As others have noted about cancer, it is a good diet, but regarding the benefit for your diet in general.
- Cancer, supposedly cannot grow in an alkaline environment, therefore, keeping your body with a basic pH should prevent cancer from developing
- General Inflammation is apparently always present with cancer. I have not found if there is evidence of causation vs correlation.

The theory is that cancer is something that develops largely due to a "sick environment" (ie low pH, inflamed body) so addressing these two things will keep your body healthy. I have a family friend who is a bit older & has become a natural health nut. She swears by a few things, that I have read a good bit on as I have a general body inflammation issue (back muscles, sinuses, who knows what else). She has questioned docs about this stuff and "officially" they cannot endorse b/c of malpractice suits, but some have basically said these 3 things will dramatically reduce the instances of cancer.

Turmeric circumin- you can buy capsules. I take everyday and my sinuses no longer are inflamed and back is much better
ginger - you can also buy capsules
a glass of lemon water with Himalayan sea salt each morning when you wake up. This will remove toxins and balance pH. You can read on that here

So for Tom Brady's longevity, the theory is that an alkaline diet promotes a healthy body which allows everything to function as it should, whether it be the brain, nervous, blood, immune systems. These systems working at top capacity will prevent illness, speed healing, etc.

That said, playing 25% fewer regular season games a year will also increase your longevity!
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That said, playing 25% fewer regular season games a year will also increase your longevity!
I haven't played since 9th grade so I'm gonna live a loooooong time. Well, apparently if I cut down on my consumption of acid (with the exception of lemon water) and ensure my salt intake is from the Himalayas. Screw it. As Freddy said, who wants to live forever?
As others have noted about cancer, it is a good diet, but regarding the benefit for your diet in general.
- Cancer, supposedly cannot grow in an alkaline environment, therefore, keeping your body with a basic pH should prevent cancer from developing
- General Inflammation is apparently always present with cancer. I have not found if there is evidence of causation vs correlation.

The theory is that cancer is something that develops largely due to a "sick environment" (ie low pH, inflamed body) so addressing these two things will keep your body healthy. I have a family friend who is a bit older & has become a natural health nut. She swears by a few things, that I have read a good bit on as I have a general body inflammation issue (back muscles, sinuses, who knows what else). She has questioned docs about this stuff and "officially" they cannot endorse b/c of malpractice suits, but some have basically said these 3 things will dramatically reduce the instances of cancer.

Turmeric circumin- you can buy capsules. I take everyday and my sinuses no longer are inflamed and back is much better
ginger - you can also buy capsules
a glass of lemon water with Himalayan sea salt each morning when you wake up. This will remove toxins and balance pH. You can read on that here

So for Tom Brady's longevity, the theory is that an alkaline diet promotes a healthy body which allows everything to function as it should, whether it be the brain, nervous, blood, immune systems. These systems working at top capacity will prevent illness, speed healing, etc.

That said, playing 25% fewer regular season games a year will also increase your longevity!

Thanks, nice to hear that someone studied it, tried it, and benefited from it.

Nutrition is a very complicated issue that is extremely difficult for even experts to study and refine. So many conflicting ideas. Worse what is 'good' one year will be vilified the next and vice versa.

I have seen the Dr that wrote Eat Fat Get Thin and tried a few of his suggestions. Certainly saw improvements. Always looking to see what is out there and improve.
Best thing I did was stop drinking drinks with sugar in it. You do get used to it (to the point where when I took a break and had some lemonade yesterday, it was almost too sweet for me). Dropped ca 20-25 lbs with that and cutting back on desserts and carbs. I snack with nuts instead of chips and preztels (mostly)--and the cholesterol is now under control too. Surprised me.

Thanks, nice to hear that someone studied it, tried it, and benefited from it.

Nutrition is a very complicated issue that is extremely difficult for even experts to study and refine. So many conflicting ideas. Worse what is 'good' one year will be vilified the next and vice versa.

I have seen the Dr that wrote Eat Fat Get Thin and tried a few of his suggestions. Certainly saw improvements. Always looking to see what is out there and improve.

I have been a big believer in keto and a ketogenic way of eating, for many reasons. Would definitely recommend researching it.
I have been a big believer in keto and a ketogenic way of eating, for many reasons. Would definitely recommend researching it.

Sorry to drag actual physiology into it, but diet pH diet does not matter.
1) body pH is very tighly regulated: a little too acid, a little too base, one dies.
2) the stomach is full of acid and the contents of small intestine, pancreas and biliary excretion are alkaline, so it all washes out.

I remember looking at the report on CsCl for cancer with one of my pts (I'm an oncologist): it was based on a single cell line study in anEastern European journal of biology that was nonsense,
I have been a big believer in keto and a ketogenic way of eating, for many reasons. Would definitely recommend researching it.

I think the sucess of ketogenic diets has more to do with insulin and glucagon levels and subsequent anabolic or catabolic state, little with pH since our body in such asmall range anyway. And I'm a believer in ketogenic approach - like the Warrior Diet myself.
I think the sucess of ketogenic diets has more to do with insulin and glucagon levels and subsequent anabolic or catabolic state, little with pH since our body in such asmall range anyway. And I'm a believer in ketogenic approach - like the Warrior Diet myself.

Agree completely, was responding specifically to TSM's post.
As someone who recently lost well north of 200 pounds in 10 months through diet & exercise.....I can say that at the end of the day, you need to burn more calories than you consume. Whatever diet gets you there is the best one, whether it's keto, warrior, paleo, etc. Motivation, and more importantly consistency & dedication to learning/making healthy choices is what will see you through in the long run.
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As someone who recently lost well north of 200 pounds in 10 months through diet & exercise.....I can say that at the end of the day, you need to burn more calories than you consume. Whatever diet gets you there is the best one, whether it's keto, warrior, paleo, etc. Motivation, and more importantly consistency & dedication to learning/making healthy choices is what will see you through in the long run.

Absolutely. It's a math equation for sure no matter what you choose. And my goodness, congratulations on your weight loss. Have you reached your goal or still going? You must feel like a different person.

I've found the theory, science, and results from my own experience with a ketogenic diet (in weight control, energy level, and lab tests) to be fascinating and effective. Such a counterintuitive way to approach food and energy.
Absolutely. It's a math equation for sure no matter what you choose. And my goodness, congratulations on your weight loss. Have you reached your goal or still going? You must feel like a different person.

I've found the theory, science, and results from my own experience with a ketogenic diet (in weight control, energy level, and lab tests) to be fascinating and effective. Such a counterintuitive way to approach food and energy.

Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I've reached/eclipsed my goal. Can't say my methods were advisable because they've led to problems in the opposite direction. I had to do it "my way" or I wouldn't have done it. But, life has totally changed, I'm adjusting, and each day I keep finding more of "normal"....whatever that is.

I don't feel like a new person. I'm still "me" in every way (except for physical size). I try not to think of it in terms of how good I feel now or how bad I felt then. Life is life, and you've got to keep going no matter what.